Moving along I first want to point out I did blaster that to the shells before beginning.
Now it's time for pics.
First off the springs.

I replaced the stock spring with a cut down nitefinder spring, and a skinnier hardware store spring inside of it. Not pictured, I also lubed up the tube and bored out the end for better airflow. As you can see I also replaced the O ring (the old one didn't take to the lube well) and added a second one. This gives the thing some serious oomph.
By the way if you want to respring the thing, use a flathead screwdriver to pull the pin holding the plunger tube on by sliding it under one of the caps. It's similar to pulling the cylinder pin from a maverick.
Moving, along. The Guts, and the only guts any zombies are going to see when this puppy is around.

Everything is reinforced obviously, the locks have been removed allowing it to be de-primed without having to dry fire, moving parts lubed, and most obviously you can see that's a longshot stock on the back. More about that later.
Moving right along, let's see the whole thing assembled.
The Zombie "Cure." Of course there's only one cure for a zombie. The doctor is in, so let's "treat" those poor bastards.

Now load the "cure" up with plenty of "medicine" (yes I misspelled it. I'll repaint that one later)

The top

With instructions "Directly to forehead" and you'll note I also integrated an LED book light into the handle. It's pretty bright and handy for both illuminating and blinding.
The bayonet offers a little backup should 30 shots prove insufficient.

The backside

I ran out of white paint so this side is just black and red. It's okay, the whole thing is meant to look kind of slapdash anyway, like a guy who's been up to his neck in the undead a little too long, customized his weapon as he becomes a bit unhinged.

It consistently gets 40-50' with rare shots up to 60'. I'm quite happy with it, but I'd like to do a nice drum mod to make that belt more stable before I take it into action.