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Buzz Bee Belt Blaster

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#1 scorpinox



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Posted 01 August 2009 - 06:32 PM

:( i found this at a k-mart yesterday and wanted to know if any of you have seen this before.


the ranges are as shown.

Streamlines: 27 ft
Taggers:36 ft
sonics: 32 ft
Suction: 40 ft

here are it's internals.


This blaster is belt fed and comes with 30 clip on shells and darts.


Edited by scorpinox, 01 August 2009 - 07:14 PM.

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#2 MysteryMan



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Posted 01 August 2009 - 06:45 PM

Its called the Belt Blaster its a totaly peice of crap I find. It came out a long time ago, its seems like is has no moding potential I just threw mine in a bucket I'm never gonna use it.
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#3 hardshot



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Posted 01 August 2009 - 07:52 PM

You should check out and keep updated on this thread... Here

People have been talking a lot about the belt blaster on it.
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#4 scorpinox



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Posted 01 August 2009 - 07:54 PM

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"For those who think guns get the job done, I beg to differ, if we do this my way just blow the place up."

#5 Nerf Bros

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 09:24 PM

I have no idea what Mystery Man is talking about, the Belt Blaster is one of the best new guns to come out. For a complete review from a trustworthy source, read Jerm78's review. I'm hoping my local K-mart starts stocking them soon.
Also, for future reference, store finds are condensed into here as hardshot said.
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#6 iMod1



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Posted 01 August 2009 - 10:54 PM

Where do you live? "BBBR's" so far have only been seen in Canada. It would be great if they started showing up in the US.
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#7 Elwood



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 01:15 AM

Just Some Bob, on Aug 1 2009, 11:38 PM, said:

iMod1, on Aug 1 2009, 08:54 PM, said:

Where do you live? "BBBR's" so far have only been seen in Canada. It would be great if they started showing up in the US.

Climb out from under your rock once in a while. I bought one in California and posted about it, with a picture, days ago.

And oh by the way - mine gets high 30s shooting flat, in totally stock condition. Surprised the heck out of me, actually. Extremely consistent, too, if I'd had a box three feet wide and six feet long, placed about 35 feet away, every dart could have gone into it.

Which is another reason why I love buzzbee. It has some flaws but in the end the stock blasters are usually better than other companies. (In my experience).
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QUOTE(JATDO @ Jun 15 2009, 07:19 PM) View Post

I know someone has put a BBBB in the rear.

#8 Oni Kadaki

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 07:46 AM


Which is another reason why I love buzzbee. It has some flaws but in the end the stock blasters are usually better than other companies. (In my experience).

I find that nerf makes by far the most durable stock guns though. I have seen way too many buzz bee blasters break.
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#9 Blacksunshine



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 02:45 PM

These are also popping up in US Targets. As is the Berserker. Seattle area targets have both on the shelf.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#10 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:38 PM

MysteryMan, on Aug 1 2009, 07:45 PM, said:

Its called the Belt Blaster its a totaly peice of crap I find. It came out a long time ago, its seems like is has no moding potential I just threw mine in a bucket I'm never gonna use it.


hey guys DO NOT drill the pegs out of your belts.... at least not yet..... the pegs keep the darts from sliding out and getting jammed... i just ruined a 4 shell chain, the blaster does shoot 3 or 4 ft further but it jams one in 3 shots...

what you need to do is break the green part out of the shell without damaging the peg or the rest of the shell.... not easy.....

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#11 jerm78



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 01:32 AM

I have had mine for months and its a very good stock gun but I have yet to find a good mod for it. I removed the restrictors and cut the pegs in the shell down just leaving a little nub for the darts to fit on and it did increase range but every now and then it will blow a hole in the side of a dart. I was also playing with the idea of vulcan chain on the Belt Blaster?
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#12 guardian21



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Posted 08 August 2009 - 01:57 PM

Does anyone know if the Belt Blaster has a slam fire feature like the Raider?
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#13 guardian21



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Posted 08 August 2009 - 02:22 PM

Just Some Bob, on Aug 8 2009, 03:05 PM, said:

guardian21, on Aug 8 2009, 11:57 AM, said:

Does anyone know if the Belt Blaster has a slam fire feature like the Raider?

If you don't release the trigger it will not even let you move the operating handle.


Well thats annoying. i most definately wont be picking one of these up until someone figures out how to fix that!
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#14 Valdur



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Posted 08 August 2009 - 04:03 PM

I picked one up from Target and I find it matches your rage and accuracy; I think these are just really well made guns.
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#15 flush



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Posted 17 August 2009 - 10:37 PM

They're now $19.99 at Target, and in stock at the one I can walk to. At least so far, I haven't seen a way to get more of the special shells, so I'm starting to consider picking up another just for the belt. And to compare with. Maybe I somehow got the opposite of "a lemon" because totally stock with its own darts, mine very consistently shoots 35' to 39' flat, and hits the ground within about a foot on either side of the tape measure, too.
That tears it, I'll have to go out and get one.....After i get money, of course

Sorry for the quote mess up, i just tried to get what i wanted to quote, still having some problems with that

Edited by *flush, 17 August 2009 - 10:38 PM.

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"CAUTION: this product containts lead, a chemical known to cause cancer in the state of California". Of course, you may not live in California, in which case you're safe. Because obviously from the warning you can conclude that lead knows better than to start shit with someone from NJ-Langley

#16 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 04:46 AM

I did not want to start a new post about something so silly so I will hijack this one...

I bought a belt blaster and modded it. spend 2 days playing with it and never had the belt come apart, never had a feeding problem and never had it jam..

I took it to columbus for a war where everyone who picked it up had some sort of catastrophic error with the belt. It took me 3 fucking weeks to figure out how and why.

MORONS, fucking morons who watch too many rambo movies.

here are some simple belt blaster rules for idiots.

1. If you refuse to link them belts in a circle you need to remember the rotation is anticlockwise and the belts feed from right to left

2. assemble your belts with the openings in the chain towards the outside to keep the belts from coning apart as easily when tugged on by zombies.

3 DO NOT TRY TO DRAPE THE BELTS OVER YOUR ARMS LIKE FUCKING RAMBO!!! twisting the belts cause them to fail immediately no matter what you do, just let the belt hang off the bottom of the blaster...

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#17 Jimu RetroGuru

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 10:52 AM

I just want to get my two cents in on the Belt Blaster.

I've got mine in pieces right now for modding and repainting as a pseudo Halo Spartan Laser.

Two things of note:
  • The shells CAN be modified like Double Shot shells, but DO NOT CUT OFF THE FRONT HALF OF THE SHELL WHEN RE-BARRELING! The ridge at the tip of the shell forces the back of the shell against the plunger tube for an airtight seal. No ridge means no seal! Instead, after removing the peg and air restrictor you can dremel the inside of the shell until it can fit PETG or brass. (The metal "High-Speed Cutter" tip will be your best friend for this job. Wish I had it when I modded my Hornet!)This also means no Vulcan chains until someone figures out how to mod the gun to keep the seal.
  • There's an air resistor in the tip of the plunger tube. To remove it, open the gun and remove the plunger tube from the gun and the plunger. Then stick a screwdriver in the plunger tip from the outside and shove until a piece of plastic pops out of the inside. That's the resistor.
Also, after hearing so many horror stories about the Chainblazer and Rototrack ammo chains falling apart I took the precaution of reinforcing the hinges of the BB chain with Mighty Putty. I welded them into 10-shell chains so i can still shorten and lengthen at will.

Mod away!

Edited by Jimu RetroGuru, 01 September 2009 - 10:56 AM.

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#18 Lt Stefan

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 11:49 AM

Well I might as well say what I have to offer.

When I got the gun, I was completely amazed by the stock ranges. I opened 'er up and got rid of the AR in the plunger tube, and added a spring. For some reason, it didn't even shoot now. What I think is the problem was A) the rubber head bounced off the front off the plunger tube because it was traveling so fast, and :) Because of the amount of air, it took the path of least resistance and escaped to the outside of the shell because the AR in the shell was blocking it.

So, obviously I went to go take the AR out of the shell and get rid of that spring. Also, Nerf darts can't fit in the stock shells because they are too long. I wanted to fix this, so I got rid of the AR's (the post and the black disc). Then, the darts were way too loose, so I figured I needed to re-barrel the shells. I busted out the drill press and the 9/16 drill bit and cleaned out the shell. Then I took some 17/32 brass, a couple wraps of e-tape and glued the segments in the shells. I tried it. Sometimes the darts would go launching out of it, sometimes they didn't shoot, and still other times they barely hit the walls 30' away. So they inconsistency has increased, and the range only increased slightly. And I still don't know what's up. I plan on doing a writeup, if only I can get this thing to work uniformly.
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#19 Jimu RetroGuru

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 02:20 PM

Lt. Stefan, on Sep 1 2009, 12:49 PM, said:

Well I might as well say what I have to offer.

When I got the gun, I was completely amazed by the stock ranges. I opened 'er up and got rid of the AR in the plunger tube, and added a spring. For some reason, it didn't even shoot now. What I think is the problem was A) the rubber head bounced off the front off the plunger tube because it was traveling so fast, and :( Because of the amount of air, it took the path of least resistance and escaped to the outside of the shell because the AR in the shell was blocking it.

So, obviously I went to go take the AR out of the shell and get rid of that spring. Also, Nerf darts can't fit in the stock shells because they are too long. I wanted to fix this, so I got rid of the AR's (the post and the black disc). Then, the darts were way too loose, so I figured I needed to re-barrel the shells. I busted out the drill press and the 9/16 drill bit and cleaned out the shell. Then I took some 17/32 brass, a couple wraps of e-tape and glued the segments in the shells. I tried it. Sometimes the darts would go launching out of it, sometimes they didn't shoot, and still other times they barely hit the walls 30' away. So they inconsistency has increased, and the range only increased slightly. And I still don't know what's up. I plan on doing a writeup, if only I can get this thing to work uniformly.

There's a mechanism in the gun that pushes the plunger tube forward as the ammo door closes. Did you damage it when you took out the plunger tube? Check the internals directory.

Also, when you modded the shells, did you cut through the small plastic circle protruding out the back of the shell? That's part of the seal between the plunger tube and each shell. Damaged seal rings on some of your shells would account for your gun's inconsistent performance.

You can still repair your chain shells without buying a whole new gun:
-buy a refill pack of Buzzbee shells
-pop out the damaged ends of your bad chain shells. I just stuck a screwdriver in the air hole and levered it out.
-cut the bottoms off the new shells to make a patch for the old ones.
-glue the new bottoms onto the old shells with gap-filling Super Glue.
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#20 Lt Stefan

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 02:30 PM

Jimu RetroGuru, on Sep 1 2009, 11:20 AM, said:

There's a mechanism in the gun that pushes the plunger tube forward as the ammo door closes. Did you damage it when you took out the plunger tube? Check the internals directory.

Also, when you modded the shells, did you cut through the small plastic circle protruding out the back of the shell? That's part of the seal between the plunger tube and each shell. Damaged seal rings on some of your shells would account for your gun's inconsistent performance.

You can still repair your chain shells without buying a whole new gun:
-buy a refill pack of Buzzbee shells
-pop out the damaged ends of your bad chain shells. I just stuck a screwdriver in the air hole and levered it out.
-cut the bottoms off the new shells to make a patch for the old ones.
-glue the new bottoms onto the old shells with gap-filling Super Glue.

Actually I modded the mechanism to allow the plunger tube to come out further, thus creating a better seal.

I drilled through the little hole with a small enough bit so the little protruding ring is still intact.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 01 September 2009 - 02:31 PM.

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