These will be explained in detail at the war, before each round. If you're unfamiliar with what games we play, you should read this. We're also going to be trying a few new gametypes/variants. So, if you're coming, read this. We will also try picking teams by a new method, to hopefully keep downtime to a minum.
Meatgrinder:Teams: 2 or more
Setup: Each team needs a spawn point.
Respawn: Unlimited, 15 seconds after you've reached spawn.
Objectives: No explicit objectives, just have fun.
Variants: Same rules, except when you are "hit", you switch to the other team, and respawn at their designated spawn. One team will be tape, the other, no tape; everyone will be provided tape at the begining of the round. When you switch teams, either remove or add your flagging tape to your blaster, or a visible part of your body, to designate what team you're on. The game is over when the other team is eliminated.
Carpe Testiculum:Teams: 2 or more.
Setup: Each team has one base, which is designated by a bucket. Each bucket has "x" number of balls in it. Each team will also have a spawn, 30-50 yards behind their bucket. "x" is dependent on the number of people playing, and the number of teams. "x" should also be > # of people playing.
Touch only, respawn. I'm trying something slightly different. We've had problems with people yelling "IN", when they have clearly not counted to 15 seconds. Your respawn will be much further back from your base, causing you to either run or walk back to your spawn. All you need to do is touch the respawn to re-join play.
Objectives: Take balls from other opponent's buckets, and return them to your bucket. Team with the greatest number of balls in their bucket after the round is over, wins. Balls not in buckets, or in a players hands, will not count towards the final score.
Special Rules: Only one ball may be carried at a time. If a player is hit while carrying a ball, they must drop it where they were hit.
Variants: Carpe/powerball - The main difference here, is each team will get three buckets, assigned different point values. One bucket will be closer to your spawn, only worth 1 point, and the other two, which are further forward (20ish feet), are worth 3 point for every ball. You have a choice whether to store your balls in the closer bucket near your spawn (but take less points), or at the further buckets (more points, though easier for teams to steal). We will most likely do this at the war, with four teams. Another difference will be the # of balls. Each team will get 2-3 times as many balls as teammates. You will be able to carry more than one ball at once, as well. Balls will start in between your three buckets at the begining of the round, instead of in your buckets. If you're shot with ball(s), you must drop them. Balls that are not in buckets when time is called, will not count.
Defend the Core:Teams: 2
Setup: Two cores, w/ one respawn for each team.
Touch only, Unliminted spawn. Each respawn will be located 30-50 yards behind each core.
Objectives: Score as many darts/balls/missiles/arrows, etc. in the other team's core as possible. Team with most points after time is called, wins. Darts are worth 1 point each, followed by, 5 points for balls/missiles/arrows, and 10 points for Titan missiles or equivalent.
Special Rules: None
VIP:Teams: 2
Setup: One large circuit, marked by cones, where the VIP will be escorted. The VIP will have body armor, a shield, and a sword (all provided). All of these will count as shields.
Respawn: Defending team will respawn (unlimited) at a designated locations, outside of the circuit,
touch only. There will be four different spawns defenders can respawn at. Attacking team will respawn in the middle of the circuit (at a designated spawn, unlimited), but must count for 15 seconds AFTER he's reached the spawn, before entering back in the game. VIP will respawn for 20 seconds, and drop to one knee after he's been shot, wherever he is on the circuit.
Objectives: Shoot the VIP as many times as possible before he's completed "x" number of laps. After "x" number of laps have been completed, the VIP announces how many times he was hit, and the teams switch sides. The team who had less hits on their VIP (while defending), wins.
Special Rules: VIP cannot run, must walk. One foot must be on the ground at all times.
Variants: Deathmatch style - Each team has one VIP, and a respawn. After "x" amount of minutes, each VIP announces how many times they were hit. The team's VIP with less hits on him, wins.
We may try others at the war, if we have extra time.
Other important news. We'll have a bunch of loaners available for the war, so don't worry if your blaster sucks dick or says "nerf" on the side. We'll also have hopper clips to loan out and sell, as well as wyes.
We also have new mobstacles. If you're feeling generous, we'll be at the location at 9:30 to start setting up mobstacles. If you'd like to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday's forecast looks decent. 30% chance of rain, but it will be cool, with a high of 59 degrees. Please make sure you dress appropriately. It's
at least better than last year's Chanos.
Edited by Ryan201821, 29 September 2010 - 01:55 PM.