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Doubleshot: Sexy + Easy Mods

The doubleshot is super simple modding with this easy to follow guide.

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#1 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 04:52 PM


Hello and welcome to my doubleshot modding guide. You can make a sexy gun in a day using this simple guide.
First thing you should do when your gun is fresh out of the pack is to cut off the barrel. Do this using a small saw or anything thats good for cutting large plastic. Afterwards, your gun should look like this.

Posted Image

I like to cut the gun behind the nail (look on the bottom) to add a little bit of barrel for that "sawn off" look.

Now you may paint the gun. use any color, but i really suggest the Krylon Fusion for plastic spray paint. It bonds with the plastic and looks awesome. It is $4 at Home Depot. to start unscrew the stock (this is the only screw you have to deal with!) and spray paint it and the plastic bolts seperatley from the gun. I used tape to cover up the trigger and a little hole on the bottom from which you can see the string (internals) and you probably dont want that to be touched. You may also want to stuff kitchen towel down each of the barrels, to prevent you from painting those.

Here is a pic of my gun halfway through the painting process. Notice the stock and bolts on the left.

Posted Image

3. While you wait 20 minutes inbetween coats you can use a small drill and put it through the back of each shell. make the hole a little bigger and take out that rod that the darts sit on. Now you can use stefans and have a bit more power. (You can use a nail and a hammer, although the drill is best for the cleaner cut.)

Here is a before and after of this mod.
Before on right, after on left.

Posted Image

4. Screw the stock back on when you are done. Now enjoy using your new Doubleshot.

Completed Doubleshot:
Posted Image

This is my first Thread and second post, so leave some comments please!
Note: I will update pics with more quality and better shots if i can.


Edited by NerfKnack, 23 February 2010 - 04:54 PM.

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#2 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:03 PM

This is the real one. Nerfhaven had an error and i doubleposted a thread o.o
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#3 Noodleownz



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:05 PM

I think if you read what's in my sig, you will understand. A rule of thumb that nerfers go by is to never paint blasters black. You will create a huge scene/problem if you bring that outdoors. Instead paint it neon pink, yellow, green, etc. Also, none of the mods shown here are new, and the blaster isn't "sexy". The modifications have been performed a numerous amount of times.

Edited by Noodleownz, 23 February 2010 - 05:09 PM.

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#4 wasdf



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:08 PM

Well first off, you don't need to make an entire new post just because you didn't make something BIG, BLUE, AND BOLD. Secondly, this has been done already and, in mine and maybe a few others' opinions, the first looks much sexier. Thirdly, NerfHaven does not take kindly to all-black guns (I found out the hard way). There's not much you can do now except, maybe blaze the tips ORANGE and if other flames ensue, beg for forgiveness. On the lighter side, not that bad of a first writeup and welcome to 'Haven.

EDIT: Dammit Noodle, you beat me to it.

Edited by wasdf, 23 February 2010 - 05:09 PM.

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For a battle cry you gotta scream out "Feel the awesome power of my balls!"

#5 plubby



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:09 PM

I think if you read what's in my sig, you will understand. A rule of thumb that nerfers go by is to never paint blasters black. You will create a huge scene/problem if you bring that outdoors. Instead paint it neon yellow,pink, etc. Also, none of the mods shown here are new, and the blaster isn't "sexy". The modifications have been performed a numerous amount of times.

What about black and a different color...
Nobody likes you.

#6 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:11 PM

well this meant as a begginer thing.

and i was thinking about doing a blue tiger pattern from call of duty, what do you think?

why no black guns?
it has an orange trigger and im only using it indoors so the cops wont bust me

Edited by NerfKnack, 23 February 2010 - 05:15 PM.

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#7 LotusNerf



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:28 PM

why no black guns?
it has an orange trigger and im only using it indoors so the cops wont bust me

Dude, it's just a thing on Nerfhaven. They just hate black guns for some reason. I personally disagree with it as people may want to paint however they like, but it just doesn't show creativity unless other colors are added.

Edit: Make the tip orange, so that it is also visible from the side. Many people have airsoft guns, and they are required to have an orange tip, because they are so realistic. This should as well, so cops won't...you get the point.


Edited by LotusNerf, 23 February 2010 - 07:05 PM.

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#8 ezra 271

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:31 PM

First of all (not backseat moderating) here at Nerf Haven we post properly. Second off all if you point this at a person or cop there not going to ask if that's real or not. Also a orange trigger means nothing it is covered by your trigger finger.
EDIT:: Dang Lotus posts faster.

Edited by ezra 271, 23 February 2010 - 05:32 PM.

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#9 Ghost of Santa

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:46 PM

Now if ur cornered u can say Beeyotch! Pop! Ezra's right. The cops Busted me 4 a red ryder

Edited by Ghost of Santa, 23 February 2010 - 05:49 PM.

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 06:06 PM

First off, nice write up for your first write up, but this has been done before. This belongs here. The link is a Modification and Paint Job thread.

well this meant as a begginer thing.

and i was thinking about doing a blue tiger pattern from call of duty, what do you think?

why no black guns?
it has an orange trigger and im only using it indoors so the cops wont bust me

I hate when people try and make their gun all "1337" and get a red tiger or blue tiger camouflage. Be creative.

why no black guns?
it has an orange trigger and im only using it indoors so the cops wont bust me

Dude, it's just a thing on Nerfhaven. They just hate black guns for some reason. I personally disagree with it as people may want to paint however they like, but it just doesn't show creativity unless other colors are added.


No it is just a thing on Nerfhaven, and no we just don't like black guns for some reason. Its for safety. I don't care where you live there are cops, and people who are afraid of guns. If you harmless toy looks like a gun the cop or the pedestrian you are aiming at doesn't know it is harmless. The real point of "eye raping" is for safety.
And don't tell me your only going to use it inside, because I'm sure your house has windows and I'm sure you will end up outside with it one time or another.
It may seem like people here don't care about your feelings or yourself in general, but we don't want a nerf gun being your reason for death.
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I remember when some girl in my English 101 class in college tried to cite The Onion as a source for her paper. The teacher lol'd.
The only time I got hit was when my spotter got hit and the enemy team realized there was a marksman in the bushes

#11 ilzot



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 07:14 PM

Well first off, you don't need to make an entire new post just because you didn't make something BIG, BLUE, AND BOLD. Secondly, this has been done already and, in mine and maybe a few others' opinions, the first looks much sexier. Thirdly, NerfHaven does not take kindly to all-black guns (I found out the hard way). There's not much you can do now except, maybe blaze the tips ORANGE and if other flames ensue, beg for forgiveness. On the lighter side, not that bad of a first writeup and welcome to 'Haven.

EDIT: Dammit Noodle, you beat me to it.

Even though I'm not a moderator and this isn't my job, I don't care. It's fun to set people straight.

YOU AREN'T A FUCKING MOD SO STOP ACTING LIKE ONE. You've been here for less then a goddamn year so stop pretending to be like your a Vet. Comment on the fucking gun and just let the mods do their job.

Now to do what I just said to do.

This really isn't a mod, just a paintjob. So you're lucky, you don't have to consider this your first mod.

You did a little AR mod on the shells, but besides that you just slapped on black paint and cut off the barrels.

You've got the basis for a nice gun though. Open her up, do the pull-string mod and the no ejection mod, paint on some pretty colors, and you've got a nice indoor gun.

For future reference, most painting is done with the shell open and the two sides up.

So give all those a try and more internal work on your next gun and you'll be on the road to a modder.
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QUOTE(Vinnie D. @ Feb 1 2010, 05:28 AM) View Post

... to be able to get a better burst or sustained fire, rather than blowing the whole load at once.

#12 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 08:23 PM

well that is alot of crituqe (i spelt that wrong)

but i only play in my own home so the cops aint a problem.

as for the guy that hates "1337" guns... its better than black. so i think im going with blue tiger.
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#13 wasdf



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 08:31 PM

I agree that blue tiger stripe would be a better idea, but you still should blaze it. It still would look like a real gun without the blazes. As previous posters said, people can see into your house and cops really won't wait if you look like you're waving it at them. Technically all things remotely resembling firearms are supposed to have something like a 1/4 inch blaze on the tip. This applies even if you only play inside. Most nerfers do find themselves in an outdoor war at sometime in their life so it's better to be safe than...well dead.
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For a battle cry you gotta scream out "Feel the awesome power of my balls!"

#14 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:23 PM

i got some orange so orange tiger..... lol
for once the actual color of a tiger!

and ill do a stripe at the end of the gun so itl be fine
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#15 Colbs



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:27 PM

If you're still looking for painting suggestions... Might I suggest putting some "hot rod" style flames going down the barrel. It would be fairly difficult but would be sooo kick ass.
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#16 wasdf



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:32 PM

Blue stripe, orange stripe, hot rod, eye diddle pink, I don't think NerfHaven cares what color it is as long as it's not painted B-L-A-C-K. I still say blaze the tips by the way.
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For a battle cry you gotta scream out "Feel the awesome power of my balls!"

#17 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:42 PM

yes. yes. yes.

i dont have that kind of skill.

its worth a shot tho..
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#18 death by cheez

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:44 PM

You're kidding me if you don't have the skill to grab a can of eye-rapingly bright pink and spraying a gun with it. yes I realize you're referring to the decals though.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#19 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:51 PM

i cant do flames, but a blazing orange will have to do, it wont diddle eyes but itl do.

Edited by NerfKnack, 23 February 2010 - 11:14 PM.

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#20 Outcast100



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 09:59 PM

NerfHaven does not like Black guns because its RACIST. Anyway, good write-up. And you should paint the shell's too.
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There always seems to be a depressing majority of social/political conservatism whenever the topic comes up on a Nerf board.
Thats what happens when the main topics of the message boards are guns and war.

#21 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 11:13 PM

Nerfhaven does not hate black (or Blacks), Black is needed for adding bold details and lettering.

The problem with painting your toy gun black is that its a cop out, the laziest option and so pathetically overdone that its beyond boring.

Your problem is that you have a toy and if you are so fucking insecure about playing with a toy that you have to paint it black so it looks more threatening or dangerous, you have some problems that maybe you should worry about.

When you come to a nerf war 95% of the other attendees will have stock looking blasters, and another 3% will have eye raping colors haphazardly sprayed over hotglue and etape. Currently about 1% of the NIC has the artistic skills that are required to make a blaster truly stand out in a crowd. Then there's the insecure, immature douchebag wearing face paint and combat boots standing out like a throbbing hardon in a crowd of comfortably dressed comfortably heterosexual nerfers that are more likely to spend the whole day making sure you aren't sneaking up behind them than not.

Come on Sissy we are all playing with toys here, so make them look like toys and make it look like you aren't ashamed of the hobby.

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#22 NerfKnack



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Posted 23 February 2010 - 11:16 PM

No need to be hostile, i came looking for some ideas and shared some of my own.

i think some hotrod flames will do in a near eye-raping orange.

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#23 firesflame4



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 06:18 AM

Yeah, all I need is my collage to hear you got shot and there goes my whole collage endorsed nerf group. By the way you posted this topic twice. So delete the other topic or whatever, and if you want read me flaming you I'm the first comment on that one.

Here is a link to the other post.

Edited by firesflame4, 24 February 2010 - 06:21 PM.

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Talio @ Sep 7 2010, 5:35PM
If no one is interested no one is interested. Think of it like this...say you take your dick out in front of a girl and she's not interested in it. It doesn't help to smack her in the face again with it 7 days later.

#24 pinz321



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Posted 24 February 2010 - 08:44 AM

Point is, this retarded. Fuck Black PJ's. You're gonna get shot, and I'm gonna laugh at your pathetic squashed brain. Eye raping colors make the world better.
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FURYfire, not Fluryfire.

#25 ezra 271

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 09:23 AM

I still (not back seat moderating) can barely read this post.
Proper way. Hey where do I buy CPVC?
Wrong way. hey were do i by cpvc.

Edited by ezra 271, 24 February 2010 - 02:30 PM.

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