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Chicago Amazing Nerf 4 - July 25, 2010

Patty Cake, Bakers Revenge

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#1 Snake51886



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 04:03 PM

When: SUNDAY July 25, 2010, 10:00am - 4:00 pm

Where: Centennial Park
9400 S Oak Park Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Posted Image
(It's the same old pic, blah blah blah)

- Don't be a douche
- Stock ammo only
- Hoppers are capped at 4 in the clip + 1 chambered
- HAMPS (and their variants) are banned

Here's what to bring:
- Nerf Blasters and backups in case of breakage
- Eye Protection, or else you won't be able to play
- Ammo, we've got an awesome communal box going, but be sure to bring your own
- Lunch and Drinks, We'll have 30 minutes for lunch and back to Nerf. If you're late, we're starting without you.

Banned Guns:
- Singled and plugged 4B's
- Singled Titans
- Anything that is dangerous/unfair/hamp-ers fun of others

Who's Attending:
Snake51886 + 10
Jack Jack
Louiec3 (the ice cream man)
LiterSize (VasTheStampede)


Questions, comments, sand in the mangina? Post it here or pm if its of a personal nature.

Edited by Snake51886, 20 July 2010 - 03:25 PM.

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#2 louiec3



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:17 PM

I'm in unless unforeseen things happen.
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#3 Merzlin



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 08:16 PM

I won't be able to attend, since I'll be in Florida. I hope you guys have fun!
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#4 Snake51886



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Posted 20 July 2010 - 03:23 PM

War is this Sunday! We're looking at mid 80's with 0% of precipitation! Dress accordingly.

Please bring water/gatorade and whatnot! Additionally, I'll be bringing some stuff to sell and raffle off!

See everybody there!
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#5 AcepilotZero



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Posted 21 July 2010 - 04:15 AM

I will probably be there, and I'll want my Titan shotgun.
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Lord of the flywheels.

#6 Snake51886



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 12:15 AM

Rainy overnight, but clear skies come sunrise. It'll be upwards of 83 degrees and everybody should prepare accordingly.

See everyone tomorrow!

As a side note, any UAV's that are flying in the air are fair game and can be shot at due to the fact that their "payload" counts as hits. Afterall, whats the fun with air support if you can't do anything to counter it!
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#7 AcepilotZero



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:51 AM

I'll make sure to land the bomber if it gets hit. But don't expect that to happen anytime soon!

Don't expect to get hit BY it either; I still can't aim very well. It's not point and shoot.

This new facet of our sport will definitely require the creation of new rules. I think that because flying a UAV requires all of a person's concentration, hits on the plane or controls should count, but the pilot should be immune. Any effective hits should make the pilot either land permanently or fly in a circle for a period of time, with the pilot's weapon trigger hand in the air. Flying leaves the pilot completely defenceless. This can be discussed on-site.

Edited by AcepilotZero, 25 July 2010 - 01:59 AM.

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Lord of the flywheels.

#8 louiec3



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Posted 25 July 2010 - 10:34 PM

I couldn't wait until morning so I must post now.

Awesome war! Nerfing with stock ammo and people who love it is just as good as nerfing with stefans. We tried new game types, and fulfilled peoples lifelong dreams (Ron).

+Stock ammo. Even with high powered guns they don't hurt.
+Continuing to see new guys.
+No heat storke!
+Jason's Deli
+Enjoying the gumball eyes this time in the safety of my car.
+Having 8 ls clips on me and using them all in 1 round throwing them away when they were empty, so cool!
+Civil War. Awesome gametype. We just need some muzzle loading snaps.
+Downed Pilot. More than awesome. It was like black hawk down in a nerf war, and it worked. Teams of the pilot, Somalians, and the people (delta force). This was just bursting with sensitivity.
+Over-acting the deaths.
+Acquiring a tornado sight
+Dual wielding Mad Hornets. The suckyness doubled to 12 shots.
+Did I mention that my Ice cream was enjoyed rather that being thrown on the ground.

-People left early which kinda slowed the war down.
-Hummer couldn't come.
-Getting 3 streamlines sucked into my snap's plungertube simultaneously.

Quote of the war

"filipinos have their own bubble now. It's called Pacific Islander. Get it right whitey!"


Your wars are always worth the drive.
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#9 LiterSize



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Posted 26 July 2010 - 11:08 PM

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