As cool as the WildFire is----it has several trouble area's........the stock air tubing is terrible, the pump handle's bend, and the plastic fittings for the air lines to connect to are brittle and break. This particular WildFire had all these issue's.....
Let's begin.....The fitting on the back of the firing piston was broken off----shocker, NOT.......

So, I drilled out the hole in the back of the piston, and replaced the broken off plastic part with a brass barbed fitting.....

Ta Da!

Now, the same remedy for the cap on the bladder.....

While I had the bladder assembly out, I decided to give the 'Ol WildFire a little boost.......by adding lots of rubber bands to the bladder. Space these out evenly to cover the whole bladder like so......

On to the pump!........Here is our pump assembly---Note that the top air line goes to the Bladder, and the bottom line goes to the Firing Piston----we will be replacing both of these leaky pieces of crap....

Our stock pump rod-----weak and flexable, prone to bending

Cut several lengths of coat hanger or other manor of reinforcing material, and place them inside the channels of the pump rod----superGlue them in place.....

Fill the channel with epoxy putty---covering your reinforcing strips, and ending up flush with the top edges of the pump rod....so as not to catch on the shell when being pumped.....

Replace the pump assembly, firing piston, and bladder. Run your tubing, and secure using a sealing agent of your choice. With the internals in place, I also decided to add one more tiny boost......a few bands on the firing piston......

Turret Time!
Take your stock turret, and remove the screws holding the two halfs of the turret together. Seperate the halfs, and keep this----