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#1 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 07:56 PM

Allright, This war has been in the works for a while now, Here's the details.

When: Saturday January 16th, Sunday January 17th, Mod Party the night of January first. On war dates, Wars will last from 10-5, and the mod party will last from 6-when you go to sleep.

Where: http://maps.google.c...4K472zASTrcC4Ag

Cherokee Trail Elementary School, Parker CO, 80134. Staging area will be on the outside of the mobile school buildings. (NOTE: The School's picture is not accurate ATM, As there is now a good total of seven mobiles lining one side of the building.)

On Sunday, I plan to rent out a local Lazer Tag arena that my group has used twice this year, but I will post details when I get an Okay from the management. If you are interested in the mod party, Shoot me a PM and i'll send you the address.

What to Bring:

-Primary (I wont have any to loan out, due to my group's attendance, but by all means, bring extra, blasters break.)
-Pistol (See above )
-Water (1-2 gallons per person is preferred, depending on the weather we have)
-Food (Bring a sack lunch, lunch break wont be excessively long)
-Cold weather Clothing (It's January, In Colorado, Nuff' Said.)
-A good attitude, ready to nerf most, if not all, of the day.

What NOT to bring

-Singled, Plugged blasters that originally fired anything bigger then a mega dart. Exceptions will be made for ball-firing blasters.
-Singled Titans. Mav-titans must have a Shotgunned barrel.

If the host, or any of the players feel that a blaster is overpowering, said blaster ill not be in play for the remainder of the day. Douchebag behaviors at this war will not be tolerated. Please dont pump your guns up to an indecent amount, take hits, and be friendly. Remember, we are playing with toy blasters here. If any incidents with police or....unfriendly....bystanders occur, the host and his group will deal with the problem.


Blademaster+5 (Guests are maybe's)



That's it for now.

Edited by Vengeful Waffle, 16 January 2010 - 11:41 PM.

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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#2 ricochet rebels

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 10:03 PM

Count me, GasMaskGlory, Zelot2.0 and 1 guest in, and if we are to stay more then one day, we will need sleeping space, preferably warmer them 70 degrees.

Edited by ricochet rebels, 12 January 2010 - 01:50 PM.

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#3 mike180



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Posted 10 December 2009 - 12:11 AM

Can't wait! Your syrup should be able to come to, as 1-3 more.

Also, you have been pm'd about the mod party.
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Asking this group that is like asking them about the female anatomy. Maybe one or two has actually seen it and know how it works. Everyone else is just going to tell you they've seen it and that boobs feel like bags of sand.

#4 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 05:50 PM

Cool, guys, this is shaping up to be a large war. One quick need...perhaps someone could build a DTC setup, or bring a coffee can? I dont want to have the fail that was DTC at the last war. And.....a stock titan, perhaps?
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#5 ricochet rebels

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 08:26 PM

Vengeful Waffle, on Dec 10 2009, 03:50 PM, said:

Cool, guys, this is shaping up to be a large war. One quick need...perhaps someone could build a DTC setup, or bring a coffee can? I dont want to have the fail that was DTC at the last war. And.....a stock titan, perhaps?

I can take care of the DTC setup, but I have no stock titan.
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#6 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 01:32 AM

Hey....I'm going to be moving the war date back to the 16th (Saturday, again). I've heard that New years is interfering with a bunch of people's schedules. I'm looking to have a Quickie NIB war on the following sunday from 12-5, if I get enough interest.
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#7 mike180



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Posted 26 December 2009 - 04:28 PM

I will still be able to make this, I will also be able to bring more people i will edit this when i know how many people for sure.
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Asking this group that is like asking them about the female anatomy. Maybe one or two has actually seen it and know how it works. Everyone else is just going to tell you they've seen it and that boobs feel like bags of sand.

#8 ricochet rebels

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 10:44 PM

Well since the mod party never happened; The mod party has been rescheduled to January 8th at 1:00, If you want pizza or something, bring a few dollars (like $5) also PM or skype me for more info, also i will be skyp-ing everyone Saturday January 2nd, to organize who will be there and when people want to trade and such.


Edited by ricochet rebels, 06 January 2010 - 03:05 PM.

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#9 futureseal



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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:13 PM

Sign me up for both! As a maybe. I'll check my calendar when I get home and then I'll edit this post.
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Those of you who’ve never known the pain of hamster loss, just remember, your family doesn’t love you and there is no God.

LIVE Gamertag: CitrusyLimeO9. Its the letter o.

#10 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 08:08 PM

futureseal, on Jan 6 2010, 01:13 PM, said:

Sign me up for both! As a maybe. I'll check my calendar when I get home and then I'll edit this post.

Awesome! Long time no see, seal.

Attendance updated....one week remaining till war date.
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#11 futureseal



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Posted 08 January 2010 - 02:54 PM

So there will be 40 people? Thats rather fucking gigantic. I will most likely be using pistols as my primary(s) so to conserve ammo and be more aggressive. I am going to suggest this now. Alamo game. That is all.

I lied. Does the daif lazer tag arena have a website with pictures?
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Those of you who’ve never known the pain of hamster loss, just remember, your family doesn’t love you and there is no God.

LIVE Gamertag: CitrusyLimeO9. Its the letter o.

#12 nerfer9



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Posted 08 January 2010 - 05:19 PM

Aight bitches, I'm there. I need a place to stay, can anybody help me out?
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#13 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 07:35 PM

futureseal, on Jan 8 2010, 12:54 PM, said:

So there will be 40 people? Thats rather fucking gigantic. I will most likely be using pistols as my primary(s) so to conserve ammo and be more aggressive. I am going to suggest this now. Alamo game. That is all.

I lied. Does the daif lazer tag arena have a website with pictures?

Nope....the website is rather archaic.
Alamo game's fine......as long as the Mexicans don't get slaughtered like last time. I wont have any blasters to lend out, peeps....I hardly have enough for my group. If anybody has LS clips (and streamlines)...bring them. I expect all of you to come with your own darts.

nerfer9, on Jan 8 2010, 03:19 PM, said:

Aight bitches, I'm there. I need a place to stay, can anybody help me out?

I'll have a shitload of people at my house already...So...anybody else able to step up?
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#14 nerfer9



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Posted 09 January 2010 - 03:38 PM

Well, no one seems to be responding to my pm's...Obviously, I'm not well liked. I've got to order my ticket tonight or I can't go at all. Someone, please. I'm begging you guys. I need a place to stay for both the main war and lazer tag.
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#15 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 05:24 PM

nerfer9, on Jan 9 2010, 01:38 PM, said:

Well, no one seems to be responding to my pm's...Obviously, I'm not well liked. I've got to order my ticket tonight or I can't go at all. Someone, please. I'm begging you guys. I need a place to stay for both the main war and lazer tag.

Perhaps it would be wise to decide going to an out of state war more then a week before the war date.

Anyway...all of you...you must wear eye protection, no glasses, no play. I will be strictly enforcing this. If you have extra Vision gear...bring it, i may need it for my group. Also...Don't show up at this war in shorts and short-sleeves (Unless you happen to be me) I suggest bringing extra layers of clothing (As you can take them off) And for sure, bring hats and gloves. You don't want your trigger finger freezing over. There will be snow at the area. Remember to bring water, and sunscreen, and your lunch.

I week till the war, gents.
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#16 mike180



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Posted 09 January 2010 - 11:07 PM

Do you have any info on the lazer tag arena yet?
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Asking this group that is like asking them about the female anatomy. Maybe one or two has actually seen it and know how it works. Everyone else is just going to tell you they've seen it and that boobs feel like bags of sand.

#17 futureseal



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Posted 10 January 2010 - 06:56 PM

Anyone interested in buying some NIB '2Ks or a NIB black big blast? PM me so I'll know to bring them.

EDIT: Items are gone.

Edited by futureseal, 10 January 2010 - 11:25 PM.

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Those of you who’ve never known the pain of hamster loss, just remember, your family doesn’t love you and there is no God.

LIVE Gamertag: CitrusyLimeO9. Its the letter o.

#18 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 07:20 PM

futureseal, on Jan 10 2010, 04:56 PM, said:

Anyone interested in buying some NIB '2Ks or a NIB black big blast? PM me so I'll know to bring them.

Interested in all. Hit me up in Pm's.
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#19 futureseal



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Posted 10 January 2010 - 11:38 PM

I also have a brassed Lnl with the yellow slide taken off, if anyone wants it.
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Those of you who’ve never known the pain of hamster loss, just remember, your family doesn’t love you and there is no God.

LIVE Gamertag: CitrusyLimeO9. Its the letter o.

#20 Vengeful Waffle

Vengeful Waffle


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Posted 16 January 2010 - 09:31 AM

Day o' the war.....everyone show.

See ya on the field.
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I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#21 futureseal



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Posted 16 January 2010 - 05:30 PM

Fun day guys. Some really good shots (nerfer9). I look foreward to playing with everyone again.
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Those of you who’ve never known the pain of hamster loss, just remember, your family doesn’t love you and there is no God.

LIVE Gamertag: CitrusyLimeO9. Its the letter o.

#22 nerfer9



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Posted 16 January 2010 - 10:08 PM

futureseal, on Jan 16 2010, 02:30 PM, said:

Some really good shots (nerfer9).

Thank you, I feel special now. Like really, thanks.

Pros: getting awesome kills with my pistol splat
Meeting awesome people
"The life of a tadpole"
Awesome mod party with Mike180 the night before
Calling the people at the norcal war.
"You do realize that I've told the breakfast club to make you the fist one out of the first round"

Cons: I couldn't use my sm1500
I broke waffle's gun......
Assholes with swords.
A lot of people bailed out.
Getting lost in the Denver airport.

Well, I'm planning on coming next year, this was a blast. Thanks guys!
Special thanks to: Mike180 and family (housing me)

Edited by nerfer9, 16 January 2010 - 10:15 PM.

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#23 ricochet rebels

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 10:19 PM

One word my friends: AWESOME!

Hmm, lets see...

SO MUCH trading.
got a few Effeminate hits and dodges.
none of my blasters broke.
it was just SO AWESOME!
Hitting Waffle and his +bow with my SSPB.

people left alot of things behind.
the host left early.

overall great war guys.

Edited by ricochet rebels, 17 January 2010 - 12:09 AM.

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#24 nerfer9



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Posted 17 January 2010 - 12:46 AM

Aight, we're having a mod party/small war at Mike180's house. Who's in?
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#25 ricochet rebels

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 10:49 AM

nerfer9, on Jan 16 2010, 10:46 PM, said:

Aight, we're having a mod party/small war at Mike180's house. Who's in?

I`m definitely a maybe, although if I do come I wont be there till after 1:00
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