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Nerf Barrel Break - Reviews & Internals Guide

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#1 SgNerf



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Posted 23 July 2010 - 03:53 PM

Nerf Barrel Breaks are now available at Toys R Us stores in Singapore and i managed to get hold of a set today.

Here are the links to the Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 Reviews, Demo & Test Fire, and Internals Guide.

Nerf Barrel Break - Review!

Posted Image

Full Review Link: http://sgnerf.blogsp...x-2-review.html

Nerf Barrel Break - Demo/Test Fire & Internals Video

Nerf Barrel Break - Internals Guide!

Oddly, although Barrel Breaks have already been in the hands of nerfers for the past weeks, we've yet to see any photos of the internals being posted up.

Anyways, for the modders curious to find out what the Barrel Break's internal mechanisms look like, i'll just post the internals photos i took here (along with comparisons with Recon parts):

Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Disassembled

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Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Internals Close-Up

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Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Double Plunger Detail

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Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Break Action Ratchet Detail

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Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Spring Comparison with Recon CS-6
(Top: Barrel Break / Bottom: Recon)

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Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 - Plunger Comparison with Recon CS-6
(Top: Barrel Break / Bottom: Recon)

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Full Internals Guide Link: http://modworks.blog...nals-guide.html

Just to add, i have since modded my Barrel Break with the usual AR Removals and aftermarket spring replacements. Although the Barrel Break's plungers are smaller and springs are shorter, my initial modded results so far seem to be on par with similiarly modded Recons, so i guess the internal parts size differences didn't translate to as much of a power difference as expected.

Edited by SgNerf, 24 July 2010 - 03:56 AM.

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#2 Abyss Mods

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 04:09 PM

Good thing it has 2 separate plungers for each barrel instead of one plunger like the Double Shot. It sucks that its reversed plungered, even though we all knew it would be. I look forward to getting one of these. :P
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#3 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 23 July 2010 - 05:50 PM

I'm a little confused, are the darts are actually pushed into those smaller barrels somehow after the blaster is primed, or do they stay in the big barrels and there's just a ton of deadspace?

Abyss Mods, on Jul 23 2010, 04:09 PM, said:

Good thing it has 2 separate plungers for each barrel instead of one plunger like the Double Shot. It sucks that its reversed plungered, even though we all knew it would be. I look forward to getting one of these. :P

The doubleshot has 2 separate plungers.

↓ Sounds pretty nifty. As far as preforming the same as a recon, I wonder if (up to a point obviously) reduced deadspace when you make a reverse plunger shorter is enough to counteract the loss of plunger stroke. Although, if that were actually true, Nerf would have made all of them this size from the beginning though I think.

Edited by VelveetaAvenger, 23 July 2010 - 07:44 PM.

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#4 SgNerf



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Posted 23 July 2010 - 05:53 PM

VelveetaAvenger, on Jul 24 2010, 06:50 AM, said:

I'm a little confused, are the darts are actually pushed into those smaller barrels somehow after the blaster is primed, or do they stay in the big barrels and there's just a ton of deadspace?

There are pop-up "dart blockers" within the double barrels, so when they are pushed back into the blaster, the darts are also pushed backwards into the bolts.
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#5 Galaxy613



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Posted 23 July 2010 - 08:45 PM

VelveetaAvenger, on Jul 23 2010, 06:50 PM, said:

The doubleshot has 2 separate plungers.

He ment the plungertubes are one piece so it was very hard to get to the springs without some reglueing...
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#6 Abyss Mods

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 09:50 PM

Galaxy613, on Jul 23 2010, 09:45 PM, said:

He ment the plungertubes are one piece so it was very hard to get to the springs without some reglueing...

Actually, that was just my ignorance...

Looking at the handle, it looks like a rather odd and uncomfortable angle. How comfortable is it?

Edited by Abyss Mods, 23 July 2010 - 09:52 PM.

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 12:29 AM

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#8 Vinnie D

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:28 AM

I'm a bit disappointed that the barrels are in front of the reverse plungers instead of nested inside them. That design would have saved space and improved the efficiency of air delivery to the dart. The smaller than recon plungers are also a let down. With a lower capacity, and less power than the recon I can't see any practical use for this thing without some heavy modding.

I'm sure it's fun to screw around with but so is a double shot in that regard.

I could see it being possible though to cut it down some, saw off a good chunk of barrel lenght, replace the dart holders with couplers, and relocate the barrels to inside the plunger tube, but it would be a lot of work with some bit of trial and error.

The upside is there seems to be a lot of space behind the barrels, so if you want to slap some air tanks back there instead of plungers you might have something worth while. Like two AT2Ks slapped together. If you saw it off, change out the power source and rebarrel it could be a great secondary, or at least a fun indoor primary, but unmodded it doesn't look like anything more than a gun to goof off with. Mind you thing wrong with goofing off, I keep a double shot and a deploy by my computer chair for that very reason.
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