Materials: Handsaw, hotglue, 1/2in. cpvc, 1/2in. cpvc coupler, 1/2in. PVC coupler, nitefinder spring,
Step 1: Open up the front part of your Big Bad Bow. This is what the internals should look like. (This is the internals directory picture)
Step 2: At the very front of the gun there is an orange cap. On the orange cap should be the barrel post where the arrows went on. When you take this off the plunger, two things should pop out. The first should be the air restrictor plate, which is a white circular piece with a solid middle. The second piece should be the actual air restrictor.
(This is a picture of the air restrictor. THROW THIS AWAY, ITS USELESS)
This is the air restrictor plate. The plate is the white piece on the very outside, or the bigger circle. In this picture I already took wire cutters and snipped off the solid center middle piece. Do the same thing I did and drill or snip off the center solid piece. This creates more air flow KEEP THIS PART, DON'T THROW IT AWAY)
Step 3: Once you've drilled out the center of the air restrictor plate, cut down the barrel post all the way down. The sand it down so you have a nice even surface. I don't have pictures for this part so you will just have to go with what I say.
Tips: The barrel post is the part that hold the arrow. It is important that the surface is nice and smooth.
Step 4: Now take your 1/2in. cpvc and cut a approximately one and half inches off.
It should look like this. To be precise, put the cpvc in the hole where the orange barrel post used to be. Stick the cpvc in until it reaches the front of the air restrictor plate. It should look like the pictures below. Make sure that a 1/2 length in of the cpvc is sticking out so you can fits the coupler on.
Step 5: Now fill the space around the cpvc with hot glue all the way to the lip of it.
Step 6: In this step you will be making you universal coupler. The universal coupler means that it can fit both cpvc and pvc pipes. What your going to do is take a 1/2in cpvc coupler an shove it into a 1/2 in PVC coupler. When doing this make sure not to shove it in to far. The cpvc coupler should go to the HALF WAY MARK of the pvc coupler. If you do it correctly some of 1/2inc cpvc coupler should be sticking out.. If you shove it in to far the cpvc coupler won't work.
Once your done, glue the part of cpvc coupler that is sticking out on the the cpvc barrel on the orange cap. It should look like the picture below.
Step 7: Ok. now you can either just put the gun back together and be done, or you can continue and put a nitefinder spring in. So next you unscrew the back part of the gun. This is what it should look like.
Step 8: Now you take off the plunger head and the orange circular piece right below it. After you do that, you take out the plunger rod from the back and you should just be left with your spring inside the plunger tube. Here is a couple of pictures to help you out.
(There is the plunger head)
(Here is a spread out version of the the whole assembly)
Step 9: Finally you take your nitefinder spring and insert it inside the BBB spring
(The BBB spring is on top and the nf spring on bottom)
Step 10: Last but not least, you put the gun back together. If you assembled it correctly it should look like the picture below.
As you can see I put some electrical tape around the orange cap and the plunger just for support.
Step 11: Now don't get to excited and just screw the gun together. This is what I did and forgot the catch. The last two picture show the final product and the catch.
Here is the catch
Here is the final and finished project.
A tip that could help you:
1. Don't fill the white air restrictor plate with hotglue like this.
(I learned this the hard way)
The ranges are consistently 80' flat with a #BB weighted stefans.
Also I will do this mod as a contract. So if you want me to make this for you I will be more than happy too. You will have to pay for the gun and labor. With the contract will come five of my nicely made stefans. So send me a pm if you want me too.
Ok, well thats it. I hoped you enjoyed.
Edited by Iwillownyou, 03 May 2010 - 10:14 PM.