It's quite obvious as to most of you what I've done, but I'll explain it for you anyways. I did what a lot of people are doing lately to their nite finders, which is replace the plunger tube with 1" PETG. I then swapped the plunger head from a nite finder and everything literally went into place. The only area that needed any cutting was the flange under where the coupler is now and this took like 2 minutes with a pair of pliers. Then I put some e-tape on the plunger so it wont move. This mod increased my draw, my air output, and I replaced the spring with a longer and stronger one. This whole mod took me less than an hour and its made this gun a whole lot better, I'm getting 70 feet no problem, and it kicks the crap out of a night finder with a stock plunger.
So, thoughts, comments, questions?
And by the way, if no one has a problem with it, I'd like to mention that this gun is currently on eBay along with many other guns I have!