A Pittsburgh Nerf Clans Trial War
Hosted By: Me, karpenter63, jwasko, and sublimedom777.
Description: For the first time ever, two clans of Pittsburgh shall finally clash IN AMERICA. This is the idea behind CoS, that is, development of team work and strategy with in the clan group. CoS normally will be geared toward consistan team based warring. This trial (or Beta) of this kind of warring is intended to acquaint all members of both clans or those visiting us with each other, then test how the clans war together in a strictly team based clan war, and finally discover our limitations for the future. All before a real clash; Coming soon.
All are welcome! Please join us though because anyone could always use some help in making a great war. The more the merrier (to a point). Hopefully, this war will do its part to promote “getting out and nerfing†(especially before the season ends) and any and all nerfers are welcome to join it in doing so. As much as team work and strategy building are a part, it’s still all about fun. So come have some.
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2009
Time: 12:00-7:00 PM
Location: Armstrong Park
464 Pearce Road
Baldwin, PA 15234
Backup Location: Colewood Park
Meeting/Staging Areas:
Armstrong Park: The large gazebo off to the right of the leftward bend in the Pearce Road Driveway before pulling into the parking lot at the end of the road
Colewood Park: The Shelter/Pavilion directly next to the Colewood Drive Parking lot.
Restrooms: PortaJohns are available near both locations.
Hydration: Bring water/Gatorade etc. for yourself with your lunch. Water should be available from hosts just in case.
Food: Bring a bag lunch/dinner for the middle of playtime. Go out for food at your own risk of missing a round(s). Hosts can refer you to nearby restaurants.
Sun protection: Bring it!
Contacts: Primary:; Secondary:; If needed, Pm me for my phone number.
Guntypes to bring: Your primary, secondary, a pistol, a pistol for gunslinger, and a foam sword for swashbuckler.
Guns that may be banned: (the usual) Air guns meant to fire anything but micro darts with their pumps plugged and RFSGs modded well. However, everything’s on a case-by-case basis pending modifications. No realistically painted guns except the PAS and RFSG unless there is an incident.
Gametypes that will be played: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Gunslinger Heaven, and Swashbuckler Heaven.
Gametypes that may be played/attempted: Assault, Assault and Disarm, Defend the Core, HvsZ, and Campaign.
Rules: Standard rules for Deathmatch and CTF as listed in Badger's Nerf War Etiquette. All other gametype rules will be explained prior to the round. If you repeatedly break any of these rules, you’ll be asked to sit out a round. If you continue to after this initial action, you’ll be asked to leave if possible.
Eye Protection: Bring it. Its necessary for everyone under 18 and recommended for those over.
Facebook Page: Clash of Steel Beta; Check it out. If you want, add me, and mark your attendance
Attendance: Here’s the current attendance; Post with yours and I'll add you.
flamincows + 1
Non-Members x10
thedecimator + 1
Non-Members x5
Thanks all. Hope some of you join us.
PS Pictures Added Below.
Edited by jmwasko, 23 August 2009 - 11:29 PM.