I recently modded my longshot by just removing the air restrictors and taking out the useless parts like the "double-pod" on the front, but after I was done and closed it up, when I cocked once back the whole air chamber and dart chamber tilted left very little and didn't go back all the way. So now I can't use clips and the only way for it to shoot is to put my hand up the clip holder and put a dart in the chamber and then force it back into the barrel. All help will be thanked.
7-7-09- Now the side ways problem is fixed a little but the boltsled doesn't go back enough still so you have to force it back.(can put in clips if you force it a lot) and the clip realease doesn't go back enough to put in or realease clips!
Edited by nerfmaster583, 07 July 2009 - 07:41 PM.
Who even started to mod nerf guns? Some crazy guy...