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Needs Advice For A Crazy Plan.

Modding junk that amuses me.

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#1 Ovion



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Posted 10 February 2010 - 11:27 PM

Ok, I know how people hate idea threads but hey, this is going to be done one way or another.

I am going to mod 2 Dyson Hoover handle arm thingies (the things on the end of the tub to hoover corners on the cieling and junk) being I have an old one and new one from burn out hoovers we have and the thought amuses me.

My question for you lot is the internals of which gun would be best suited to each handle.

I was thinking something like a Nitefire would be simplest, but the opinion of those here would be appreciated.

Posted Image

the top one has a 1 inch metal tube to stick things in.

the bottom one has a 30mm tube.

my intention is to cut a hole to load darts in from the side of the tube(s).

Again this isnt meant to be an amazing gun it's meant to be a "This amuses me" project.

and on a thought looking at my wall, it probably wouldnt be too hard to integrate a buzzbee rapid fire rifle into the top one.
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"Denny Crane" - Denny Crane.

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#2 Broderick



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Posted 10 February 2010 - 11:39 PM

Oh wow, this should be quite interesting. I've never heard of anybody modifying a vaccuum cleaner before (apart from somebody a year or so back that I think attempted to turn the body of one into an air tank of some sort, it's pretty lost in my head), but I think the best route to go here would be a simple air gun. With a Night Finder you'd have you rig the catch mechanism somehow which is never fun. an At2k or 3k is what comes to mind here, they're commonly used for integrations into new shells, the former is the smaller, but nearly as powerful when it comes to range, so that'd be my first choice. All you'd need to do is mount the pump in one of the attachment bar things on the side of the handle, and rig up some wire and a key ring or something like it as the trigger, and you'd be good to go.
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#3 Ovion



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Posted 10 February 2010 - 11:54 PM

Broderick, on Feb 11 2010, 05:39 PM, said:

Oh wow, this should be quite interesting. I've never heard of anybody modifying a vaccuum cleaner before (apart from somebody a year or so back that I think attempted to turn the body of one into an air tank of some sort, it's pretty lost in my head), but I think the best route to go here would be a simple air gun. With a Night Finder you'd have you rig the catch mechanism somehow which is never fun. an At2k or 3k is what comes to mind here, they're commonly used for integrations into new shells, the former is the smaller, but nearly as powerful when it comes to range, so that'd be my first choice. All you'd need to do is mount the pump in one of the attachment bar things on the side of the handle, and rig up some wire and a key ring or something like it as the trigger, and you'd be good to go.

Sadly I am living in New Zealand. and don't think I've seen either.

Hell, they just cut back on what was on the shelves.

No more nerf swords (being mine are fairly torn up this annoys me.), I havent seen any longshots or vulcans for a while, double shots have vanished..

the choice right now is really.. mavericks, nitefires, rapid fire rifles, tommy 20's, raiders, big blasts and a bunch of crappy 3rd party things.

Also I don't mind it taking a long ass time, just means it'll stave off boredom that much longer.

Edited by Ovion, 11 February 2010 - 12:04 AM.

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"Denny Crane" - Denny Crane.

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#4 RedShot



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 10:43 AM

Well I would say go with the big blast if that is all you have to work with because that can deal a lot of air power. The trigger system might be a bit of a challenge to work with but if you place it right I think it would look awesome!
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#5 Ovion



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:07 PM

I'll go pick up a Big Blast or two sometime later.

though I am really tempted to pick up a rapid fire rifle and put it into the top one.. the handles match up perfectly, and the lever could easily be mounted in the cable hook bit...

be a LOT of work but would look nice xD
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"Denny Crane" - Denny Crane.

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#6 cheyner



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 09:56 PM

If you dont mind some things sticking out, then stick a Raider in there. Just imagine chasing somebody with a vaccume handle with a drum mag sticking out of it.
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'Collective', on 27 Jun 2012 - 4:18 PM, said:

Beaver's post claiming Kane's post claiming Demon Lord's post is correct is correct is correct.

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#7 lakewoodz



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 10:21 PM

Definitly go with the Big Blast, I may be new to modding but I do know a Big Blast would be the best bet.
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#8 Captain



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 10:48 PM

I don't know if you've ever played Fallout 3, but the top handle looks similar in shape to an Alien Disintigrator from that game. ( http://fallout.wikia...n_Disintegrator ) Just a thought.
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#9 Ovion



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Posted 12 February 2010 - 01:53 AM

cheyner, on Feb 12 2010, 03:56 PM, said:

If you dont mind some things sticking out, then stick a Raider in there. Just imagine chasing somebody with a vaccume handle with a drum mag sticking out of it.

Raiders are priceyish...

though my major issue with it is I hate the handle...

so that is is an interesting idea.

lakewoodz, on Feb 12 2010, 04:21 PM, said:

Definitly go with the Big Blast, I may be new to modding but I do know a Big Blast would be the best bet.

Big blasts are cheap, this is also a bonus.

Captain, on Feb 12 2010, 04:48 PM, said:

I don't know if you've ever played Fallout 3, but the top handle looks similar in shape to an Alien Disintigrator from that game. ( http://fallout.wikia...n_Disintegrator ) Just a thought.

I'm playing through F3 right now as it happens. Maxed out small guns is great fun. I'm not sure how I'd get 100 rounds into that though xD

Edited by Ovion, 12 February 2010 - 01:54 AM.

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"Denny Crane" - Denny Crane.

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#10 Talio


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 05:29 PM

With your acknowledgment of knowing this was unacceptable and lack of respect for the written rules regarding punctuation I'm closing this thread.
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