Pokechan Posted Today, 01:37 PM
This is a very good idea for an underside "Dart shotgun launcher" or something like that. Can you say more specific details on where to get then, what brand they are, etc? I really want to purchase some of these.
Since I live in the UK and not the USA where I get them from does not really matter since, as far as I know, the shop does not even exist in America. But if you still want to know, the shop is called Makro. There are well over 100 Makro stores in the UK. The one near me was closing which is the only reason I went there. They do not let in customers unless they have a Makro card (like a credit card) which you have to apply for. The only info about the brand is what is on the box (first photo in my write up). I paid £5.50 for two boxes (24 poppers). While I was in Makro I also found a cheap dremel, reactor knockoff, first shot and disc launcher all made by Lanard (apart from the dremel, obviously). I am sorry I could not be of more help. Maybe a member from America who has seen them in a store near them could PM you?
Edited by NerfUK, 10 May 2009 - 08:24 AM.