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Knock Off Star Wars Rebel Troop Blaster Optimization

65 feet for two dollars. :D

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#1 bleachmaniac



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:09 PM

://Knock Off Star Wars Rebel Troop Blaster Optimization://

://You will need:

:// Hacksaw or Pipe Cutter
:// Rotary Tool
:// Scissors
:// 3" or more of your favorite barrel material
:// Philips Screw Driver
:// Glue of choice i.e Hot Glue, Plumber's Goop, Epoxy, J B Weld
:// Brain. also know as safety tools. i.e Eye Protection
:// Industrial Spring of choice. I used a Tek 4 spring.
:// Lubrication of choice. i.e Silicone Spray
Vaseline may seem like a tempting choice. But seriously. Stop *censored* your blasters.

Here it is, fresh off the shelves.

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The darts seemed a bit wider in diameter than average Micro darts, appearing to have vague similarities with Nerf Mega darts. I was pleased that this poor blaster could fire such large darts. In fact, another version of this blaster, colored red, was able to fire arrows.

I loaded a stock dart. It only entered half way in. I cocked and fired. Less than pleased, the stock dart landed ten to fifteen feet away from me. I was beginning to question the quality of this two dollar toy.

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The blaster was very ergonomic, despite my medium sized hands. I also appreciated the soft fore-grip in front of the blaster. The toy was slightly larger than a minimized NiteFinder.

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I recently noticed the scope on the top of the gun and looked inside. I was more than displeased to learn that the sight was only semi accurate. The dart hit two to three inches below where I aimed. Decent, but only practical to a certain range.

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Then, I chose to investigate upon the internals. I was very joyful to learn that the blaster had a decent plunger and the inner mechanisms followed that of the common NiteFinder. Simple and effective.

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The plunger rod was different from that of a NiteFinder. The head was machined from rubber. I assumed that this was in fact an improvement, knowing that it would cushion the impact over time. However, this lead to the unfortunate absence of an o-ring.
Furthermore, it was shown that shell could not fit a NiteFinder plunger tube. I had high hopes thinking that I could expand the air volume of the toy. Thankfully the entire fore-grip section of the blaster is easily removable. This allows for easy access to the short barrel.

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Later I understood why such a decent sized plunger tube would cause such low ranges. The toy had an enormous amount of dead space. I had to fix it. You can too.

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://Actual Modding Happens Here://

Cut away at the useless vinyl tube.

Then, using your trusty rotary tool, you should rub away at the plastic near the tip of the plunger tube, allowing for better air flow. Be careful. You should be drill out a hole large enough for a dart to fall in. In addition, it should be smaller than your actual barrel material's inner diameter.

Then, glue on your favorite barrel material on top of the plunger tube. Center the barrel as much as possible. It should be air tight. You can be as creative as you want in this step. Add a coupler or a breech instead if you want. It's all decided by you, the modder.

Later, I added a Tek 4 spring into the set up and lubed up the inside of the plunger tube. Be sure to reinforce the plunger head, as it will shatter in time under the stress of the industrial spring.

Here, I highly recommend that you replace the catch spring. However, I did not have it at hand and went along with the modification.

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Add the second part of the shell and you're done. Enjoy your new two dollar toy !

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I ventured into the parking space of my condo and fired a few stefans. After five shots, I learned that the average range of my toy was sixty-five feet flat. Not bad for a dollar store toy, isn't it ? Basically a two dollar NiteFinder, if you ask me. In fact, this blaster out ranged my bungee powered NiteFinder. I also assume that this gun can hit perhaps eighty feet with a proper seal and a longer barrel. I used three inches in this case.

Edited by bleachmaniac, 11 February 2010 - 05:11 PM.

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#2 flyingpie77



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:17 PM

Thats amazing for a 2 dollar toy! I was thinking of getting another nightfinder, but after reading this I might just go out and get one now! But one question, where did you get it?
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Why does this involve Goldfish? This unsettles me.

#3 bleachmaniac



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:18 PM

I got it at Dollarama, a Canadian dollar store. Availability is limited in the United States, but you may find one at Big Lots.
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#4 flyingpie77



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:26 PM

Would you mind selling me one?
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Why does this involve Goldfish? This unsettles me.

#5 Pearson2



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:40 PM

Although I really like this gun in terms of range for an inexpensive price there is a concern. The plastic that this gun is made with is very brittle. When modding one of these, after screwing up the first one, I broke it in half with my bare hands. What you save in price you lose in durability. I'm actually really interested to see how one of these does for a full day of nerfing, if anyone has used one as their sidearm.

That being said, great writeup. Very well documented.

Edited by Pearson2, 11 February 2010 - 05:42 PM.

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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.




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Posted 11 February 2010 - 07:12 PM

Why didn't you make the barrel longer and keep the foregrip? Still, nice mod.
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It's a link to google......you idiots are worse than the spammers.




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Posted 11 February 2010 - 09:20 PM

Bleachmaniac: Excellent mod! Straightforward and to the point. I saw both the green and red troop blasters at a Dollarama store near my house couple weeks back. I didn't think much of it, hearing it was just another cheap useless dollar store gun in the Product Awareness Thread. What you did though was the exact opposite of what I thought! This is probably the best dollar store gun with the most potential. 65'?! Not bad for $2. I was thinking though that the red one might've been more powerful or had a larger plunger since it can fire arrows, but both seem to be the same size as I recall. I'll have to agree with pearson2 in terms of durability. These type of guns weren't built to last forever, but you can lengthen the lifespan by reinforcement and avoid dry-firing. By the way, are you from Canada? If so, where abouts?

Edited by -=VINDICATOR=-, 11 February 2010 - 09:21 PM.

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#8 Pearson2



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 09:58 PM

The one that shoots the arrows has a slightly sronger spring then the one that shoots the suction darts. Sadly I don't have a picture as I modded and destroyed both of these guns a long time ago but if you buy both guns and place both springs beside each other the difference is pretty obvious.
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.

#9 thedap



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Posted 12 February 2010 - 04:53 AM

maybe some sort of foam donut in the end of the plunger tube to absorb the harsh impacts, or something between the cocking ring and the butt of the frame. just for longevity.

I would ditch the scope entirely, just a waste of plastic.

how much room is there between the piston rod and the rear guide cap? any extra holes? I wonder if it can get enough air coming in behind the piston to work efficiently.
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#10 bleachmaniac



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Posted 12 February 2010 - 06:19 PM

I'm from Montreal, Canada. It's somewhere in the cold lost province of poutine and french douchebags.

I have a war coming soon in my area. I'll try to remake the modification with further reinforcements.
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#11 ultimatenerf 320

ultimatenerf 320


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Posted 13 February 2010 - 02:22 PM

This does seem like a good mod, but like everyone else said, the plastic is very bad. The only thing I would get out of this gun is the long plunger rod for a nf rifle. But anyway, nice job. I might want to start looking for one.
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I am not Mr.fail, but I am just-ever-so-slightly-insane.
"don't srcew with me, I have badass sword-fighting skills."
FL wars are amazing and Effeminate.

#12 Broderick



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Posted 13 February 2010 - 04:01 PM

bleachmaniac, on Feb 12 2010, 03:19 PM, said:

I'm from Montreal, Canada. It's somewhere in the cold lost province of poutine and french douchebags.

I have a war coming soon in my area. I'll try to remake the modification with further reinforcements.

I laughed at that, that's being added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.
As for the mod, it's nothing too special but it's some good information on the gun nevertheless, so thanks a lot for that. I never acually thought that the barrel would be connected to the plunger tube by vinyl tubing... That's kind of sad. So is there an actual air restrictor inside the foregrip barrel, or just that restrictive tube? Not that it really matters since you can just cut away the vinyl tubing, but I'm curious.
It's a bit dissapointing to here you can't replace the plunger tube with a nightfiders, or maybe 1 inch PETG, but oh well.

Edited by Broderick, 13 February 2010 - 04:04 PM.

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