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Dec 18th, be there

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#26 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 01:56 PM

EDIT: sonson: Still willing to trade a double shot for a wye if you are. We may have to make that trade work some other time.

I will not possibly run out of Wye’s in the next 3-4 wars, but I’ll save one for you anyway. I hope hope hope you can make it on Sat regardless.

I did some tests with mini-marshmallows in my hoppered hamp with cpvc barrels and I can tell you now I will have ZERO issues with dart recovery. More specifically: giving a rat’s ass about dart recovery ^_^

The only problem is I was supposed to have had a rehearsal last Saturday for the choir I’m in but it was canceled due to the snow. I have not heard of any reschedule but I will know on Wednesday if the Jerks decide to move practice to the 18th.
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#27 Elemental Storm

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 04:42 PM

Speaking of trading and stuff, if anyone has a big salvo tank and 2 longshot jam doors i will be willing to buy/trade.
Addition to my attendance:i might only be there for an hour if even that because of "sports" related stuff.
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(+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(")_(") into your profile to help him gain world domination. (yes i found this on another profile)

#28 Stark



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 05:50 PM

What time is this thing gonna be at? Cuz it's been entirely too long since I've lobbed some foam . . .
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"Road trip." -Atomatron


#29 thedom21



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 05:52 PM

I would really like to come but I need to get some felt and washers for the 800 blanks I made yesterday. I also need to make a new plunger rod for my snap since it broke.
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Funny Irc moments

22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#30 atomatron



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 06:18 PM

What time is this thing gonna be at? Cuz it's been entirely too long since I've lobbed some foam . . .

Lets start at 10.
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

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#31 thedom21



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 09:58 PM

Speaking of trading and stuff, if anyone has a big salvo tank and 2 longshot jam doors i will be willing to buy/trade.
Addition to my attendance:i might only be there for an hour if even that because of "sports" related stuff.

I might have 2 I could bring.
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Funny Irc moments

22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#32 Nerf Bros

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 10:09 PM

Annnndddd.. we're out. sadface. facepalm. We both work, with no time to get it off. Enjoy the best, most exhausting snow conditions that have been seen in years, if ever. I'm still hoping to host a war at bassett creek in January, I'll bump the thread soon.
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We have no sig.

#33 arfink



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:08 PM

EDIT: sonson: Still willing to trade a double shot for a wye if you are. We may have to make that trade work some other time.

I will not possibly run out of Wye’s in the next 3-4 wars, but I’ll save one for you anyway. I hope hope hope you can make it on Sat regardless.

I'm gonna ask at work today if I can get off. I might be able to trade with someone, maybe. If not, I can't do it. I'm happy to line up a nerf war in January in my part of town, and you guys can come hang out in teh hood. :P
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#34 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 04:00 PM

And the choir rehearsal I was supposed to have last Saturday has been rescheduled FOR….this Saturday from 9 to 12, and I had afternoon plans already…. :P :( :.(

Sorry guys, I have never had to back out of a war after committing but this is a pretty crucial practice as I have a concert the next day.

So…let’s get that early Jan war up and runnin’!
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#35 arfink



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 10:59 PM

January war thread posted. :P

Hop in there and give some feedback. If you guys are cool with a newb hosting, you could be playing in Columbia Heights on the 8th.
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A2GS + 4 meg RAM + 128 meg CF + 9600 Baud Lantronix = WIN

#36 thedom21



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Posted 15 December 2010 - 08:12 AM

I Cant come my dad doesn't want me to go to any during the Winter so I will see you guys in the spring.
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Funny Irc moments

22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#37 Stark



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Posted 17 December 2010 - 08:42 PM

Due to the slight drop in attendance in recent minnesota wars, I've been working on convincing a couple of my buddies to join us. I'd say that there's about a 60% chance that one of my roommates will be getting in on the action, possibly another one or two.
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"Road trip." -Atomatron


#38 arfink



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Posted 19 December 2010 - 03:52 PM

Due to the slight drop in attendance in recent minnesota wars, I've been working on convincing a couple of my buddies to join us. I'd say that there's about a 60% chance that one of my roommates will be getting in on the action, possibly another one or two.

How did the war go? Did people come? I had to be at work most of the day, made going to the war impossible. :/
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A2GS + 4 meg RAM + 128 meg CF + 9600 Baud Lantronix = WIN

#39 Eh Watt

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 05:38 PM

I got some war pictures:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image


I got there at 1ish, and nobody was there... That's like the 8th time this has happened! From now on, I resolve to show up ON TIME

And we need to get more people to Nerf with us. TELL YOUR FRIENDS

Seriously, most males think Nerfing is pretty cool, and would not be opposed to it.
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John Hancock

#40 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 19 December 2010 - 06:58 PM


I got there at 1ish, and nobody was there... That's like the 8th time this has happened! From now on, I resolve to show up ON TIME

Sadly, I had to leave at noon to get to a Christmas thing at my grandparents house. atomatron, Stark, and Stark's roommate were there as well, but I think they went to lunch/ax-man and called it a day after I left. We just played a couple of meatgrinder 2v2 games and tried to fit into a really tiny snow fort. I got lots of snow in my boots, but it was still a pretty good time.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#41 atomatron



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Posted 19 December 2010 - 07:11 PM


I got there at 1ish, and nobody was there... That's like the 8th time this has happened! From now on, I resolve to show up ON TIME

And we need to get more people to Nerf with us. TELL YOUR FRIENDS

Seriously, most males think Nerfing is pretty cool, and would not be opposed to it.

We were there until noon, Getting (everybody who's supposed to show up/host)'s numbers/contact info could help with this sort of thing.

It was pretty fun for just the four of us (Stark, his friend, Velveeta and myself), we played a few rounds, I tested out that camera mount dealie (I got like four minutes of footage) and everybody got snow in their shoes.
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

Rainbow Clan

#42 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:41 PM


I got there at 1ish, and nobody was there... That's like the 8th time this has happened! From now on, I resolve to show up ON TIME

And we need to get more people to Nerf with us. TELL YOUR FRIENDS

Seriously, most males think Nerfing is pretty cool, and would not be opposed to it.

We were there until noon, Getting (everybody who's supposed to show up/host)'s numbers/contact info could help with this sort of thing.

It was pretty fun for just the four of us (Stark, his friend, Velveeta and myself), we played a few rounds, I tested out that camera mount dealie (I got like four minutes of footage) and everybody got snow in their shoes.

Even more evidence that a 9AM-12PM war would be an awesome idea. I wish I could have been there, even knowing the turnout. I have had loads of fun with 2v3 DTC before.
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#43 BustaNinja



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Posted 20 December 2010 - 12:48 AM

As I rolled out of bed at 2 p.m., I saw a call from Paul... Oops. Yeah, I am honestly not surprised I didn't make it. That week was one of the most tiring stressful weeks I've had. We lost two days due to snow days, but then had to make those up, and I had to stay up well past 2 or 3 to finish work, which sounds fine, but when you're waking up at 5, it gets to be a struggle. Sorry guys.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#44 arfink



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Posted 20 December 2010 - 01:31 AM

I am organizing a new war on the 8th. Give it a look:

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#45 Eh Watt

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Posted 20 December 2010 - 07:27 PM

I'm trying to get a bunch of friends to the next war, so it's pretty imperative that a lot of people show up/have cool guns. I repeat: GO TO THE NEXT WAR!!

I would really like to see new members in the nerf world, and I would hate to have five new people show up and nobody there.
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John Hancock

#46 BustaNinja



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Posted 20 December 2010 - 08:20 PM

Can we get an indoor location? Its currently rather cold outside, and there is very little that will make me want to go out in it short of money or poon. Ha, talking about poon on a Nerf forum.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#47 arfink



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Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:02 PM

I'll see what I can swing. We might (note this is only a possibility at this point) be able to get into a school gym or something. We'd want to set up some obstacles. I'll ask at the local grade school I used to attend, the principal is a friend of the family. He might say yes. Maybe.

Anyone else have ideas for an indoor war?
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A2GS + 4 meg RAM + 128 meg CF + 9600 Baud Lantronix = WIN

#48 thedom21



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Posted 21 December 2010 - 03:59 PM

We could try renting a lazer tag arena or maybe an indoor paintball arena. Maybe something like this http://www.splatball.com/ We could also try seeing if we could rent a gym at the YMCA or the Grove in inver grove heights.
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Funny Irc moments

22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit

11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo

#49 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 21 December 2010 - 04:54 PM

We could try renting a lazer tag arena or maybe an indoor paintball arena. Maybe something like this http://www.splatball.com/ We could also try seeing if we could rent a gym at the YMCA or the Grove in inver grove heights.

I kinda feel that if I'm paying to use a lazertag or paintball arena, I'd rather be playing lazertag or paintball. Plus the 8 player minimum at $32 a player is pretty steep for a few hours of nerfing.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#50 Eh Watt

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Posted 21 December 2010 - 05:33 PM

Well, School Gyms sometimes are available, otherwise laser tag arenas are good. I'm in my school's student council, so maybe I could suggest a Nerf war fundraiser for the School. We have yearly dodgeball tournaments and those are a blast, so it seems plausible...
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