So I found the Buzz Bee hunter at my local Gordman's and decided to buy it. Stock the ranges aren't that great. I tried a simple cpvc barrel replacement and that made them decent but it was very hard to load. So I decided to man up and do a breech.
First off you will need:
-Buzz bee hunter
-1/2" cpvc
-hot glue
-plumbers goop (or another glue of your choice)
-Philips head screwdriver
-silicon spray (or other plastic safe lube)
-cpvc fitting* (see picture below)

Not sure what it is called but it can be found at Lowe's/Home Depot/ACE. When you unscrew those caps there is a rubber fitting underneath.
Here is the Hunter next to a nf for size comparison.

Ok start by opening her up and throw away the fake barrel piece in the front and the piece at the front of the dart barrel that folds down to let the gun fire (sorry I don't have a picture of this). This step is fairly simple.
Next do a seal improvement and a spring replacement if you wish (I only improved the seal.)
Next you will need to drill out the barrel to the very back. Make sure you drill past the air restrictors. You will also need to widen it enough to fit the cpvc in it. You will also want the cpvc to be able to go to the very back.

(Note this picture is only to show the cpvc inside the barrel, DO NOT glue a segment of cpvc this size into the barrel)
Next you will need a long piece of cpvc to use as the barrel. Fit the pvc into the old barrel and glue it in place with plumbers goop.
Here is where it gets tricky. You need to measure the cpvc and cut out a section for the breech where the front of the opening in the body is. If done right it should look like this when it is put back in the shell and the bolt is pulled back.

Next you will need to spray your barrel and the inside of the fitting off with some silicon spray.
The fitting gets tighter as you screw the caps on further. you will want to adjust them so that the fitting can slide over the barrel easily but still be reasonably tight over the barrel. This is important because if it is too loose it will not seal, but if it is too tight, you won't be able to cock the gun.
Now you will want to place the fitting in the shell right about here.

and dremel out the shell in order to get the fitting to fit in. You may also need to cut out part of the shell.
Once you get it to fit you should re-assemble the inside of the gun. With the barrel already inside of the fitting. Then use hot glue to secure the fitting to the shell.

(Note that tube piece is supposed to be a little crooked.)
Now you should put it all back together. (Make sure you don't pinch the air tube)

And lastly cut down the barrel to an appropriate length. I cut mine down so that when the gun is cocked it is even with the fitting.

This works best with 1.5" stephans that fit fairly loosly in the barrel. You may need to drill out the cpvc first if you have tight fitting darts. This does not work with streamlines or other tight fitting or longer darts.
Ranges: ranges were between 60' and 70'. Probably could be better but my darts really suck.
I'm sure this could be done better with something like brass/ done another way to get much less dead space, but I do not have brass and could not think of a better way of doing it with my available materials. This gun works great for indoors and is very fun to use. It is also quite easy to reload. If you have any ideas of making this better feel free to post here or shoot me a pm (but please don't hijack my thread).
Edited by GeshmanWG, 05 August 2010 - 02:33 PM.