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Nerf Claymore-like Mine

A working prototype, though not especially good.

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#1 Paragon19



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 03:23 PM

Because I'm aware of the largely negative opinion of projects of this nature, I'd like to make a few points before presenting my project, that I'd very much like you all to read before commenting:

- I got this idea from a previous "nerf mine" thread. In fact, just about all of the parts came from suggestions in that thread from members of this forum.
- This mine kinda sucks. It only gets about a 6-7 foot "blast radius". It's very directional (forward), and doesn't give the darts a lot of altitude. Hopefully I can refine the design.
- This is a protoype. It is not final, and I expect to make a fair number of changes to the "final" product.
- This probably won't be useful in Nerf wars. I am not a "nerfer" in the way that most of you are. I primarily play HvZ on a college campus, where I expect it to be more useful due to the range constraints zombies have when attacking.
- I want your suggestions. Like I said, it's not the final product, I'd like some help making it more powerful/better.

Anyway, the design is pretty simple. Unfortunately, I didn't take any progress pictures, but I do have pictures of the final device, and a video of operation. Materials used were:

- 1 plastic pencil box
- 3 mousetraps (final version will probably use 4)
- 6 pencils (4 for stakes that were later removed)
- 1 bandanna/piece of cloth
- Glue (I used "Liquid Nails")
- Staples. Lots of them.

So, here are some pictures, since they're worth a million words:

As you can see, it looks basically like a regular pencil case. There used to be four pencils attached for "stakes", but I removed them from the prototype because the orientation was wrong.
Posted Image

Here it is open. There are three mousetraps that fling the lid open, stretching out the fabric between the two halves. There is a pencil on each side of the case attached to the fabric, to spread the tension evenly across the surface.
Posted Image

Here you can see the three mousetraps that power it. The final version will not have them inclined, which should provide more power, and like I said before, it should also include one more mousetrap. The pencil case is plenty durable to withstand the mousetraps, in case you were wondering.
Posted Image

To load the device, darts are placed on the fabric...
Posted Image

..and then the box is closed with the darts in the "pocket" created.
Posted Image

Unhook the lid, and the darts fly, as this short video demonstrates. I have some ideas for a pin that can be pulled via fishing line, but I just haven't implemented it yet.
Posted Image

Final thoughts:
- I used to have it on it's side, so the lid opened forward kind of like an actual claymore, but then I realized it worked better with the lid up.
- I'm only using streamlines right now because I don't have any stefans (yet).
- I have a potential name for it: Spring Actuated Dart Incendiary Simulation Technology, or S.A.D.I.S.T. I just wanted it to spell something, really.
- All the parts are very cheap. For me, I think total cost per unit is about $3.50 USD. $1 per pencil case, $2 for 4 mousetraps, $1 for a bandanna (that can supply fabric for at least 4 mines), and $1 for 24 pencils. Of course the price goes down the more you make, and the glue and staples are extra cost as well. Oh, and fishing line.

So, there it is. Let the comments begin! *takes cover*

Edited by Paragon19, 02 September 2010 - 03:38 PM.

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#2 deadshooter711



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 04:40 PM

Ooooo. I actually like it, but that's just me. From the video it actually looks pretty effective for a claymore type thing.

How would you deploy this on the ground if you find a way for it to unhook with fishing line?

Edited by deadshooter711, 02 September 2010 - 04:45 PM.

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#3 TantumBull



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 05:26 PM

Wow, nice. Probably the most effective nerf "grenade" yet. Obviously not war outdoor-war effective, but this would be awesome fucking around with indoors.
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#4 durka durka

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 05:44 PM

deadshooter711, on Sep 2 2010, 05:40 PM, said:

How would you deploy this on the ground if you find a way for it to unhook with fishing line?

I'm guessing you would use fishing line to set up something like a trip wire.

In my book, any advancements made in the realm of nerf modding are good. Any progress is better than no progress at all.

I like how this thing can be built with things you would find in the dollar store (minus a modder's glue of choice of course).

I like the improvements you have planned, and can't wait to see the improved version.
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#5 AgentMoe64



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 06:44 PM

The design is effective for a claymore, and the parts are cheap. Great job.
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#6 ilzot



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 07:23 PM


This is the first thing of this kind that I can actually give the thumbs up. I normally think mil-sim shit is dumb, but this is actually somewhat cool. It could be actually used, and is nearly finished.

Pretty much the person who destroyed the mil-sim picture of Nerf was that Frappucino dumbfuck who'd do about 17% of the work, make a video in digital camo, and ask for suggestions.

Not bad. If I had some mousetraps I'd try this, but I don't.

Oh well.

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QUOTE(Vinnie D. @ Feb 1 2010, 05:28 AM) View Post

... to be able to get a better burst or sustained fire, rather than blowing the whole load at once.

#7 Foam Ninja

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 08:42 PM

ilzot, on Sep 2 2010, 08:23 PM, said:

Pretty much the person who destroyed the mil-sim picture of Nerf was that Frappucino dumbfuck who'd do about 17% of the work, make a video in digital camo, and ask for suggestions.

Thank you! Someone else noticed that.

On topic: This is actually very close to a Claymore, I love it. I plan on making several now and painting them olive green (just because I am awesome like that). Man these things would destroy at Boone Woods around here.
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QUOTE(Soothsayer @ Jul 18 2010, 03:51 PM) View Post

Still haven't beat Foam Ninja in a sword fight


1.The baby would blow up do to being made of pure fail.
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#8 Paragon19



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 09:10 PM

Thanks for all the encouraging words so far. Anyway, to answer some questions:

@deadshooter711: It helps to remember that this originally had pencil stakes, to stick in the ground (for outdoor use). A circle of duct tape would probably work for indoor use. It was also originally oriented with the "front" of the pencil box pointed up. I was going to sand off the lid catch, drill a hole in both halves, stick in a copper wire (leftover from a mousetrap), and then attach fishing wire to it. The wire would then have been pulled by the person who planted it, once an enemy got in range. I still plan on making this work, I just have to change the orientation, since it doesn't work as well facing the direction I'd hoped.

The alternative, as Durka Durka mentioned, would be a trip wire, which I'm a little hesitant to suggest, for safety concerns. Same thing, a copper pin, gets pulled out when someone steps on/knocks against the trip wire.

@Ninja: Feel free to do some builds of your own, but like I said, it's definitely not done, and the improvements I plan (adding a mousetrap, and raising them so there's more force on the springs) should add some more power/range. I'd love to see some pictures of any builds you do though, and any ideas for improvement you have would be great too.

When I do my next prototype, I'll take some pictures of the build in progress, to show how it's done. Word of advice: have someone help you. It makes assembly a lot easier to have an extra pair of hands.
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#9 utahnerf



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:12 PM

I was wondering... lets say someone shot the pencil case, could the case withstand it without cracking or breaking?
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#10 durka durka

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:22 PM

Safety would be a concern with a trip wire. You would have to make it so the pin easily slides out regardless of what direction the person is approaching from. Testing will be a key element in the further development of these things.
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#11 Paragon19



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:40 PM

utahnerf, on Sep 2 2010, 07:12 PM, said:

I was wondering... lets say someone shot the pencil case, could the case withstand it without cracking or breaking?

....shot it? What, with darts? I can test it if you want...but unless you shoot it with an actual firearm, I doubt it'll break. I used a staple gun during construction, and the box took that well enough.

I just tested for you. I shot it with a powerstocked Recon (don't have anything more powerful). No scratches or anything. I'm sure if you step on it it'll break, but a dart? No way.

I did shoot it with an airsoft pistol too. It punched a small hole in the box at point-blank, but the mine still functions perfectly.
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#12 deadshooter711



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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:42 PM

Paragon19, on Sep 2 2010, 07:40 PM, said:

utahnerf, on Sep 2 2010, 07:12 PM, said:

I was wondering... lets say someone shot the pencil case, could the case withstand it without cracking or breaking?

....shot it? What, with darts? I can test it if you want...but unless you shoot it with an actual firearm, I doubt it'll break. I used a staple gun during construction, and the box took that well enough.

I just tested for you. I shot it with a powerstocked Recon (don't have anything more powerful). No scratches or anything. I'm sure if you step on it it'll break, but a dart? No way.

I did shoot it with an airsoft pistol too. It punched a small hole in the box at point-blank, but the mine still functions perfectly.

I think that we could make a newly created game out of something like this. Everyone should make like 20 of these each (Or one insanely dedicated person makes 50) and then at Apoc we spread them all over the field. I don't know what game it would be but...it would seem interesting. maybe Capture the Flag and Avoid the Mines? CFAM? That sounds plain and simple........Or I could just be a complete idiot, I don't know I liked it. :unsure:
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#13 Dastardly



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Posted 03 September 2010 - 10:06 AM

Hair-trigger tripline is definitely the best bet, as has been said. If you have to sit, wait, and trigger it yourself, you might as well just barrel-tap the guy yourself and reduce the risk of a misfire. While it would still be a hoot, it would eliminate a lot of the practicality.

A couple things to consider about triplines:

1) Obviously, the easier it is to trip, the better. Just remember, the line has two ends. You can build a release into both ends, so that there's less chance of it yanking someone down. This can also allow the trigger on the mine itself to be just a hair stronger, since there's another point of "failure" to provide the necessary release for safety concerns.

2) The HEIGHT of the tripline is important. Probably one of the most important things, when it come to safety. Yeah, it's easier to hide it down near the ankles, but we tend to keep ours about mid-thigh (which is tends to be at least from knee-high to waist-high for most people of differing height). This way, more of the player's mass catches the line, and it's not in and around as many "moving parts" (feet, ankles, etc). Just raising the minimum height alleviated a lot of safety concerns for us.

All this to say: There are ways to do triggers like this effectively AND safely, as long as they're designed to trip the mine, not the player.
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#14 Agent x-eagle

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Posted 04 September 2010 - 11:04 AM

Wow, I really like what you have done it's a whole lot better then any Nerf Claymore i've ever seen continue all the hard work :-)
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#15 Colbs



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Posted 04 September 2010 - 05:47 PM

So I was thinking of a safe, but effective way to trip to mine.

If you used magnets; One on the inside of the claymore and one attached to the end of your trip wire.

Reason being, magnets can be pulled apart easily enough to not cause people to actually trip over the wire. And they can be pulled apart in any direction.

The inside magnet could trip the mouse traps when the outer one trips causing them both to fall.

Just a suggestion though
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#16 Chadpuff



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Posted 04 September 2010 - 07:46 PM

Ideas that could be used to easily trip it would be either using a paper clip bend semi straight and inserted through a hole drilled into the case or instead of a paper clip a push pin could be used. Basically you and it long enough to catch and keep it shut but able to be pulled out at the slightest touch.

Wow, after reading alot of that some things can be taken very wrong but then again I have a filthy mind lol.
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#17 Paragon19



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Posted 04 September 2010 - 08:35 PM

Colbs, on Sep 4 2010, 02:47 PM, said:

So I was thinking of a safe, but effective way to trip to mine.

If you used magnets; One on the inside of the claymore and one attached to the end of your trip wire.

Reason being, magnets can be pulled apart easily enough to not cause people to actually trip over the wire. And they can be pulled apart in any direction.

The inside magnet could trip the mouse traps when the outer one trips causing them both to fall.

Just a suggestion though

Not a half bad idea, though there's no really easy way to make a magnet trigger the device.
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#18 spencerak



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Posted 12 September 2010 - 08:40 AM

I really like the idea of a Nerf claymore. For a trip wire you could use fishing line on the original hook and duck tape it upside down to a tree about 2 1/2' off the ground with the fishing line tied to another tree or a pencil steak at its average range.
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'Langley', on 31 Mar 2013 - 3:41 PM, said:

Holy shit it's Captain Slug.

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