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Stock Berserker With Tiny Tank...?

I think I got ripped off...

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#1 sllewgh



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:12 PM

I recently brought home a new Berserker from Target with the intention of making my own Daikaiju with an eye-sodomizing red and white paintjob...

But when I opened it up, I was mortified to see a grossly smaller tank inside. Looks to be the size of the Mega Missile tank, roughly. The shell was also different from my old Berserker (featuring the BBBB tank) to accomodate.

Did I just completely get ripped off? Is there just a batch of these out there? Or are the days of the BBBB Berserker over? Buyer beware if you go out and get one, certainly at least from Target.

**Edit: Clearly not a MM tank, I'm clearly an idiot. Still, it's a bit less than half the size of the BBBB tank. Also, now with pix.

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Sorry, should have known better than to post without pics in the first place. Also, sorry about the crappy quality, all I have available is my phone. One pic shows the new Berserker on top next to the old one on the bottom. The other is a closer look at the tank. Right behind the air tank is an additional wall in the shell not present in the old one. I've already removed it so I can add a proper BBBB tank, but you can see where it was right below the back end of the air tank.

Haven't exactly range tested the newer tank, but it's definitely weaker. I can feel it shooting air at my hand, or just front loading a dart into either one by comparison.


Don't be fooled! Watch for these differences between the old and new packaging when purchasing this blaster.

Old berserker:
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New Berserker:

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The new box clearly advertises "2 Blasters in one!" where the old proclaimed "Shoots missiles 30 ft.!"

Edited by sllewgh, 24 January 2010 - 11:04 PM.

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#2 Blue



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:14 PM

I recently brought home a new Berserker from Target with the intention of making my own Daikaiju with an eye-sodomizing red and white paintjob...

But when I opened it up, I was mortified to see a grossly smaller tank inside. Looks to be the size of the Mega Missile tank, roughly. The shell was also different from my old Berserker (featuring the BBBB tank) to accomodate.

Did I just completely get ripped off? Is there just a batch of these out there? Or are the days of the BBBB Berserker over? Buyer beware if you go out and get one, certainly at least from Target.

Please post a pic.
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#3 flamingeyes245



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:17 PM

Two words: internals directory
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#4 stuck by stefan

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:22 PM

Pics, or no cookie for you.
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#5 sllewgh



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:51 PM

Pics added. I'm not sure the internals directory is the right place for this, as I don't know whether this is the new norm for berserkers, or what. That's what I'm hoping to find out.
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#6 Hipponater



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 10:23 PM

Ouch, that sucks.

Are there any differences in the shells or packaging so that you can tell what size the tank is before you buy or open one?
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Posted 24 January 2010 - 10:29 PM

I knew I should of already bought one. I remember a bit back someone posting a BBBB with that hinge trigger on your new Berserker, I wonder if the tanks are the same sizes...

EDIT- Found the link. Here
I think the BBBB just got castrated..

How different are the shells? I still want one, just not a tiny tank one.
What are the ranges? Or have you not tested them yet.

Edited by JATDO, 24 January 2010 - 10:44 PM.

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#8 sllewgh



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 11:03 PM

Ouch, that sucks.

Are there any differences in the shells or packaging so that you can tell what size the tank is before you buy or open one?

Fortunately, yes, there's an observable difference between packaging. The blasters themselves are externally identical, however.

Old berserker:
Posted Image

Posted Image
New Berserker:

Posted Image

Posted Image

The new box clearly advertises "2 Blasters in one!" where the old proclaimed "Shoots missiles 30 ft.!"


I knew I should of already bought one. I remember a bit back someone posting a BBBB with that hinge trigger on your new Berserker, I wonder if the tanks are the same sizes...

EDIT- Found the link. Here
I think the BBBB just got castrated..

How different are the shells? I still want one, just not a tiny tank one.
What are the ranges? Or have you not tested them yet.

Good call. This definitely has the same tank as pictured in that Lego BBBB. The OPRV kicks in after about 6 or 7 pumps on both, but it is interesting to note that the pump shaft is about 1" longer on the new gun than the old one. The only difference between the shells is the added piece behind the tank to better fit its smaller size. Besides the tank, the plunger shaft, and the small change in shell, the two blasters are otherwise completely identical.

I haven't tested the ranges yet, but I will tomorrow. There's actually a long, straight hallway in the basement of my apartment building that's about 120' long, so I can do a completely legit range analysis indoors. Just can't get there 'till tomorrow.

The tank definitely feels weaker and puts out a smaller volume of air than the old BBBB one, though how much weaker I'm not sure due to my impromptu testing methods. I'll do something more scientific after a supply run tomorrow. On the plus side, this tank could fit pretty well in a LS scope with just a little dremel work, so I'm thinking of making a nice attachment out of it.

My camera's out on loan at present, but I'll get better pix up as soon as I can.
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#9 rork



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Posted 24 January 2010 - 11:19 PM

Yeah, the smaller tank is actually most likely a good thing. The BBBB puts out so much waste air, it's not even funny.
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#10 Samzilla



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Posted 25 January 2010 - 12:29 AM

Yeah i think i complained about this to you on the IRC once bob about when you said the tank was bigger. The new tank is definately not as good. Well actually i can't say for sure. I was hitting 60s without a pump plug and high 70s low 80's with one.
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#11 Echnalaid



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Posted 25 January 2010 - 12:49 AM

But the question is can you make a DaiKaiju with proper ranges?
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#12 Zack the Mack

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 10:53 AM

I figure I should weigh in here...

The design of the Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju! introduces a lot of dead space, so moving more air is definitely a plus. Mine has a terrible turret seal, so I need the big-ass tank to get acceptable ranges, but your mileage will vary.

In terms of constructing a Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju!, the new valve looks like it could be even better than the original. It's bigger and flatter, which means more contact area for the CPVC tee.

As for the pump, the pump tube does look longer, but if I know BuzzBee, they're using the same pump as the original, so you're not gaining anything. The smaller tank will let you set your basketball pump (which you're using, of course!) further inside the shell.

If I had the time, money, and miles of PETG, I'd make another Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju! and compare, but til then, you're on your own! Worst-case scenario, crack open an SGSL and replace the internals.

Edited by Zack the Mack, 25 January 2010 - 10:54 AM.

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