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N-strike Alpha Trooper Cs-18

Official release from Hasbro

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#1 Talio


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 11:36 AM

Okay guys,

I know you saw that yesterday I said no more of these threads and this is why. Nerf has agreed that this site will be where they first unveil new guns on the internet. That means no site online will see the official release of a nerf gun before us. And to show that they weren't fooling here it is:

Posted Image

Here's a copy and paste of the email I got:


Hi @%$#@!,

Hope your day is going well! I wanted to share with you an image and some official information about the N-Strike Alpha Trooper CS-18 blaster, which is in fact coming out this year.

· Available in August

· Exclusively at Target

· Features an 18 dart drum

· Rapid fire capability

I’ve attached an image of the N-Strike Alpha Trooper CS-18 blaster in package. Please feel free to share this information with the Nerf Haven community. We won’t be announcing this info on our Facebook or Twitter pages until tomorrow. Nerf will also release a second official image of the blaster tomorrow, at which point you (and all fans) are free to grab it from our pages if you’d like.

Please let me know if you need anything @%$#@!,, and thanks!


So there you have it. That's all I know. Feel free to speculate until your face turns blue and you pass out. But that's all the information I have and no I'm not going to send this poor person 250 rediculously technical questions. So don't ask me to.

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#2 NerfRogue83



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:14 PM

Wow, that is a really cool move by Nerf--keeping the community up to speed directly.

As for the blaster---it looks interesting to say the least. The 18 round drum may prove to be a bit less dominating than the 35 round counterpart we have now---which is a good thing in my opinion.
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#3 NerfHunter03



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:23 PM

I personally feel that the 18 round drum will make it a lttle bit easier to use than the 36-round drum for the right-handers out there when using it in a longshot/strike, or recon, without modifying it.
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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:30 PM

NerfRogue83, on May 18 2010, 01:14 PM, said:

The 18 round drum may prove to be a bit less dominating than the 35 round counterpart we have now---which is a good thing in my opinion.

Tee hee, he said drum mags are dominating. You should also look out for light drizzle and damp grass; we don't want your sandles to get dominated!

Seriously though, nice work Viking. This thing will probably be an entertaining alternative to the raider in stock wars. MMMMmmmmmmm, relative exclusivity!
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#5 T dog

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:32 PM


It is really cool that Hasbro is doing this. I guess a little cooperation pays off after all.
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#6 NerfRogue83



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:37 PM

VACC, on May 18 2010, 01:30 PM, said:

NerfRogue83, on May 18 2010, 01:14 PM, said:

The 18 round drum may prove to be a bit less dominating than the 35 round counterpart we have now---which is a good thing in my opinion.

Tee hee, he said drum mags are dominating. You should also look out for light drizzle and damp grass; we don't want your sandles to get dominated!

Seriously though, nice work Viking. This thing will probably be an entertaining alternative to the raider in stock wars. MMMMmmmmmmm, relative exclusivity!

Yes, yes sir I did. A 35 shot stefan drum (finely crafted by Zorns) can indeed dominate on a properly built and reinforced LS----ask the FL guys. My sandles?---The are superbly capable sir, I assure you.

On Topic--There is another pic of this blaster out, showing the back of the box and confirming the obvious.....a reverse plunger propulsion system. No big shock, just thought I would say that.
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#7 BustaNinja



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 01:16 PM

The dominating issue would be a big deal if anyone used it. The last time I've seen someone with a Longshot and drum mag, his DAD tore shit up with a blowgun. I mean, come on. A blowgun..

Either way, Talio, that shit is mad tight. This little branch of the NIC is now the first place Hasbro reveals stuff. Thats pretty nifty. Good show man.
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Posted 18 May 2010 - 01:19 PM

NerfRogue83, on May 18 2010, 01:37 PM, said:

Yes, yes sir I did. A 35 shot stefan drum (finely crafted by Zorns) can indeed dominate on a properly built and reinforced LS----ask the FL guys.

I've spoken to zorn about this. He assures me that he applied no magical seals or enchantments to said drum-mag, and that longshots are still relatively useless at a real nerf war.
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#9 NerfRogue83



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 01:25 PM

VACC, on May 18 2010, 02:19 PM, said:

NerfRogue83, on May 18 2010, 01:37 PM, said:

Yes, yes sir I did. A 35 shot stefan drum (finely crafted by Zorns) can indeed dominate on a properly built and reinforced LS----ask the FL guys.

I've spoken to zorn about this. He assures me that he applied no magical seals or enchantments to said drum-mag, and that longshots are still relatively useless at a real nerf war.

PM Zax or Groove--I think he might say differently.....but hey, I am just a Dildo.

Aplologies for off topic-ness.

Edited by NerfRogue83, 18 May 2010 - 01:28 PM.

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#10 MavericK96



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:15 PM

I assume "rapid-fire" in this case means the same as it did for the Raider, where you push-pull the charging handle while holding the trigger in order to fire. So basically just a smaller-drummed Raider?
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#11 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:41 PM

Assuming Hasbro is following its latest "recon plunger is teh best evarz" production policy, my speculation is that this is just gonna be another recon+shotgun grip+different shell than the last four "new" guns.

Or, hasbro could produce a totally new plunger system, cure cancer, and become more popular than lady gaga.

We'll see.
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#12 canuck



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:52 PM

Renegademilitia15, on May 18 2010, 11:41 AM, said:

Or, hasbro could produce a totally new plunger system, cure cancer, and become more popular than lady gaga.

We'll see.

Maybe the new blasters will come with dicks, just like her.

Holy crap! Do you think the orange bit with holes on top of the barrel is the jam door?

Edited by canuck, 18 May 2010 - 02:53 PM.

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#13 TheRedRanger



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 03:05 PM

Is it just me, or do the blaster shells keep getting bulkier? Even though the plunger system sucks, at least there's room for integrations.
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#14 Captain



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 03:14 PM

Well...it's a pump-action recon. The Rapid Fire means nothing to me because I never found it useful in the Raider. Meh.

In any case, it's nice of the guys at hasbro to give us the first info. In this case it's not necessarily useful because I really only had to look at the Alpha Trooper to see what it was. I look forward to more releases regardless.
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#15 BJ Williams

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 03:36 PM

Well sorry they didnt consult with us and make sure we were cool with it before they put it in production. I personally think its a pretty nice blaster. Maybe Im naive but I havent really had a problem with how Nerf blasters have worked out of late.
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#16 Paragon19



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 03:45 PM

Very nice to see this happening for the site.

Personally, I think Nerf went in the right direction with this blaster. As has been stated, it basically seems like a smaller version of the Raider. I'm always excited to see new CS blasters though, especially if it means more magazine options. I kind of wish they'd include a stock with it (a folding stock would be nice), but I could see myself picking one of these up for HvZ in the fall, even though I'm very satisfied with my current blasters.

I certainly like it a lot more than the Deploy, which just struck me as completely irrelevant among the line of N-Strike blasters, especially with that god-awful side mounted magazine feed.

canuck, on May 18 2010, 11:52 AM, said:

Holy crap! Do you think the orange bit with holes on top of the barrel is the jam door?

I imagine the orange part on the top of the receiver is, but not the part on the actual barrel. Probably just for looks.

Edited by Paragon19, 18 May 2010 - 03:49 PM.

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#17 Broderick



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 05:05 PM

I'm actually pretty excited for this. Thanks to Lt. Stefan for his big step into making these guns better, this could really have an advantage in an in-door war.
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#18 Zack the Mack

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 05:31 PM

High-five to Nerf's kick-ass PR people. You girls rock.

Also, no socket for barrel extensions?!
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#19 durka durka

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 06:05 PM

The 18 round drum mag looks interesting but also a bit odd looking.

The only problem I have with this is that it doesn't really do anything the raider or recon can't already do. Sure it's neat looking, but it's a bit pointless.

I still haven't messed around with my raiders yet; I'm not going to turn around and buy this.
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#20 Paragon19



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 06:05 PM

Zack the Mack, on May 18 2010, 02:31 PM, said:

High-five to Nerf's kick-ass PR people. You girls rock.

Also, no socket for barrel extensions?!

The Raider doesn't have one either. The pump grip is integrated into the actual barrel the same for both (hence the slam fire). I admit, I'm slightly disappointed too, I was thinking some of the extensions might look cool on it. What I find really odd is the inclusion of a stock mount, but no stock included with the blaster, this marks the first time Nerf has done it. Granted, it would mean an increase in price if one was included. Perhaps they'll make some value pack exclusives including Recon stocks, or maybe yellow Raider stocks, which I would like.

I really hope they make some in red.

durka durka, on May 18 2010, 03:05 PM, said:

The 18 round drum mag looks interesting but also a bit odd looking.

The only problem I have with this is that it doesn't really do anything the raider or recon can't already do. Sure it's neat looking, but it's a bit pointless.

I still haven't messed around with my raiders yet; I'm not going to turn around and buy this.

It means slam fire and moderate capacity for those of us who think the Raider costs too much. I'm sure it'll make plenty of money.

Edited by Paragon19, 18 May 2010 - 06:09 PM.

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#21 wardrive



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 06:09 PM

I think the over emphasis on range can be unhealthy for nerfing, two masses of player standing 120 feet apart from each other (with their 30 round plusbows) on a wide open field just seems wrong to me.
The Alpha trooper looks like it'll be plenty fun to run around with. On one other note, we got first call.. yay!
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#22 Coffeepillow



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 06:49 PM

Man... It just looks like a repackaged Recon with a small drum.

It's cool to see that Hasbro is paying the Haven some serious respect. I don't know how much they make in sales off of us Nerfers who have a hankerin' for modding compared to the age group that the toys are really aimed towards, but I would guess that this move means it's quite a bit.

Hopefully this means that they have someone reading the forum and gauging the popular trends with mods and that they are making toys that are safe for children, but easily modifiable for more serious nerfers. Like how a BBB or Titan are safe as missile launchers, but can easily be made into effective long range dart weapons.

So, you know. Hint hint...
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#23 magnesium22



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 07:42 PM

You know, I personally think that hasbro has spies(or whatever you want to call it) sneaking around NH, I mean seriously, why would they give us thier latest info on stuff before Facebook?, there has to be a catch of some sort.
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#24 mbisc8



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 07:43 PM

Coffeepillow, on May 18 2010, 04:49 PM, said:

Man... It just looks like a repackaged Recon with a small drum.

Everything Hasbro makes is some deranged form of Recon. Like everyone knows, it uses less plastic which equals less money and more profit.
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#25 Aj



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 10:07 PM

Of course hasbro browses this site, it would be irresponsible not to from a corporate IP perspective on their behalf.

As far as people saying this is pointless, I hate the side mounted drum on the radier, to me this shell is more appealing ergonomically.

Also I find the 35 round mag very very bulky, so the 18rnd one is cool, but to be honest I prefer the other 18 round clip they have coming out (super clips style)

Also internally, the raider had a much much more developed boltsled, seemed much more sturdier, and in order to implement slamfire it is likely that they will have to beef up the recon's boltsled (as they have with every other design after) this means a stronger recon like base for bos, which I don't see as a bad thing.

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