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My Belt Blaster

I call it the Zombie "Cure"

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#1 Vinnie D

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Posted 04 March 2010 - 06:30 AM

First of all. This is NOT a full blown write up, but the belt blaster has been modded in the past already, so the basics of getting it open have been covered. A quick search will turn that up if you need it. Second, apologies in advance for my horrible photography skills.

Moving along I first want to point out I did http://nerfhaven.com...hl=belt blaster that to the shells before beginning.

Now it's time for pics.

First off the springs.
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I replaced the stock spring with a cut down nitefinder spring, and a skinnier hardware store spring inside of it. Not pictured, I also lubed up the tube and bored out the end for better airflow. As you can see I also replaced the O ring (the old one didn't take to the lube well) and added a second one. This gives the thing some serious oomph.
By the way if you want to respring the thing, use a flathead screwdriver to pull the pin holding the plunger tube on by sliding it under one of the caps. It's similar to pulling the cylinder pin from a maverick.

Moving, along. The Guts, and the only guts any zombies are going to see when this puppy is around.
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Everything is reinforced obviously, the locks have been removed allowing it to be de-primed without having to dry fire, moving parts lubed, and most obviously you can see that's a longshot stock on the back. More about that later.

Moving right along, let's see the whole thing assembled.
The Zombie "Cure." Of course there's only one cure for a zombie. The doctor is in, so let's "treat" those poor bastards.
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Now load the "cure" up with plenty of "medicine" (yes I misspelled it. I'll repaint that one later)
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The top
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With instructions "Directly to forehead" and you'll note I also integrated an LED book light into the handle. It's pretty bright and handy for both illuminating and blinding.

The bayonet offers a little backup should 30 shots prove insufficient.
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The backside
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I ran out of white paint so this side is just black and red. It's okay, the whole thing is meant to look kind of slapdash anyway, like a guy who's been up to his neck in the undead a little too long, customized his weapon as he becomes a bit unhinged.

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It consistently gets 40-50' with rare shots up to 60'. I'm quite happy with it, but I'd like to do a nice drum mod to make that belt more stable before I take it into action.
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#2 Roger Explosion

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Posted 04 March 2010 - 12:21 PM

Good to see some love for the Belt Blaster.

I didn't know you could remove that pin on the plunger rod to get to the spring. Looks like I'm going to have to try your method.

A guy I nerf with, who uses a Belt Blaster at wars finds that its eaiser to use a 20 round belt over the full 30 to make it more managable and it also helps it from disintergrating during battle.
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#3 NerfArmory



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Posted 04 March 2010 - 04:40 PM

Oh my god...Thats...Effeminate!!!! Love the name. And its gotta be hilarious and threating at the same time to have that barrel aiming at you. And its like the blaster was MADE for just that mod. Love it. and the Bayonet is a great touch. But I think you should spraypaint the belt black THEN add the red lettering. The orange just sticks out on the gun. Or is that so that you arent arested for carying a gun. Lol.
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#4 CA13


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Posted 04 March 2010 - 08:46 PM

Sweet. I always think of belt blasters as the most legitimate electric blaster. You should probably add foam seals to each cartridge. That way you can squeeze out and make the blaster effective at 40 feet.
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Doing this as I speak. I have no idea when I got it...my DAD got it some 15 years ago, but that doesn't matter. Anyways, it keeps jerking around all over the place. I try to hold it with a rag...It doesn't look like...much.

#5 Broderick



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Posted 04 March 2010 - 09:06 PM

You went a bit overboard with all the text in my opinion. ...But who says that's a bad thing? :) This is pretty sick, I gotta say (no pun intended)
Although, in the fourth picture, what's wrong with your shells? Is that paint, or are those stress marks? Some of it looks like paint, but some of it looks like stress... It looks like you have CPVC in there; is it making the shells bulge out? If you use it in temperature extremes they might crack, which would suck.
I also like the bloody bayonette. Oh, Zombie games, what would we ever do without you.

Edited by Broderick, 04 March 2010 - 09:07 PM.

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#6 Vincent



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Posted 04 March 2010 - 09:11 PM

CA13, on Mar 4 2010, 06:46 PM, said:

Sweet. I always think of belt blasters as the most legitimate electric blaster.

Just to clarify, the Belt Blaster itself does not use electricity.
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 14 2009, 07:50 PM) View Post

Heresy. Nothing beats pink flamingos.

#7 bourbon



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Posted 04 March 2010 - 10:45 PM

Very nice, unfortunately when I modded my belt blaster I hacksawed off the front lips of the shells like you did originally. I'm working on a way to make it seal with metal washers and magnets. Until I figure that out I have to shoot it at like 20-30 degrees or it won't fire properly. Sad face.
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#8 Soothsayer



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Posted 05 March 2010 - 03:32 AM

I'm sorry, but did you find all your moms nail polish and decide to use that to paint this thing with?

The mods are all well and nice, but clean that shit up man.
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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#9 Vinnie D

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Posted 02 April 2010 - 03:48 AM

Alright, bumping an old topic but with good reason. I've improved upon the design with a drum mod. Someone posted once once before involving a CD case. Unwilling to buy a stack of unneeded CDs I instead took measurements and purchased a similar sized Tupperware container. Also studded it a bit with some felt dots. It's simple and rough, but the whole thing is rough, so it kind of fits in, in a sort of way. Maybe I should just throw on some random duct tape to finish the look. :P

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The drum is attached via Velcro, so if I ever get a second chain, I can make quick swappable drums. Also added some felt tabs for....no real reason.

Edited by Vinnie D., 02 April 2010 - 03:49 AM.

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#10 stuper bunny

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Posted 02 April 2010 - 09:20 AM

So all that container does is keep the belt from flailing around (and potentially breaking) while you run?

#11 Vinnie D

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Posted 03 April 2010 - 12:57 AM

Pretty much. There are holes on each side allowing the belt to feed out of it and return for safe storage. A broken belt in the midst of a game where there's no time to pick it up, could be an instant loss after all, since you'd pretty much end up restricted to your pistol and the bayonet. This keeps everything nicely together, and takes the stress off the belt links.
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#12 nostyleguy



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Posted 03 April 2010 - 03:02 AM

I really like Belt Blasters and this is the best mod on NH for one. The aesthetics are nice. Have you thought of doing any kinda major internal overhaul? It seems like there is so much room in the back of the shell that a much bigger Plunger Tube could be used, but it might be tricky with the front grip bars. Also I'm not sure if more air would even help without a proper 'barrel'. I was thinking of having some kind of sliding barrel that slid into the shells via the priming handle on each shot, but this became too problematic.

Still, very nice mod.
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#13 Vinnie D

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 02:33 AM

nostyleguy, on Apr 3 2010, 02:02 AM, said:

I really like Belt Blasters and this is the best mod on NH for one. The aesthetics are nice. Have you thought of doing any kinda major internal overhaul? It seems like there is so much room in the back of the shell that a much bigger Plunger Tube could be used, but it might be tricky with the front grip bars. Also I'm not sure if more air would even help without a proper 'barrel'. I was thinking of having some kind of sliding barrel that slid into the shells via the priming handle on each shot, but this became too problematic.

Still, very nice mod.

I considered several alternatives. With close to mid range being the intention here I just powered up the existing hardware, but if you're willing to divorce the belt feed mechanism from the priming mechanism (obviously anything with a longer draw than the original plunger wouldn't be able to prime in the same stroke), you could fit even a LS tube in there.

However a barrel long enough is a bigger problem. You won't be able to make a proper seal that could line up with the current shells, so you'd have to extend the barrel on every shell. Someone else managed to do this with barrels intended for nano darts and got up to 70ft without changing the internals significantly, but if you follow the link on my first post you'll see that it's impossible to make longer barrels in micro size with CPVC due to the location of the tabs used to align the shells, unless you're willing to rebuild that as well.

I think it COULD be done, and might be worth the effort if you want a nigh capacity outdoor primary, but I was building a mid to close range gun with capacity and rate of fire in mind.

But yes theoretically everything you suggested is possible. I've taken this gun as far as I can take it, though I'd love to see someone else take a whack at it.
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#14 mak-2012



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Posted 10 April 2010 - 09:01 PM

Very impressive. Way to turn a Buzz Bee gun into something extremely noteworthy. Kudos.
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