1 The Nerf Bandolier (duh)
2. scissors.
3. Fabrictac (or some other fabric Glue)
4. A wide enough belt that the bandolier will rest on. Or if you are like me. A belt blank(and assorted belt finishing materials) from a leather store like Tandy Leather. That way you can have a personalized belt.
5. Pop or Craft rivets.
6. Lighter.
7. Heavy Duty Paper Clips. (The Black kind with the fold over grips.)
This is a really easy mod to do. I will post pics of my mod this weekend.
So step one. Lay the Bandolier (from now on abreviated NB) flat on a table. you want to cut the end of the NB off just before the first elastic strap. Save the material for a later step.
#2. You want to take the lighter to the frayed ends of the NB from where you cut the excess off. This will get rid of any frayed end and will slightly melt and char each end to prevent more fraying.
#3. (this part is assuming you have a premade belt or a belt blank already made the way you want)
lay the NB onto your belt and position it to where you would like it. Mark where the NB end on the belt using a pencil.
#4 apply a generous ammount of the Fabrictac to the underside of the NB and then lay it onto the belt. Using the Heavy Duty paper clips use them as claps for the NB and belt. Let it dry for 24 hours.
#5. For extra support I would either use some pop rivets or flat hammer rivets to Rivet the NB to the Belt.
#6. Attach the C clips to some of the extra material left over and then rivet those to your belt. So you have use of thos clips.
So that is a down and dirty Mod for turning the NB into a belt. I will post pics of mine this weekend. If anybody has any comments or constructive crit on how to improve this Idea please share.
Edited by morpheus1977, 29 January 2010 - 01:00 PM.