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Racking My Brain To Make A Nerf Rifle

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#1 Necrose



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Posted 02 December 2010 - 04:49 PM

no pictures on what i have done right now sorry, no camera and my phone needs an external memory card to get pictures off it.

I'm working on making a homemade Nerf rifle, for streamlines and stefans due to how i made the barrel.
-I took one of the barrel tubes from the long shot and shoved a buzzbee shell with the back removed into it, taped it up a bit so it would fit into the buzzbee lever action rifle (i forget the actual name at the moment) and put the barrel back together without the shell ejector in there due to lack of room. I still have all of the parts for the two rifles I took apart; one I got a the shell I took the back off stuck in with another one. The other i had cut the tube for the air to get to the dart chamber. The barrel of the latter is the one I'm using for this. -The reason I need an internal magazine is because I'm basing this Nerf rifle off of the M1 Garand.
-Before you comment on COD I've never played that game series, heard about it, looked it up and read about it, but never played it.-
I'm going to use a wooden frame with plastic and metal internal parts. this is still in the thought stage, I have some of the parts set, I can get part of the shell ready today, -the front grip is going to be the front grip of the buzz bee lever action rifle I got the barrel from-
I have the spring the dart platform for the internal magazine, what i need is how to get the air to the dart and how to set up the trigger and catch to release the air flow.
I think I'll use a plunger system so i can put that inside the shell.
The way I plan on putting the dart into the shell i shoved into the long shot barrel tube -forgot to mention earlier it's from the front gun's extension for the main gun, it pokes out of the barrel "shell" by about 1/4 inch- is by having the M1 Garand's magazine slide have a tube -probably a breech- to push the dart into the buzz bee dart shell. now the real problem is to find a way to cock the thing that will be efficient. I've thought about priming it like a night finder but that would be awkward, and I've considered using a air tank, while that would make it be semi auto it wouldn't look quite right. So it would have to be an internal plunger system.

In a nutshell;
-I have started on this project, this is not an idea thread, I just need some help with some key features stated in the above (the plunger system, how to prime it and how to effectively get the air to the darts).
-Pictures will be added when i take them, no promises on due dates but most likely people will want to see what I'm doing.
Other notes:
- I need some help with how to get the magazine to keep the darts in while i load, reload, or just move to the next shot without ruining the look.
-any help would be appreciated.
-I have searched the forums before posting this, no help with any of the details listed.
-I'm building this from scratch and spare parts, meaning just about whatever i have on hand.
-if the mods close this, I'm still going to keep building, just with a more crude outcome most likely.
okay so this is what i want it too resemble, for those who don't really know what a M1 Garand looks like. I actually got this idea from this gun called
This machine from fallout new vegas. rather fun really.

I'll get to posting what I got done later when i have access to a camera

Edited by Necrose, 06 January 2011 - 12:10 PM.

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...and so it begins.

#2 Talio


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Posted 02 December 2010 - 05:13 PM

Your best bet is to give up. This is what I call a crazy shit idea. If you can pull it off it would probably be cool, but at the same time, no one is going to help you with this because no one has done it.
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#3 Whisper101



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Posted 02 December 2010 - 05:24 PM

That seems to be a fairly defeatist attitude Talio! Besides, isn't that what nerfing is partly about; taking a crazy shit idea and making it work? I'd like to see some pics, and I don't that that just because nobody has done it means that nobody will help. Yes, this is a far out idea, but so is almost everyting progressive. With pics and a clearer description, you'll better your chances at leatrs of getting some input.
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#4 Talio


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Posted 02 December 2010 - 05:31 PM

Then you help him. Beat your head against a wall for two weeks with this guy before he realizes it's a pointless idea and buys a pumpbow like the rest of us.
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#5 NerfGeek416



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Posted 02 December 2010 - 05:44 PM

So if I understand this right, this is a cosmetic mod only? If so, vinyl tubing would work extremely well, if it could be done internally.
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#6 wohnson89



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Posted 02 December 2010 - 07:24 PM

Just look up some stuff that Boltsniper has done. His guns just pop into my mind when I think of guns like the M1. But if you build it paint it pink or bright orange.

Also, don't get to far in-front of your modding level. I tried that when I first started and ruined lots of guns, and from the looks of this,


The way I plan on putting the dart into the shell i shoved into the lonshot barrel tube -forgot to mention earlier it's from the front gun's extention for the main gun[/code]

You're still using stock barrels so you must not have grasped the concept of PETG, Brass, or even CPVC. I wish you the best of luck with this, but don't try to be an overachiever, start out simple.
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#7 utahnerf



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Posted 02 December 2010 - 08:51 PM

Sounds like a pretty tough idea. Hope this goes well!
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#8 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 02 December 2010 - 09:46 PM

Talio, on Dec 2 2010, 04:31 PM, said:

Then you help him. Beat your head against a wall for two weeks with this guy before he realizes it's a pointless idea and buys a pumpbow like the rest of us.

That should really be in the CoC or something. Not that anyone would read it.
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#9 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 12:33 AM

Well, the best way to go about this would be to move forward with your existing build while completely abandoning your plan to make it resemble any real gun. The plunger system requires extreme speed and length if is to have any decent power within the narrow profile of a rifle.
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#10 Necrose



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 11:29 AM

KaneTheMediocre, on Dec 2 2010, 09:33 PM, said:

Well, the best way to go about this would be to move forward with your existing build while completely abandoning your plan to make it resemble any real gun. The plunger system requires extreme speed and length if is to have any decent power within the narrow profile of a rifle.

or i could extend the body, the shell for the grip i have has a cavity for the plunger tube for it's original complete shell, just cut and sand down a few things and a longer plunger tube can fit and the plunger head wouldn't be able to leave the tube.



You're still using stock barrels so you must not have grasped the concept of PETG, Brass, or even CPVC. I wish you the best of luck with this, but don't try to be an overachiever, start out simple.

nah just don't have the cash to buy any other materials at the moment, like said in the original post, I'm mostly using what i have on hand.

Edit2: I've got it! if i use some thing walled pluming pipe, the external diameter that fits into the buzz bee dart shell and the same internal diameter of the thin end, i could make a breech that would fit into to the place for the clip perfectly... I really should be doing this at my moms, as most of my resources are there.

Edited by Necrose, 03 December 2010 - 12:04 PM.

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...and so it begins.

#11 Salindin Naz

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 12:04 PM

The closest thing I can think of (and easiest) would be to use that silly little Buzz Bee Hunter gun. It would be more like a Kar or Springfield but at least that would give you a good base to start with. The only problem is the hunter is bolt action, and has no clip, not exactly an M1 but that shell is kinda close. I've never worked with the Hunter though, so it may be that I just made a totally useless post... That and it wouldn't be just what you're trying to do. Hope it helps somehow though.


EDIT-- Sorry my glasses just broke and I had to read your post again...What NerfGeek said would prolly be the best bet for air delivery, airline tubing.

Edited by Salindin_Naz, 03 December 2010 - 12:06 PM.

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#12 Necrose



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 12:21 PM

Salindin_Naz, on Dec 3 2010, 09:04 AM, said:

The closest thing I can think of (and easiest) would be to use that silly little Buzz Bee Hunter gun. It would be more like a Kar or Springfield but at least that would give you a good base to start with. The only problem is the hunter is bolt action, and has no clip, not exactly an M1 but that shell is kinda close. I've never worked with the Hunter though, so it may be that I just made a totally useless post... That and it wouldn't be just what you're trying to do. Hope it helps somehow though.


EDIT-- Sorry my glasses just broke and I had to read your post again...What NerfGeek said would prolly be the best bet for air delivery, airline tubing.

it does, thanks, the internals will help with my problem of figuring out how to get it to cock the gun effectively.
edit1:now if only i could see the entire set of internals for it, as there isn't one in the directory for gun internals
edit2: i'll probably have to make the body a bit thicker, and a bit more blocky. if i do what buzzbe did with the hunter, i'd make the slide a bit longer and add a bar to the slide, still wondering where i would attach the tubing to what point on the gun though, as i'm going to have to mode the barrel a bit more, cutting it down to the dart shell i shoved into it. then attatching some pipe to house the piece that would connect to the vynel tubing. or i could run it along the out side and connect it to the back of the slide. so many options so few resources...
edit 3:picture of what i'm referancing here
Edit4: If anyone wants to try their hand at this themselves go ahead, most of you people are several hundred times more talented at this stuff than me. So by all means go and try your hands at this... Wow why didn't i think of that before! The cover for the internal magazine and the cocking mechanism can be seperate functions! Gods i'm oblivious. I'll have to use a rod to attach the barrel parts and the shell it's attached to to the rest of the body. yeah i'm definantly going to get to work once i'm at my moms house. i have alot of parts over there i havn't used yet.

Edited by Necrose, 03 December 2010 - 01:21 PM.

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...and so it begins.

#13 Draconis


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 03:22 PM

You know, the Buzzbee Hunter rifle works an awful lot like this. You might want to look at it for inspiration.
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#14 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 03:47 PM

Necrose, on Dec 3 2010, 08:29 AM, said:

KaneTheMediocre, on Dec 2 2010, 09:33 PM, said:

Well, the best way to go about this would be to move forward with your existing build while completely abandoning your plan to make it resemble any real gun. The plunger system requires extreme speed and length if is to have any decent power within the narrow profile of a rifle.

or i could extend the body, the shell for the grip i have has a cavity for the plunger tube for it's original complete shell, just cut and sand down a few things and a longer plunger tube can fit and the plunger head wouldn't be able to leave the tube.

Length isn't as much a problem as width. If you abandon making it look like the M1, you can have whatever width you want. As it stands, you're not going to push air through the barrel any faster than the plunger moves. This is OK if you have a ridiculously fast plunger, or if you don't want to shoot farther than a maverick. A tight barrel will help some, but that will make the loading mech more difficult.
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#15 Necrose



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:02 PM

Draconis, on Dec 3 2010, 12:22 PM, said:

You know, the Buzzbee Hunter rifle works an awful lot like this. You might want to look at it for inspiration.

... did you read the last post? i already have. >.>


Length isn't as much a problem as width. If you abandon making it look like the M1, you can have whatever width you want. As it stands, you're not going to push air through the barrel any faster than the plunger moves. This is OK if you have a ridiculously fast plunger, or if you don't want to shoot farther than a maverick. A tight barrel will help some, but that will make the loading mech more difficult.

Oh right.... well the plungers for the rapid fire trek 6 should work along with it's plunger tube, i just need some conectors for tubing and some tubing for that part.

Edited by Necrose, 03 December 2010 - 04:15 PM.

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...and so it begins.

#16 Talio


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:39 PM

Guys, I'm banning him because he can't find the shift key on his computer. Problem solved.
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#17 Salindin Naz

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 06:15 PM

Talio, on Dec 3 2010, 03:39 PM, said:

Guys, I'm banning him because he can't find the shift key on his computer. Problem solved.

Again, a prime example of why you don't fuck with Talio. A read of the COC goes a long way too...
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#18 Chadpuff



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 08:03 PM

Something close to this isnt it?. click here for more info
Posted Image
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#19 Necrose



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 01:11 PM

Chadpuff, on Dec 3 2010, 05:03 PM, said:

Something close to this isnt it?. click here for more info
Posted Image

Yeah something like that, only with a clip. I've been doing some work during the time I had off here, and got the main parts done, barrel, breech system, and plunger system, I'm going to use a clothes pin trigger for this after much consideration of what would be best. These are a bit out dated but not by much:
Barrel and breech parts.
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Plunger system.
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Now after some thought and that I have $60 in cash left from Christmas, the pictures are of prototype parts, i still need to do the body and build the clothes pin trigger though. and I'm going to place it differently than normal. instead of being in the plunger tube, it will be out side connecting to the back of the ls plunger rod. testing with part of a +bow spring, it can shoot across my TV room if I'm lucky, with streamlines as i do not have any stefans.
oh right, I am using copper in this project. though just because i found it lying around my home and it was the right size for the job. It was collecting a lot of dust anyway.

Edit: Crap, the black piece from my long-shot, the part that is used to push back the plunger in the plunger tube, snapped cleanly around the seam... I think it can be fixed, but will take a bit to do so, but if it can't, I'd have to get another coupler, o-ring, and a some other pieces of PVC.

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The parts are super glued together with gorilla glue, and I had to glue in an o-ring to make the seal air tight with the coupler.

Edit2: part's fixed with e-tape and hot-glue, i also have the body coming together quite nicely. so yeah... close to completing the prototype.

Edited by Necrose, 07 March 2011 - 01:06 PM.

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...and so it begins.

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