Went off without a hitch. Over the course of the night, about 15 people participated. We mostly played a game called Steal The Bacon. I set a Nerf Dart Tag Flag on a 5 min. timer. Once the timer goes off, the first team to get it to their side wins. The caveat? The game becomes one hit total elimination once the timer goes off. The first team to steal the bacon or eliminate the other team wins.
I was/am sick with the flu, but I still showed up to run the war and film it. I put together this little promo video, mainly intended for consumption by friends and attendees, but perhaps my mediocre video editing skills will lure more Haven dwellers out. We had our first participant find us from the Haven, though I neglected to ask his forum name. A great time was had by all.
Nerfpocalypse Promo Video:
Also there was free pizza. Just sayin'.
I look forward to maybe seeing more of you all in 2 weeks time!

Nerfpocalypse 8.5 Recap And Promo Video
Started by sllewgh, Feb 27 2010 06:08 PM
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Posted 27 February 2010 - 06:08 PM
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