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Pow! Pittsburgh Offseason Wars!

Next Up: POW! November. Let's get down to business.

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#1 jmwasko



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Posted 30 September 2009 - 09:06 PM

Here in Pittsburgh, we suddenly became sad upon the realization that the “Nerf Season” was coming to a close. Then out of nowhere, “POW!” We were hit by an amazing thought. That is, Nerf Wars held locally once a month during any and all conditions in varying locations for the development and conditioning of our nerfing “skillz”. So, to share with the community, we will be hosting wars locally every FOURTH SUNDAY of the month (except for December, when we will hold the war on the third Sunday to avoid holiday conflictions). The locations, times, and hosts will vary per war, so information will be added as it is made available. At the beginning of every month, this thread will be bumped once its war is finalized. To start things out though, POW! October is already planned. See the year schedule below for details as they come. Refer to information below that for general information about all of the wars.
Remember, ALL ARE WELCOME! Just post to give us a heads up and be sure to specify which war you plan to attend.

POW! October
Hosted By: jwasko and flamincows.
Date: Sunday, October 25, 2009
Time: 10:00AM-4:00PM
Location: Armstrong Park
464 Pearce Road
Baldwin, PA 15234
Backup Location: Williamsburg Park
112 Valley Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Special Info: Gun Ban: It is the decision of the hosts that no singled dart-firing titans will be allowed at this war.
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook....8168257&index=1
Attendance: Here’s the current attendance; Post with yours.
Non-Members x6
dizzyduck (Not sure if you meant this one or others, dizzy, thanks for noticing the typos.)
gunpowder jones
Non-Members x9

POW! November
Hosted By: Sublimedom777
Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009
Time: 10:00AM-??:??PM
Location: Dormont Park
1801 Dormont Ave
Pittsburgh Pa 15216
Backup Location: Williamsburg Park
Special Info: Pot Luck Lunch: All attendees, in the communal spirit of Thanksgiving, are asked to bring some sort of food/snack that can be shared with all. Please list what you will be bringing when you post with your attendance to let Sublimedom777 know.
Special Info: Mandatory Gun: To play a new zombie round, all attendees should bring a maverick. The internals should be stock and it should fire any stock darts. If you don't bring one and no one has one to lend, you won't be able to participate in that round.
Facebook Page: Here
jwasko - chips
Sublimedom777 - Hot Dogs
jedijoe9 - trail mix/cookies
karpenter63 (Pending Transport) - Pretzels
flamincows+2 - Pumpkin Pie and more
nerfmonkey - fruit
princexbuster - apple crisp and maybe drank
Non-Members x7
- chips & Salsa
karpenter's college pals -
Bo0ogers -
Tim -
Non-Members x5

POW! Christmas
Hosted By: Karpenter63
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009

POW! January
Date: January 24, 2010

POW! February
Date: February 28, 2010

POW! March
Date: March 28, 2010

General Info
Meeting/Staging Areas:
Armstrong Park: The large pavilion down the hill from the parking lot at the end of the Pearce Road Driveway.
Williamsburg Park: The pavilion directly by the Valley Park Drive Turnaround.
Colewood Park: The pavilion directly by the Colewood Drive Parking Lot opposite the playground.
Dormont Park: TBA
Restrooms: PortaJons are available at both locations.
Hydration: Bring water/Gatorade etc. for yourself with your lunch. Water should be available from hosts just in case.
Food: Bring a bag lunch/dinner for the middle of playtime. Go out for food at your own risk of missing a round(s). Hosts can refer you to nearby restaurants.
Sun protection: Bring it!
Eye Protection: Bring it! Its recommended for all and mandatory for those under 18.
SCN Clan: SteelCityNerf@yahoo.com; PAN Clan: PGHAreaNerfers@aol.com
If needed, Pm for a phone number to speak to the host of the war you are attending.
Guntypes to bring: Your primary, secondary, a pistol, a pistol for gunslinger, and a foam sword for swashbuckler plus spares in case of malfunctions.
Guns that may be banned: (As usual,) Air guns meant to fire anything but micro darts with their pumps plugged and RFSGs modded well. However, everything’s on a case-by-case basis pending modifications.
Gametypes that may be played/attempted: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Gunslinger Heaven, Swashbuckler Heaven, Assault, Assault and Disarm, Defend the Core, HvZ, and Campaign [New].
Rules: Standard rules for Deathmatch and CTF are as listed in Nerf War Etiquette. All other gametype rules will be explained prior to the round. If you repeatedly break any of these rules, you’ll be asked to sit out a round. If you continue to after this initial action, you’ll be asked to leave if possible. If you continue to act immature about the request, you won’t be allowed back.

Thanks all and hope you can join us.

Edited by jmwasko, 21 November 2009 - 08:43 PM.

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JMWasko, the blue Sex Dwarf.

NF PolyHolsters

#2 Jedijoe9



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Posted 30 September 2009 - 10:07 PM

This is a great idea! I've recently moved into the area and I'm hoping to get to as many of these as possible. Unfortunately, I can't make the October one, but as soon as some dates get nailed down for the other months, I will start putting in requests for those days.
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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

#3 flamincows



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 12:37 AM

Hey thanks for putting this up; it's magnificent. It's well written (couldn't expect any less for the office supplies holster guy), and I think it'll hold up until next season. I'd also like to add that carpooling is an option for anyone who lives near me (grove city, 16127). Or if you're on the way, and you aren't an asshole I might even pick you up. We like to keep attendance as high as possible which could be hard as the weather gets gross and nasty.
I take I-79 to Pittsburgh, and I'm a pretty safe driver (three years, no wrecks). Feel free to contact me for a ride/carpooling options.
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#4 NerfMonkey



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 03:14 PM

I'll be at the October one as long as nothing comes up.
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#5 thedecimator



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 03:52 PM

i'm a maybe as usual im selling an awsome cpvc doomsayer and a petged airflow modded 2k. i want to buy springs pumps blast buttons tubing brass petg and i want to buy some more non n-strike guns to pm me for details.
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i got a night finder to go 300 ft.
then it smashed when it hit the pavement

#6 sublimedom777



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 04:25 PM

I will be attending our October outing.

I'd also like to apply as host for Nov (location still TBD, but definitely have one in mind that is not Armstrong [so as to give it a rest after 3 wars]), and welcome anyone who wishes to co-host.

@Jedijoe9: Awesome, and welcome. If I may ask, would Nerfing at Little Blue be possible/feasible during summer months?

@Decimator: Did you ever get the bugs worked out of that "doomsayer"? Also, how much?

Also: This is a good kind of face punching.

Edited by sublimedom777, 01 October 2009 - 04:26 PM.

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Last of the Sex Dwarves, Head of Waifu Relations, Fetishizer of Blasters, The Far Warring, Mini-Van Driver, Possessor of Mattels, and Warden of the Manongahela

We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#7 dizzyduck



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 04:30 PM

Shouldn't that be Jan, Feb and Mar 2010?

If I can get a ride for any of them I'd be willing to try to make it up.
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#8 thedecimator



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 04:33 PM

sublimedom777, on Oct 1 2009, 01:25 PM, said:

I will be attending our October outing.

I'd also like to apply as host for Nov (location still TBD, but definitely have one in mind that is not Armstrong [so as to give it a rest after 3 wars]), and welcome anyone who wishes to co-host.

@Jedijoe9: Awesome, and welcome. If I may ask, would Nerfing at Little Blue be possible/feasible during summer months?

@Decimator: Did you ever get the bugs worked out of that "doomsayer"? Also, how much?

Also: This is a good kind of face punching.

bugs are Worked out. has a screw in the priming grip that rattles around and never remembered to take it out. it currently has a stock and ls spring and gets 80-90 flat with my slug style stefens. gets 110-115 wit a bbb spring but i took it out. i'm looking for 70-80 bucks as is.but yoyu have a lot of guns so you can trade and then pay less.
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i got a night finder to go 300 ft.
then it smashed when it hit the pavement

#9 princexbuster



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 10:41 PM

I'm about 99% sure I can come so count me in man(s?).
I also want to apologise to sublime for when he invited me to that war a while back and I couldn't come but forgot to say something.

Edited by princexbuster, 01 October 2009 - 11:06 PM.

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Sexy Dwarves.

#10 jmwasko



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 02:32 PM

Please update your attendance for October POW! as soon as possible so the hosts can plan accordingly.

Also, If you're signed up to plan a latter war, please post details as they are made available so that they may be added to the schedule.

Might I also add to be sure to use proper grammar and stay on topic from now on in this thread. If we really aren't as stupid as we Pittsburghers like to think we are (except when one of us forgets he's using a BBBB in Defend the Core and leads a charge only to blast a hole through the core), we should reflect it in our posts.

Thanks all.
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JMWasko, the blue Sex Dwarf.

NF PolyHolsters

#11 NerfMonkey



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 10:09 PM

I'll be there. I think John and I are going to carpool again but if that falls through I'll just have to find my way through Pittsburgh on my own.
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#12 sublimedom777



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 10:30 PM

I'm attending, plus ~4.

Also, here's a few details for POW!: Nov.

Time: 10:00-?

Location: Dormont Park
1801 Dormont Ave, Pittsburgh Pa 15216

Backup Location: Shouldn't be needed, as this park is HUGE.

Attendance: (too early?)


I know how we all feel about hills. LNDH was proof enough that hills are what kills, but this park is truly something special,
and it's been a location I've been hiding saving for when the time is right. This park is huge, with some rolling hills, so it's
not A hill, but rather varying terrain. But that's not the main attraction. This park has a wooden fort-like playground. By this
time of year, I expect it to be very sparingly populated, if not barren. There's also a very viable locale for an assault gametype.

Also: With this war's proximity to Thanksgiving, and hopefully the support of attendees, I'd like to see every Nerfer display some
goodwill to his brothers and sisters in foam by contributing to a potluck lunch. I don't ask you to bake for 3 weeks straight and
feed us all or anything of the sort, but if each person brings some form of a snack, we'll all be able to feast as comrades.

Please contact me upon RSVPing to let me know what you'd like to bring.
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Last of the Sex Dwarves, Head of Waifu Relations, Fetishizer of Blasters, The Far Warring, Mini-Van Driver, Possessor of Mattels, and Warden of the Manongahela

We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#13 flamincows



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Posted 09 October 2009 - 11:32 PM

I will be there (of course), and yes NerfMonkey carpooling is totally cool. I should be able to get together at least two more people.

I'm really liking Dom's pot luck style lunch idea. I will be sure to bring some fantastic chocolate chip cookies, and possibly an entree depending on how many stefans I have to make.
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#14 NerfMonkey



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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:14 PM

Just want to make sure it's still happening so I can start making darts.

I'll bring some sandwiches or something too if we're still doing the everybody brings food idea.
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#15 sublimedom777



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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:57 PM

It's still on for this weekend, but the shared food is for the November one. I'm not saying if you absolutely wanna feed some of us that you can't, just that it's planned for the Thanksgiving one.
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Last of the Sex Dwarves, Head of Waifu Relations, Fetishizer of Blasters, The Far Warring, Mini-Van Driver, Possessor of Mattels, and Warden of the Manongahela

We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#16 NerfMonkey



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Posted 25 October 2009 - 08:11 PM

Great war. I had a blast and everyone else seemed to too. Thanks.
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#17 princexbuster



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Posted 25 October 2009 - 09:05 PM

I agree! That was the most fun I've had in a long time, nerf or otherwise.
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Sexy Dwarves.

#18 faddle



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 07:35 AM

I might be able to go to the febuary or the march outing. I will get back to you soon about it.
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#19 NerfMonkey



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 05:34 PM

faddle, on Oct 26 2009, 08:35 AM, said:

I might be able to go to the febuary or the march outing. I will get back to you soon about it.

Are you sure? You're just a kid after all.
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SexD Warves

#20 faddle



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 06:36 PM

NerfMonkey, on Oct 26 2009, 02:34 PM, said:

faddle, on Oct 26 2009, 08:35 AM, said:

I might be able to go to the febuary or the march outing. I will get back to you soon about it.

Are you sure? You're just a kid after all.

I had ben to apoc and I had already had my own nerf war almost 3 weeks from not. And read my signature

Edited by faddle, 26 October 2009 - 06:37 PM.

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#21 jmwasko



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 08:43 PM

faddle, on Oct 26 2009, 07:36 PM, said:

NerfMonkey, on Oct 26 2009, 02:34 PM, said:

faddle, on Oct 26 2009, 08:35 AM, said:

I might be able to go to the febuary or the march outing. I will get back to you soon about it.

Are you sure? You're just a kid after all.

I had ben to apoc and I had already had my own nerf war almost 3 weeks from not. And read my signature


As long as your nerfing abilities are better than your understanding of sarcasm and/or jesting, you don't have to prove to us that you can nerf with a resume (however much I wish I could require one for wars I host). Once the attendance list is up for those months I'll have you down as maybes until you confirm. Sounds good to me.

In other news: Most details for POW! November are up. Actually, everything is except for a couple logistical issues (definite staging area, bathrooms etc.) and a facebook page. Please browse the information and post with your attendance status if interested. Or, as always, feel free to post if interested in attending any of the other upcoming wars. Thanks all.
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JMWasko, the blue Sex Dwarf.

NF PolyHolsters

#22 karpenter63



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Posted 31 October 2009 - 08:16 PM

Hey guys.

I am planning on attending the November foray, it's just a matter if I can get there, and now that my roommate has a car, I feel like that shouldn't be a problem. I may even be able to convince a few friends to come tag along.

Also I plan on hosting the December/Christmas war being as its become a sort of tradition being it was the first major war held in Pittsburgh by Steel City Nerf. I will post details for it as soon as I get the ok from my pastor. (It will be held at my church)
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#23 jmwasko



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Posted 13 November 2009 - 03:31 PM

Hi kids. Today I'd like to bump this thread as a reminder that POW!November is next Sunday. Please update your attendance as accurately as possible and:
I'll be updating the attendance now as well as all other info for the war, so be sure to check the all the info. I'll list what everyone is bringing as well by their name on the attendance list. The rule will be that if you don't bring something to share, people will not have to share with you. Sound good everyone? Expect details for POW!Christmas soon.
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JMWasko, the blue Sex Dwarf.

NF PolyHolsters

#24 flamincows



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 10:44 AM

Well I will be there +2 and I will hopefully be bringing pumpkin pie that I intend to make from scratch, but if that doesn't work out I'm thinking some sort of casserole and possibly cookies. Spiced cranberry juice is also a possibility.
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Sex Dwarves: Drug test? What kinds of drugs are we testing?

#25 princexbuster



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Posted 15 November 2009 - 12:48 PM

I will be there. I'ma bring the most awesome apple crisp you've ever had in your entire life and PURPLE DRANK if I i can find any. I'm also bringing my atomizer so you all better watch out. Also, if my glasses protect me from flying shuriken they can be counted as eye pretection right?

Edited by princexbuster, 15 November 2009 - 10:25 PM.

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Sexy Dwarves.

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