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Break Long Shot

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#1 AquaPsudo



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Posted 06 February 2010 - 08:48 PM

The finished product. (new paint job)
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What you need

-4x 8" peaces of cpvc(for stock)
-2x 2 1/2" of cpvc
-4" long block of wood
-6" of 1"(id) pvc
-1" of pipe with an id of 3/4"
-a cpvc coupler
-nut and bolt
-3" of cpvc
-4" of cpvc
-5" of card board tube(found on brass coat hangers)

-Remove priming handle and stock
Posted Image

-Cut stock breach off
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-glue 4" of cpvc over coat hanger rod
-glue that into the hole on back of the plunger rod
Posted Image

-Drill a hole in the back of the cpvc and attach nut and bolt
-glue cpvc coupler onto the front of the plunger
(no pics)

-attach the 4x 8" lengths
-glue the 1" pvc to them
Posted Image

-glue the 3/4 id pipe horizontally under the plunger
-place 3"of cpvc in that
-glue the 2 1/2" lengths at right angles form the 3" peace
-Place your desired barrel in the coupler
-glue the block of wood under your barrel
-attach the block to cpvc "branches"
-apply tactical rail if wanted
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so there ya are


Edited by AquaPsudo, 08 February 2010 - 10:08 AM.

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#2 Chadpuff



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Posted 06 February 2010 - 09:13 PM

Not sure. I'm sure a admin will move it

Edited by Chadpuff, 06 February 2010 - 09:14 PM.

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#3 Spud Spudoni

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 10:50 PM

When I first saw it, I didn't get it. Once I saw the video it made more sense. This is actually really cool. I like creative mods. Fix up that paintjob and your set.

New paintjob is better...

Edited by Spud Spudoni, 08 February 2010 - 08:30 PM.

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#4 Broderick



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Posted 06 February 2010 - 11:47 PM

This is a really inventive mod, I have to give you props here, but I can't follow that write-up at all. For the portion where you were explaining how to make the actual break-barrel system, I had to turn my head sideways to see what was acually going on in that picture and read over the directions a few times. You may want to go and clear that up by elaborating on how to place things, and you know... how it works. I watched the video earlier today (I think I saw it in the Mods/PJ's thread), and saw the rubber band functioning and just though "wow". But if I had not prior seen that video on the blaster being demonstrated, there's no way I would really understand this.
Overall though, I really, REALLY like this blaster; all yours needs is a new paint job (or if that's in the process, it looks like you have a primer coat down right now, I can't exactly tell), and you'll have a pretty awesome primary here. After seeing the way you set this up, I think this would be interesting to try on a powerful shot gun blaster like the Big Blast.
Oh, and did you get any of your ideas for this from Bourbon's break-barrel SS2 perhaps? I remember seeing that last week or so.

Edited by Broderick, 06 February 2010 - 11:48 PM.

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#5 AquaPsudo



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 12:54 AM

[Oh, and did you get any of your ideas for this from Bourbon's break-barrel SS2 perhaps?]
yes and no. I was inspired by the shotgun, but while I was drawing a blue print I remembered seeing the SS2.
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Posted 07 February 2010 - 02:22 AM

It is a tad fugly, but nice job.
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#7 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 03:58 AM

You did a nice job with the hinge system. The diagram is also conveys all the necessary information, so don't listen to the criticisms there; you do better work than them anyways.
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#8 BustaNinja



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 04:22 AM

Zorn's Lemma, on Feb 7 2010, 12:58 AM, said:

You did a nice job with the hinge system. The diagram is also conveys all the necessary information, so don't listen to the criticisms there; you do better work than them anyways.

I miss douche bag Zorn

Seriously though, this mod is quality. I watched the video, and it looks damn efficient.
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#9 Seven7h Man

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Posted 07 February 2010 - 10:26 AM

How tight is the barrel to coupler seal?
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#10 AquaPsudo



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 11:09 AM

Seven7h Man, on Feb 7 2010, 08:26 AM, said:

How tight is the barrel to coupler seal?

Video of air seal

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#11 dizzyduck



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 11:27 AM

This mod here greatly reduces my abject disdain for Longshots. Had I not butchered mine for parts, I'd probably do something like this to it.

All it needs is a trigger guard, but that's probably just my personal preference talking.

I'd have fun painting a monster like that. The flat white just doesn't do it justice.
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#12 Broderick



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 01:58 PM

Alright, that diagram you edited in makes things MUCH easier to follow. Diagrams are always great.
I'm still pretty blown away by this, it really is a great mod.
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#13 Pearson2



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 03:13 PM

I've been thinking for months about doing this to a PAS. Nice to see it done successfully. I have to say, I like it!
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#14 AquaPsudo



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 05:54 PM

The Finished Paint Job
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Laser Diode modded tactical "light"
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#15 debandgeek12



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:09 PM

I love the logo on the side of the LS.
I'm still not sure about the coat hanger tube.
Why is it necessary? Can it be substituted for something else?
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#16 LotusNerf



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:19 PM

The hinge with the cpvc inside the 3/4" piping seems very loose. Does it wobble around at all? (Without the barrel in the coupler). What I would have done is that I would make the hinge out of the cpvc and a cut-down piece of the front barrel that was cut-off, as it usually fits smoothly.

And I'm pretty sure that 1/2" cpvc has an OD of 5/8".

On a side note, I like this idea, but it could have been cleaner.

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#17 bourbon



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:21 PM

Awesome. Break barrels really speed up reload times, don't they?

If I was you, I would read this: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=18793


Link a turret and/or breech. An originally intended benefit. Different portions of the lever move different distances, making it very simple to link systems to the priming.

It's split's lever action blaster. I'm sure if you combined you break barrel design with the Longshot Foregrip, you could prime the gun by opening the barrel, similar to the homemade in the thread. If you go to the hardware store and buy an actual hinge (instead of rigging one together out of CPVC) it could easily handle the stress of the priming action. It'd be like a Doubleshot... except singled, and actually good.
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#18 AquaPsudo



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:47 PM

debandgeek12, on Feb 7 2010, 05:09 PM, said:

I love the logo on the side of the LS.
I'm still not sure about the coat hanger tube.
Why is it necessary? Can it be substituted for something else?

The only reason I use it is because it fits in the hole. (perv)
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#19 AquaPsudo



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Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:50 PM

[you could prime the gun by opening the barrel]
Yeah i was actually planning on doing this with a pas.
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