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failed frankenfinder + random FF internals + cpvc = :-)

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#1 Whisper101



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 08:27 PM

Okay all,

First post of a mod here. I decided to start out (finally) with a little something I cooked up after my Frakenfinder broke and I acquired some FF internals from a friend. I wanted to retain the NF's feel but replace the non-working effect of the gun with one that, well, worked!

DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT PIC SIZE! My computer has not been letting me resize them. (begin sarcasm) Sorry for any hurt that it may cause ot your fragile, delicate eyes (end sarcasm).

-NF shell
-NF plunger
-NF trigger and trigger spring
-NF catch and a catch spring of some sort
-Spring:I used an FF spring
-Firefly plunger tube
-FF plunger head
-1/2" CPVC
-A handle to prime the gun (my NF plunger didn't have the handle)
-copious amounts of hot glue!

And without further adieu, I dub thee Firefinder.

Posted Image
Full body detail
Posted Image
my NF plunger had no handle: I imprivised with a keyring
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Barrel/front detail
Posted Image
Size comparison with a bone-stock NF
Posted Image
Without barrel

The barrel is 3 1/2" of 1/2" CPVC witha few wraps of etape around the but. It'll also take Crayolas with some Etape on them. This wil decrease range a but though. It is important to leave that space between the NF shell and the but of the plunger tube because otherwise the plunger doesn't have enough space to travel and generate the air necessary to propel a dart. The darts must be twisted into the barrel which, in my opinion, is the only negative side to this gun. The FF plunger is attached to shell with a screw in the fornt screw hole that a normal NF plunger would noramlly utilize and LOTS of hot glue. Also, the yellow piece that covers the but of the FF plunger tube MUST be glued/taped onto the tube. This prevents it from flying of the tube and losing all of the power.


YES: this gun needs a paint job
YES: I will post pics of said PJ when I actually get around to it
YES: this gun badly needs some cosmetic work
I also plan to "silence" it using some FBR/caulk saver

Ranges: really depends on the dart

Good stefan-50-65
Whistler (sonic micro)- 46-57

Questions? Comments? Flames?

Bring 'em!

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#2 Blue



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 08:38 PM

Isn't the stock nitefinder plunger tube bigger than the firefly plunger tube to begin with?
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#3 jubjub517



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 08:40 PM

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.
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[18:17] <+Jugs> Hey beefy
[18:17] <+Nerfer> pls dont call me that
[18:18] * Nerfer is now known as Guest17574
[18:18] <+Lucian151> Woah its Beefy Theify
[18:19] <+Guest17574> STOP CALLING ME THAT IM NOT FAT
[18:19] <+Guest17574> pls

#4 Seven7h Man

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 09:04 PM

You posted a shitty gun in it's own thread, with no thorough write up. Wow, just wow.

Please tell me, in what way does this benifit the NIC. If you relly feel the need to make an ETIRE thread about ONE gun, take it to Nerf HQ.
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Edited by Seven7h Man, 15 November 2009 - 09:09 PM.

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#5 cheesypiza001



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 09:08 PM

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.

This could be useful to someone if they need a pistol and when modding their new NF, the plunger tube shattered. They could then use this as a backup idea.
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#6 Blue



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 09:18 PM

Maybe an at3k pump could have been used, they are generally useless as pumps and I think are larger than a Nf plunger.
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#7 Whisper101



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 09:51 PM

The whole point of this mod, for those of you who DIDN'T READ THE FIRST PARAGRAPH, is to take some random peices of a guns that didn't work and combine them in such a way as to make the gun actually FIRE. NO! OF COURSE the gun won't get modded NF ranges, but tell me: would you rather have a broken gun with ranges of about 0' or a working gun with ranges of about 50'-60'?

This mod is NOT intended to be something someone would CHOOSE to do, it's something someone would SALVAGE parts for to make a working gun. This is somewhat along the line of a Frankenfinder.

Seven7th Man: it benefits the NIC in the same way that the Frankenfinder did. Also, it's ENTIRE, not etire. And no, there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!That's pretty easy to discern just by looking at the pictures.

Cheesypizza: correct, that could be one possible avenue for this. it also could be integrated in much the same way as a regular NF. I made it just because I had the random internals, the idea, and because I was bored.

Blue: I certainly could have done that too, I just didn't have one lying around.
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#8 princexbuster



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:41 PM

(Caugh) copious amounts of FF turrets being used on other guns (caugh)
I am actually about to do this same thing with a crossfire shell. I see exactly where you are coming from with the having the extra parts. Congradulations for beeting me to the post.
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Sexy Dwarves.

#9 Hi Yah

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:44 PM

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.

This could be useful to someone if they need a pistol and when modding their new NF, the plunger tube shattered. They could then use this as a backup idea.

You could just go to Petco and get some 1" thinwall PETG for the plunger tube.
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The yellow balls are also slightly smaller in diameter than the green ones.

#10 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:48 PM

Benefit? This tells me the singled FF I am about to make (cuz I skagged the turret for another project) is just as effective as any pistol near-or-below NF potential.

I would say we all have 3-68 “potential” blaster in our scrap piles. Any time someone can drop some in-spo like this I’m happy to read it.
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#11 Ice Nine

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:48 PM

Seven7th Man: it benefits the NIC in the same way that the Frankenfinder did.

Except that, you know, with good dart/barrel on that I was breaking ninety no prawlem.

Fair enough, Julian. I was just pointing out that the final product, while of similar setup and basis, actually does serve a different purpose than this one. I am a big fan of recycling parts and this mod does that fine.

Edited by Ice Nine, 15 November 2009 - 11:19 PM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#12 BustaNinja



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:49 PM

Wow, thanks. I have a NF shell cut exactly the same, and a FF plunger tube. I now have a useable pistol once again. it would make a great loaner gun.

See guys? Thats how posts should be. It's not all about range, as ANYONE who has been to a war will tell you. I bet I know three or four good Nerfers who could tear shit up with this gun.

Seriously though... I do have a busted NF shell and a Firefly plunger tube. So now I can do something with them. Thanks.

EDIT: Oh, Zeke, everyone who read your writeup knows you didn't expect it to work. It does benefit the NIC. This mod is for those who tried the Frankenfinder and realized its about luck.

Edited by BustaNinja, 15 November 2009 - 10:51 PM.

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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#13 jubjub517



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:47 PM

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.

This could be useful to someone if they need a pistol and when modding their new NF, the plunger tube shattered. They could then use this as a backup idea.

You could just go to Petco and get some 1" thinwall PETG for the plunger tube.

1. It will shatter.

2. It will melt from hot glue; even low temp

3. It will dent

4. Stock NF O-rings are too big to fit right. So you'll need to buy a new one.

It will work for awhile, but will break not long after.

And no, there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!

If it doesn't deserve It's own write up, then It doesn't deserve It's own topic. Post it in the Modification/paintjob Pictures thread. If people aren't smart enough to think of this on there own, then they can just use the all mighty Search Function.

Also, it's ENTIRE, not etire. And no, there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!That's pretty easy to discern just by looking at the pictures.

This thread is dumb Enough said, I'm done talking.

Edit: Ok, I think I overdid it a bit. Sorry for getting a little aggressive. The concept of salvaging a working blaster from a pile of unrelated parts is great and all, but It doesn't need its own thread (In my opinion). I've make my point loud and clear. A little too loud and clear.

Edited by jubjub517, 16 November 2009 - 12:53 AM.

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[18:17] <+Jugs> Hey beefy
[18:17] <+Nerfer> pls dont call me that
[18:18] * Nerfer is now known as Guest17574
[18:18] <+Lucian151> Woah its Beefy Theify
[18:19] <+Guest17574> STOP CALLING ME THAT IM NOT FAT
[18:19] <+Guest17574> pls

#14 Whisper101



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 04:20 PM

"Except that, you know, with good dart/barrel on that I was breaking ninety no prawlem."

Right, I remember. Actually, it was the Frankenfinder that got me thinking and eventually led me to ths mod.

I see you used PETG. I don't have any but you said brass could work also. What size? How's your dart fit? Tight? Mine's so tight you have to twist the dart in. Also, thr frankenfinder WOULD have more range 'cause you used an LS plunger tube-significantly larger than that of a FF.

Hi Yah! - didn't know that PETCO carried PETG. Interesting...

Bustaninja - You're right. This could very easily be a loaner.


Edited by Whisper101, 16 November 2009 - 04:33 PM.

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#15 Echnalaid



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 04:40 PM

I suppose this is good if you used the Firefly for the turret only and have a scrap plunger tube laying around and your Nitefinder broke.
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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#16 wingd man

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 05:02 PM

1. It will shatter.

2. It will melt from hot glue; even low temp

3. It will dent

4. Stock NF O-rings are too big to fit right. So you'll need to buy a new one.

5. It will work for awhile, but 6. will break not long after.

1. No it won't.
2. Don't use hotglue. Use bolts.
3. No it won't.
4. Which is why you use rubber washers.
5. Yes it will.
6. No it won't.

I have made one of these using a PETG plunger tube. It is actually holding up really well.
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#17 Whisper101



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 06:37 PM

1. It will shatter.

2. It will melt from hot glue; even low temp

3. It will dent

4. Stock NF O-rings are too big to fit right. So you'll need to buy a new one.

5. It will work for awhile, but 6. will break not long after.

1. No it won't.
2. Don't use hotglue. Use bolts.
3. No it won't.
4. Which is why you use rubber washers.
5. Yes it will.
6. No it won't.

I have made one of these using a PETG plunger tube. It is actually holding up really well.

So again: PETCO sells PETG??? I looked on their website and didn't find anything. Just out of curiosity, what do our pets use it for?
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#18 jubjub517



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 06:44 PM

So again: PETCO sells PETG??? I looked on their website and didn't find anything. Just out of curiosity, what do our pets use it for?

They use it to drain the water from fish tanks.
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[18:17] <+Jugs> Hey beefy
[18:17] <+Nerfer> pls dont call me that
[18:18] * Nerfer is now known as Guest17574
[18:18] <+Lucian151> Woah its Beefy Theify
[18:19] <+Guest17574> STOP CALLING ME THAT IM NOT FAT
[18:19] <+Guest17574> pls

#19 Ner Commando

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 07:18 PM

I wouldn't totally flame this kid. I am actually in the same position. I have a failed frankenFinder mod and a firefly whose all chopped up. I might just do this mod. Thanks.
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#20 Seven7h Man

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 08:53 PM

there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!

If it's so simple then why did you post this in itst own entire thread? Or even post it in first place for that matter. Surely anyone with some spare parts and an ounce of creativity could come up with an idea simmaler to this. That's basicly what this whole hobby is about.
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#21 Whisper101



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Posted 16 November 2009 - 09:13 PM

Bob- yeah, thanks. The website doesn't have the 9/16" though. Guess I'll just have to trek over to a PETCO...

Seven7h Man- First of all, please stop harping about the fact that the topic is here. the fact of the matter is, it is. That's not going to change. If it offended you so much, whay even take time to respond to it?

Secondly, you're exactly right on the creativity front. But then again, anyone given a blaster and some tools can make a beast (maybe not up to Slug quality but that just is...) So then why do we even bother postin our mods here anyway? i think you're seeing things a little to concrete-ly. I posted a mod that i thought could be useful to the NIC in some way or another. Whether as a kickstart for one's imagination, something to do ona rainy day, or a way to make a passable loaner etc. out of some scrap parts.
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#22 1coolmodder



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Posted 17 April 2010 - 07:13 AM

Is there any way to keep the top part of the shell?

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