When I first got the raider from out of the box I thought it looked kind of like a recon, so being that I don't have a recon I loaded some internal pictures from the internals directory. This is the Picture thanks to Deaddumpster for the picture and Cheesepizza001 for the directory.

When I opened it up sure enough it looks like a recon with the bolt and bolt sled turned on their side.
Remove the piece that holds the piston back when primed, and the bar that runs over the trigger.
Then remove the bolt sled. Just unscrew the two screw holding down the upper sled guide, then turn and slide out.
Remove the bolt sled from the bolt by removing the metal pin, I just used a small screw driver and the handle of a larger screw driver as a hammer. I then used an old half inch drill bit and drilled through everything including the peg. Then put everything back together and test.
I followed Captain Slug's mod which can be found here thanks Captain Slug.
Stock range is about 25 feet
Modded range is over 35 feet I don't have a space longer than 35 feet and it doesn't start to drop. But like the Long Shot its accuracy drops after 25 feet due to power and increase wind resistance on the hole in the tip of the dart.
The mod doesn't change the rate of fire. The rate of fire is approximately 3-4 darts per second and can empty the 35 round clip in a little under 12 seconds.
Figure you might want a picture that shows all the internals

Edited by celt, 04 August 2009 - 11:23 PM.