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Barrel Tapping - A Cheap Shot?

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#1 Unit ZER0

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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:22 AM

I have been reading the forums for a bit, and admittedly, I do not haver the full picture, but from what I understand so far, it is permissible to "tap" an opponent with the barrel of one's blaster if one sneaks up on them in the midst of combat. Just my opinion, but this seems a bit ridiculous. For starters, how do you know the tagger in question even has any ammo left? How do you know he has a round chambered, but his blaster's jammed? It just feels like it would be very frustrating to the taggee in that kind of situation. It reminds me of when persons use "beatdown" when playing Halo against other human players. It's a legitimate strategy when playing against the computer, but a cheap shot if you can't handle the controls, and just can't shoot straight. The same thought applies to the use of "Barrel Tapping" in the real world, if you cannot shoot straight, or you are out of ammo, barrel tapping seems like a cheap shot. There's my two cents, what do the rest of you think?

Edited by Unit ZER0, 30 November 2010 - 06:34 AM.

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#2 nerfdartsmith21



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:34 AM

But you see, most rules state that once you barrel tap, you must shoot your dart into the ground. If it doesn't, well the tapee is not out.

Edited by nerfdartsmith21, 30 November 2010 - 07:29 AM.

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#3 Unit ZER0

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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:38 AM

nerfdartsmith21, on Nov 30 2010, 06:34 AM, said:

But you see, must rules state that once you barrel tap, you must shoot your dart into the ground. If it doesn't, well the tapee is not out.

Ok, that clears it up for me some, thanks.
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#4 BeastMode



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 07:05 AM

Ok I haven't warred yet, but my personal belief is that barrel tapping should be outlawed and just using nerf sword and modifing them to become bayonets would be a much better though more difficult/expensive.

Edited by BeastMode, 30 November 2010 - 12:09 PM.

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#5 NerfGeek416



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 08:58 AM

Barrel tapping allows you to get someone out without shooting them at point blank. Regarding whether someone has a dart ready to fire, honesty goes a long way, and I'd rather be out because someone cheated than shot with a singled 4b at point blank.
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#6 Drax



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:30 AM

Barrel tapping is just a nice way of getting someone out if you're at close range with a high powered gun. At the Cincy area wars we don't really care too much if the gun is loaded (I don't think that's ever been an issue though), we just assume that if you're within tapping range it'd be just as easy for you to bash their skull in with the butt of your gun.

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#7 NerfGeek416



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:41 AM

Drax, on Nov 30 2010, 09:30 AM, said:

we just assume that if you're within tapping range it'd be just as easy for you to bash their skull in with the butt of your gun.

What kind of games to you play?!?! :D
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:53 AM

Even though I've never been to a war, I feel like barrel tapping is the gentlemanly thing to do in a situation like that. Like others have stated before, would you really want to be shot with a high powered blaster at point blank/close range? I, for one, would be far more inclined to attempt to hurt someone that shot me with a BBBB at close range, irregardless of age. I'll punch a kid if the situation arises.
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#9 Muttonchops


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 10:08 AM

Ok, enough of these "I haven't warred, but here is my opinion posts"

As some have stated, the whole point of a barrel tap is to spare somebody a rather painful shot at extreme close range. However, that means the gun needs to be ready to fire; fully loaded and primed.

Now, I have a vested interest in people correctly tapping, as two years ago I was clocked in the face by the coupler of a gun, and I still have the scar on my forehead. The other person in question was running away, trying to reload. He couldn't get it loaded in time, so he just turned around and went for a BBB styled falcon punch to the face. Even last year, somebody went out and speared my knuckles from around a corner and gouged a chunk out.

I personally hate melee, and think it should never be used. Melee isn't a 'bayonet,' its saving people from stupid close up shots. However, stupid barrel taps can cause much more damage then a shot. The simple solution I have seen? Tap somebody with the side of your barrel. No sharp edges to worry about. Note, I still say tap. Don't try to spear or lunge for long ranged taps, you are just being retarded.

Now, for those of you who say "if you cannot shoot straight, or you are out of ammo, barrel tapping seems like a cheap shot." Again, it saves from a painful hit. Also, once you go to a war, you will see that it really isn't easy to run up to a person and tap them. Its not like you can run full speed into the middle of a firefight and start tapping away. You'll get shot. Barrel tapping is more for when you flank a side, and the opposing team doesn't know you are there. Even then, its usually preferable to go for a close range shot (~20 feet) then to run into a cluster, get a tap, and hope for the best.
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#10 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 30 November 2010 - 11:41 AM

If you've come face to face with Rawray7 with his legendary crossbow about 10 feet away, and you're out of ammo/reloading like I was, I literally put my hands up and said, "don't shoot I give up!" Basically, I'm just reinforcing the being saved of a painful shot. Though the person could be a terrible shot (not in my case), and you may be able to dodge, sprint for your life, there's always the chance you can be hit, especially since you are closer. If the tagger has enough respect to tap you instead of giving you an unnecessary welt, I think the proper thing to do would be to respect his choice not to injure/cause you pain and just get out.
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#11 Gears


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:16 PM

Just make sure you cover the rules of barrel-tapping before an actual game. I have come into far too many awkward situations from the result of barrel-tapping and someone not comprehending what the term, "Take tap," means.

And to relate to what Chops said, srsly. Don't lance people with your barrel. Just use your palm. You can tell if someone has a primed gun or not.
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Groove, on 30 Jul 2005 - 3:09 PM, said:

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#12 cheyner



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:18 PM

Another thing I have noticed being a problem, if somebody walks up to you and ask's if you are in or out, dont try and tap them, it will end badly for you next time.
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'Collective', on 27 Jun 2012 - 4:18 PM, said:

Beaver's post claiming Kane's post claiming Demon Lord's post is correct is correct is correct.

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#13 k9turrent



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:59 PM

For my understanding of the GTA Canadian rules.

You need a dart in the barrel, to tap.

And you need to have a turret/clip that holds multiple darts to tap.


A AT2k gives you four consecutive barrel taps

Dual-wielding singled NFs would allow two consecutive barrel taps
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That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#14 lionhawk



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:08 PM

As of I know, barrel taps are not cheap. If someone manages to come up to you close range, and you see him, you will probably hit him first. Plus, if you don't realize that he is there, a tap is much easier to take than a shot from a 4b at close range. And after all, not everyone has a primary that breaks 100 ft.
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#15 Zack the Mack

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Posted 30 November 2010 - 05:30 PM

People definitely don't honor the "Barrel Tap = Expended Shot Rule". Too many people try and run through a crowd and yell "taptaptap!" Even disregarding those schmucks, I have never seen anyone discharge a dart after tapping.

I've never been a fan of tapping. It gets abused and creates arguments and injuries. If Nerfers are going to be wimpy and ban short-range shots, which people take anyways, tapping should be made more like a melee, and shouldn't be done with a blaster. I saw Chops right after he got smacked in the head, and that tap was NOT safer than being hit point-blank.
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#16 Echnalaid



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:02 PM

I think tapping's fine, no one I've ever played with have complained.
I'd rather get tapped then to face Groove's crossbow, DX's Maxshot, and/or any contraption Split made.
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#17 Drax



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:03 PM

Taps should be akin to asking them to surrender, similar to paintball, where if you get close someone you just say "Out" rather than shooting em if you're within 20 feet or so. And if they refuse to surrender, then you shoot em. This way you don't have the barrel stabbing that happens.

Explosives aren't really my style. I prefer thermite.

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#18 Chaos-blades



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 06:55 PM

Here in Australia, we don't use "barrel taps", however with most higher powered blasters, we enforce a "minimum engagemant distance" which is usually about 50-60ft. This forces players to switch to their side-arms in close quarters.
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#19 MrPzowned



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 08:17 PM

I consider barrel tapping a polite option. Basically would you rather get shot by my BBCB or let me just tap you and we can save you a trip to the hospital. I am saving you further harm by barrel tapping.
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#20 Blue



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:12 PM

MrPzowned, on Nov 30 2010, 05:17 PM, said:

I consider barrel tapping a polite option. Basically would you rather get shot by my BBCB or let me just tap you and we can save you a trip to the hospital. I am saving you further harm by barrel tapping.

Maybe you shouldn't have a gun that shoots that hard to begin with?

My personal stance on barrel taps is that they are too hard to really moderate, if you are playing with melee than allow unlimited, and if not hopefully the player will understand that taps are not a strategy but a courtesy. A longshot with a front gun integrated is good for this sort of thing, they won't even feel it.
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#21 shmmee



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:21 PM

The only concern i have from a barrel tap would be if the "tapper" had an uncovered brass barrel. I like Muttonchops idea of using the side of a barrel. I think I'll try to incorporate that locally.
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#22 sllewgh



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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:21 PM

I know I'm in the overwhelming minority here, but I actually allow nerf's melee weapons at my wars, and it ends up being a lot of fun. Bear in mind these are stock ammo wars, so there's not a lot of long range, accurate, or high-damage weapons like in wars allowing stefans.

That said, my preferred loadout is often 2 modded nightfinders and two of the smaller nerf swords. It is AMAZINGLY effective in even vaguely close quarters, or in the woods, to dash about quickly and do a 1-2-3 for a 3 hit out with swords. Because 3 quick hits are the norm, rather than any kind of hit that carries force, I've only occasionally had any issue where someone hurts someone in melee, and even then, nothing ever serious.

Again, this is in a stock ammo scenario. I can't imagine getting close is as easy with more heavy modifications, but I think allowing swords is quite workable and has never proved dangerous or hurtful. Though, also, we're a bunch of college kids who can take a hit.
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#23 Talio


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:23 PM

We're not having this conversation. You're group has to decide it's rules on barrel tapping. I'm fucking sick of hearing about this shit. Take it to NHQ.
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