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Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help

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#1 Wenie288



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 01:39 AM

How would you go about a simple way of doing this
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#2 nerfer9



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 01:50 AM

Mav springs are really weak man. Put something else on there.
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#3 Wenie288



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 02:04 AM

Not the point thats all I have to put in there
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#4 Uuklay



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 03:52 AM

This is the guy who, in another thread, claimed to have brassed breeched a long shot and integrated a DTB into it.
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#5 ChaosRaisin



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 08:47 AM

Just unscrew the plunger head and put it on.
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#6 Banshee



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 09:25 AM

I'm going to be honest, if the answer to your question isn't extremely obvious just by looking at the plunger rod, then maybe its about time you give up modifying Nerf guns...
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#7 angelfalcon



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 10:31 AM

I'm with Banshee. If a quick glance at a NF plunger assembly didn't tell you how to disassemble it, modding isn't for you. There aren't always gonna be write-ups for everything, all your innovations, however small, will always be done on your own. If you can't figure out that the big screw unlocks the plunger head from the rod, then all the little things that you can do to improve your gun will be lost.

If your mind doesn't work in the right way to understand the physics of how to assemble and disassemble a NF, god knows you don't understand how it fires when you pull the trigger. If you don't understand that, good luck when you move on to harder blasters.
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According to your mom, size matters. My blaster is four feet long. What about yours?


I measured mine and I got about 11 inches.

#8 durka durka

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 10:49 AM

Why are you telling someone to stop modding? Isn't this hobby supposed to be inclusive? Just because modding doesn't come easily to someone, doesn't mean they should be encouraged to give it up.

A word of advice wenie, don't go posting help threads as soon as you run into a problem. Search the site first, there's a lot to learn here.
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#9 Wenie288



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:03 AM

durka durka, on Aug 23 2010, 10:49 AM, said:

Why are you telling someone to stop modding? Isn't this hobby supposed to be inclusive? Just because modding doesn't come easily to someone, doesn't mean they should be encouraged to give it up.

A word of advice wenie, don't go posting help threads as soon as you run into a problem. Search the site first, there's a lot to learn here.

Thanks Durka for defending me against these dickheads and buy the way ya you may think im a dumbass but i've worked with computers built them, fixed them, and program them so shut the hell up i've been tired and sick of everybody calling me a dumbass on here im fucking sick of it. I just asked For 2 reasons

1. Will it fit

2.And will it break the plunger rod

Edited by Wenie288, 23 August 2010 - 11:03 AM.

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#10 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:06 AM

durka durka, on Aug 23 2010, 10:49 AM, said:

Why are you telling someone to stop modding? Isn't this hobby supposed to be inclusive? Just because modding doesn't come easily to someone, doesn't mean they should be encouraged to give it up.

A word of advice wenie, don't go posting help threads as soon as you run into a problem. Search the site first, there's a lot to learn here.

Hear hear, I like DD's attitude. Also Ween, you will have to accept you will break many of your blasters in the process of this hobby both in the course of trial and error and just plain bad luck. Good thing the NF is $5.04 at Target.

On topic: if a Mav spring is all you have the best move is to wait till you have either another NF spring instead, or a better one like an ACE49. As for HOW, that question has been answered.

Edit: ok, we posted at same time. 1) yes, 2) no chance in hell as it is a weaker spring.

Your first forum, too? Took me a while to get used to the jackassery but retaliation does not a good rep make even if it is in legitiamate defense.

Edited by SonReeceSonJensen, 23 August 2010 - 11:10 AM.

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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#11 debandgeek12



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:08 AM

1. The maverick spring will indeed fit, but you have to fit it into the NF spring.
2. It won't break your gun, but reinforcing the plunger head is something you should always do with an AR removal/spring addition.
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the leaking was all in the bladder

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#12 Wenie288



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:09 AM

I modded a nitefinder 2 years ago where I somehow got a marvirk spring in it and i can't remember how to do all i have for guns right now is a nightfinder and a big bad bow and it ruled got 45 feet i can't remember how to do it though i know thats what you have to do but don't know how to do it

Edited by Wenie288, 23 August 2010 - 11:11 AM.

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#13 LotusNerf



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:42 AM

Wenie288, on Aug 23 2010, 12:09 PM, said:

I modded a nitefinder 2 years ago where I somehow got a marvirk spring in it and i can't remember how to do all i have for guns right now is a nightfinder and a big bad bow and it ruled got 45 feet i can't remember how to do it though i know thats what you have to do but don't know how to do it

ChaosRaisin just gave you the answer, and you still don't know? I'll explain it in simple words like I do to my 6 year old brother. Take a philips head screwdriver, the one with the plus thing on it, and look at the front of your plunger head. There you will see a silver screw. You stick the screwdriver into the screw and turn it counterclockwise, until the screw falls out. Then take off the plunger head (the thing with the black o-ring) from the orange rod. Now finally insert your spring onto the rod. Now Put the plunger head back on and put the screw in. Use your screwdriver to screw it in clockwise until it will not turn anymore. And voila! You have completed a spring addition!
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#14 defcon44



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 12:29 PM

Wenie288, on Aug 23 2010, 11:09 AM, said:

I modded a nitefinder 2 years ago where I somehow got a marvirk spring in it and i can't remember how to do all i have for guns right now is a nightfinder and a big bad bow and it ruled got 45 feet i can't remember how to do it though i know thats what you have to do but don't know how to do it

Why do I have a sneaking feeling that this guy is at least 10-11 years old
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QUOTE(Forsaken_angel24 @ Dec 5 2006, 09:58 PM) View Post
The trigger is not hard to depress at all. I would say its as easier than depressing a teenager.

#15 Wenie288



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 03:23 PM

OK I Just did some work on it Got the mavrick spirng in there. Then took 1/2 inch Cpvc pipe at least thats what iI think it is It mght be bigger or smaller didn't cheek put a barrel extension on it then did some cutting on a recon sholder peice attachment and super glud it on so it's like a rifle now. getting about 50, 55 ft on it. And I put some lube on it
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#16 durka durka

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 03:38 PM

If you want something stronger than a mav spring, home depot sells some pretty strong ones. They're so strong that you can replace the nitefinder spring altogether. They go for about $4 for a pack of two (plus two short springs). If you buy these, I would recomend reinforcing your nitefinder.
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#17 Banshee



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 04:31 PM

Lets get some things out in the open. Not a single person that posted here is a "dickhead" and no one told him "Wenie" to quit modding. He started this thread with extremely vague questions and short responses and expects us not to respond the way we did. If had originally come out and asked if a maverick spring addition would be an adequate upgrade or not and if it would wreck his gun, we simply would have assured him that nitefinders are actually pretty hard to break, and that a maverick spring addition would be mediocre at best.

As far as your guns goes, good job with the CPVC, but 55' is pretty low as far the NF is concerned. I squeeze nearly 80' out of mine by putting tape under the plunger head, putting an ACE #49 spring in, and using a light grease instead of an oil as lube. If you don't care about your gun, band it heavily and you should break almost 100'. And if you want to ad an extra few feet too it, paint it a really gay color...
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#18 angelfalcon



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 05:10 PM

Wenie288, on Aug 23 2010, 12:09 PM, said:

I modded a nitefinder 2 years ago where I somehow got a marvirk spring in it and i can't remember how to do all i have for guns right now is a nightfinder and a big bad bow and it ruled got 45 feet i can't remember how to do it though i know thats what you have to do but don't know how to do it

Wenie288, on Aug 23 2010, 04:23 PM, said:

OK I Just did some work on it Got the mavrick spirng in there. Then took 1/2 inch Cpvc pipe at least thats what iI think it is It mght be bigger or smaller didn't cheek put a barrel extension on it then did some cutting on a recon sholder peice attachment and super glud it on so it's like a rifle now. getting about 50, 55 ft on it. And I put some lube on it

Are you sure you're old enough to be on this site? I can't understand a word you're typing. You can't remember how to do it though you know that's what you have to do but don't know how you do it? What?

And for the record, no one told him to stop modding. We told him without a basic understanding of how to unscrew a screw and stick a spring on a rod, modding might not be for him. But if you feel like plowing on through modding asking questions like, "whre does the left and right sheels interlocke of the longshot cs6 cuuuzzs i dont knkow how you do oit though i know what you have to doo" then feel free to do so.

Edited by angelfalcon, 23 August 2010 - 06:48 PM.

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According to your mom, size matters. My blaster is four feet long. What about yours?


I measured mine and I got about 11 inches.

#19 durka durka

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 05:26 PM

Banshee, on Aug 23 2010, 10:25 AM, said:

maybe its about time you give up modifying Nerf guns...

Banshee, on Aug 23 2010, 05:31 PM, said:

no one told him "Wenie" to quit modding.

Just because your comments were not phrased exactly as "you should quit modding" doesn't mean you didn't encourage him to stop.

Angel, its true you never specifically said that he should give up modding, but still, this hobby isn't supposed to be exclusively for those that more of an engineering mind. It's great if someone is interested in this hobby and wants to learn more.

I'd rather log on to a full inbox of questions rather than to discourage some from modding. I see it as a good thing when someone who knows very little on the subject takes an interest in modding. As long as they follow the rules (including age requirements of course).

Wenie, if you got any questions about modding, I would be happy to help you out. Feel free to send a PM.
(Also, proper grammar is greatly apreciated on this site; keep that in mind.)

Edited by durka durka, 23 August 2010 - 05:27 PM.

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"The warrior who cultivates his mind polishes his arms"

#20 angelfalcon



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Posted 23 August 2010 - 06:47 PM

I love your attitude about this durka, even if I disagree with your premise.

Those who want to take up nerfing and modding without thinking in the right way is great. But it doesn't take a physics-oriented mind to use the search function.

Sorry I said no one said he should stop modding, I was talking about myself. Sorry for that.

Wenie, I hope you become a better poster and modder. But I'll be damned if it means answering 100 questions a day that could have been solved by a combination of the search function, google, and the modifications directory.
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According to your mom, size matters. My blaster is four feet long. What about yours?


I measured mine and I got about 11 inches.

#21 Wenie288



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Posted 24 August 2010 - 06:40 PM

Thanks Guys, I really appriciate it. Sorry about the spelling Im trying to improve cause Im not really good at typing with the keyboard I have now. I just got it, so sorry, and thank you for making it clear that you didn't want me to stop modding, thank you. By the way durka, thanks for the tip. I can't open my NF cause I striped a screw in it, so I have to drill through the screw when I get time.
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#22 phillypretzel



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Posted 24 August 2010 - 06:55 PM

I cannot believe I just read this entire thread. I actually felt my iq drop. That is all.
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#23 angelfalcon



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Posted 29 August 2010 - 07:43 PM

Well, he's banned (or will be soon, at least) for the heinous hate crime of Rickrolling, so the Haven's average IQ just rose a bit.
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According to your mom, size matters. My blaster is four feet long. What about yours?


I measured mine and I got about 11 inches.

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