Here in Pittsburgh, we suddenly became sad upon the realization that the “Nerf Season†was coming to a close. Then out of nowhere, “POW!†We were hit by an amazing thought. That is, Nerf Wars held locally once a month during any and all conditions in varying locations for the development and conditioning of our nerfing “skillzâ€. So, to share with the community, we will be hosting wars locally every FOURTH SUNDAY of the month (except for December, when we will hold the war on the third Sunday to avoid holiday conflictions). The locations, times, and hosts will vary per war, so information will be added as it is made available. At the beginning of every month, this thread will be bumped once its war is finalized. To start things out though, POW! October is already planned. See the year schedule below for details as they come. Refer to information below that for general information about all of the wars.
Remember, ALL ARE WELCOME! Just post to give us a heads up and be sure to specify which war you plan to attend.
Hosted By: jwasko and flamincows.
Date: Sunday, October 25, 2009
Time: 10:00AM-4:00PM
Location: Armstrong Park
464 Pearce Road
Baldwin, PA 15234
Backup Location: Williamsburg Park
112 Valley Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Special Info: Gun Ban: It is the decision of the hosts that no singled dart-firing titans will be allowed at this war.
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook....8168257&index=1
Attendance: Here’s the current attendance; Post with yours.
Non-Members x6
dizzyduck (Not sure if you meant this one or others, dizzy, thanks for noticing the typos.)
gunpowder jones
Non-Members x9
POW! November
Hosted By: Sublimedom777
Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009
Time: 10:00AM-??:??PM
Location: Dormont Park
1801 Dormont Ave
Pittsburgh Pa 15216
Backup Location: Williamsburg Park
Special Info: Pot Luck Lunch: All attendees, in the communal spirit of Thanksgiving, are asked to bring some sort of food/snack that can be shared with all. Please list what you will be bringing when you post with your attendance to let Sublimedom777 know.
Special Info: Mandatory Gun: To play a new zombie round, all attendees should bring a maverick. The internals should be stock and it should fire any stock darts. If you don't bring one and no one has one to lend, you won't be able to participate in that round.
Facebook Page: Here
jwasko - chips
Sublimedom777 - Hot Dogs
jedijoe9 - trail mix/cookies
karpenter63 (Pending Transport) - Pretzels
flamincows+2 - Pumpkin Pie and more
nerfmonkey - fruit
princexbuster - apple crisp and maybe drank
Non-Members x7
- chips & Salsa
karpenter's college pals -
Bo0ogers -
Tim -
Non-Members x5
POW! Christmas
Hosted By: Karpenter63
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009
POW! January
Date: January 24, 2010
POW! February
Date: February 28, 2010
POW! March
Date: March 28, 2010
General Info
Meeting/Staging Areas:
Armstrong Park: The large pavilion down the hill from the parking lot at the end of the Pearce Road Driveway.
Williamsburg Park: The pavilion directly by the Valley Park Drive Turnaround.
Colewood Park: The pavilion directly by the Colewood Drive Parking Lot opposite the playground.
Dormont Park: TBA
Restrooms: PortaJons are available at both locations.
Hydration: Bring water/Gatorade etc. for yourself with your lunch. Water should be available from hosts just in case.
Food: Bring a bag lunch/dinner for the middle of playtime. Go out for food at your own risk of missing a round(s). Hosts can refer you to nearby restaurants.
Sun protection: Bring it!
Eye Protection: Bring it! Its recommended for all and mandatory for those under 18.
SCN Clan: SteelCityNerf@yahoo.com; PAN Clan: PGHAreaNerfers@aol.com
If needed, Pm for a phone number to speak to the host of the war you are attending.
Guntypes to bring: Your primary, secondary, a pistol, a pistol for gunslinger, and a foam sword for swashbuckler plus spares in case of malfunctions.
Guns that may be banned: (As usual,) Air guns meant to fire anything but micro darts with their pumps plugged and RFSGs modded well. However, everything’s on a case-by-case basis pending modifications.
Gametypes that may be played/attempted: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Gunslinger Heaven, Swashbuckler Heaven, Assault, Assault and Disarm, Defend the Core, HvZ, and Campaign [New].
Rules: Standard rules for Deathmatch and CTF are as listed in Nerf War Etiquette. All other gametype rules will be explained prior to the round. If you repeatedly break any of these rules, you’ll be asked to sit out a round. If you continue to after this initial action, you’ll be asked to leave if possible. If you continue to act immature about the request, you won’t be allowed back.
Thanks all and hope you can join us.
Edited by jmwasko, 21 November 2009 - 08:43 PM.