I'm the primary organizer of Nerfpocalypse, a bi-weekly Nerf war held in Towson, MD (10 mins or so outside of Baltimore City). As a college student, the wars have been thus far limited to fellow students. Between me and my roommate, close friends, and word of mouth, we've held 6 successful wars so far, the last 3 of which were attended by 30 or more people. Our last war, attended by nearly 40 people, was shut down by the campus cops, as we usually hold it in the arts building, which is open late, but unoccupied except for the occasional musician or artist locked away in a practice room or studio. Rather than the regular attendees fleeing the events due to persecution, the story of getting booted out by the cops while Nerfing has increased the event's notoriety and appeal. In the week after the event, I heard from fellow attendees that they had overheard people talking about it that they didn't know or see at the war. The Facebook event for the next war has been up less than 72 hours, and there are already 12 confirmed and 24 maybes, and I expect at least 1/3 of the maybes to show, based on past wars.
Due to the growing size of the event and the intervention of the police, I've been forced to take the event off-campus. The next war will be held at a local apartment complex inhabited almost exclusively by students, including a few past attendees. Public parks and other apartments are on the list of places we're going, and I'm even working with the campus to reserve the stadium and/or athletic fields for our use.
I first formulated rules based on the Nerf War Ettiquite I found here, but they've expanded greatly due to experience. If anyone needs advice on more detailed or interesting rules, I'd consider myself qualified to advise. PM me.
The next war will be a series of scenarios, called Bomb Squad Night. The first round will be a round of VIP. Players divide into 2 teams. Depending on team size, 1-3 people are designated VIPs. If a player is out, they count to 10 loudly. If a VIP doesn't tag them in before they reach 10, they're gone for the round. This makes sticking together and protecting the VIPs very important. On Bomb Squad Night, one VIP carries a sealed envelope containing the code to a lock box. Whichever team aquires the code first by killing all the VIPs, wins.
The next round will be a round of CTF. The victorious team from the previous round must get the enemy flag, the lock box. Inside this box is the kit to arm the bomb the next round. The opposing team is fighting for the enemy flag, the other as-yet unopened envelope with the code.
In the final round, the team victorious in the previous round must arm the bomb (a Nerf dart-tag flag). The "bomb activation kit" in the lock box is just the batteries and screwdriver needed to turn the thing on. These Nerf Flags feature a mode where after a 15 min. timer, the flag becomes active, flashing lights and making noise and saying “Game Overâ€. If the bomb "detonates", the enemy team loses the ability to respawn and will be hunted down. However, if the bomb is activated, then diffused, the tables are turned and the offensive team loses respawn until the game ends.
So that's where I'm at. I'm not sure I'm ready to open this up to non-students and people I don't know (i.e. the Haven), but that may change based on the response I get here. Just wanted to share the story of my great success hosting wars. I never would have thought a year ago, while doing my first “mod†(chopping off the end of a BBBB barrel and shooting my friend's mini screwdrivers 3/4†into his drywall*) that I'd be heading wars of 40 people. Hell, there are at least 8-10 people who went to the store and got guns JUST FOR THIS.
Questions? Comments? Flames? Personal attacks? Tips?
*DO NOT EVER DO THIS EVER EVER EVER. It is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. I think you could actually kill someone like that.
Edited by sllewgh, 03 February 2010 - 03:33 AM.