Myself and a bunch of my friends here in Warrensburg, MO (an hour east of KCMO; just over an hour west of Columbia, MO -> Mizzou) are wanting to do some kind of war. A lot of this will be a sort of meet-greet thing, but obviously with blasters. I think the biggest problem we have right now in this part of the country is that none of us know anyone, and we can't get coordinated.
We're wanting to have the war probably in or very close to Warrensburg or Knob Noster (near Whiteman AFB). Johnson County fair grounds or whatever could also be a candidate.
Quick map links as to our location:
We're wanting to make this a decent-sized and planned event.
Dates? Currently, no real idea, everyone but I are busy with dead week and finals (I just work and pay bills...I'm "done" with college for now...though I still work my ass off coaching UCMFC). I'm thinking probably some time in July would be good though, or perhaps late June.
Place: Warrensburg, Knob Noster, or someplace very close to here. Since we'll be planning, organizing, etc., it makes most sense to do it here. Also, we are a relatively-central location compared to most of the hubs of civilization in this area (compared to Columbia, MO, KCMO, Springfield, etc.). It will be at some park in or near aforementioned cities.
Times: I'd like to start as close to about 10 AM as possible. We'll go till probably 30-45 before dark, so we have good time to pick up darts, gear, etc., and arrange something if some of us want to hang out later.
Rules: read top sticky here as a basis for what to expect:
For this specific war, we'll start with these baselines:
+Eye protection MANDATORY: acceptable mediums include hardware glasses, firearm shooting glasses, and similar forms. I would DIRELY prefer no sunglasses. Prescriptions will obviously take precedence.
+MUST provide own darts. As a guideline for what I did at SENOs several years ago, I probably had around 200+ of each type of dart I used; this was for a PowerClip and LnL. Bring more if you are at all in doubt.
+Bring money for food, water, gas, etc. Preferably pack a lunch, that way we don't have to break and run around for food and then straggle in to restart.
+Obviously all your blasters that you want to use; I HIGHLY recommend backups. I will have a FEW I MAY lend out, but these will be pretty basic, however usable (such as Wildfire, some others, a BBB, etc.).
This will be the first war I've hosted, but there will be the obvious: Team Deathmatch. May do CTF or a couple others, depending on time, etc. and pre-war discussion.
TDM I'm not sure yet how we'll run. I've been doing the reading, and 3/15 sounds like a good idea, but may be overly long, not sure. At the SENOs I went to, we did so:
Any 2 limb hits = death. Any 1 limb + torso = death. Any 1 torso = death.
Each round goes until a team wins. 1 life per round. This may sound a bit brutal and to easy to die, but it lends itself to tactics and smart play. It also means most rounds only last around 10 minutes, so we get a lot of good, well-played rounds rather than longer drawn-out rounds that could end up with screwing around while others wait around a long time and care not to come the next time. It allows newer players to get experience much more quickly as well, bringing others up to speed.
And then we may also do 3/15: same as above, only you have three "lives," with a 15-count time between deaths which is counted away from the play area. Third death is of course permanent.
CTF would work like normal as in games like UT04 or Halo series, only you always get to use your gun (so in that sense, not quite like Halo). Infininate lives.
Regarding hits, since this would be the first major war in this area, I'm thinking we need to follow KISS. Any hit would count per the area, including toes, fingers, etc. Gun hits I think would count as limb hits; I think this would be a good middle-of-road solution that is not complicated.
I'm hoping to find a decent spot to do this in. We have a few decent parks in the 'Burg here, but they are a bit sparse on cover. I'm going to look at satellite images in the following days on Google and see what I find.
Regarding projected numbers, all my friends I tell about this go nuts, so I'm thinking, provided I can keep people up to date and motivated, there'll hopefully be around 8-10 of us just from Warrensburg alone; the more we get talking though, the more barriers will get broken down and the more we'll get motivated; I'm hoping for a sort of snowball effect.
If this looks interesting to you, be sure to post here. Questions, comments, concerns are welcome; however, realize that this is a discussion, not a simply yes/no type scenario: just because you say it doesn't mean it'll happen, HOWEVER, if you DON'T say it, than we'd never know either. So post and ask away.
Also, if you guys are new to this sort of thing or really daunted by what you may be seeing here or on the site, make sure to ask about how to get started, things like that, I am MORE than willing to help and get you started. As long as this looks like something you'd like to do, and you have patience, you'll have no trouble at all.
This'ill also be on NHQ as a copy/paste, as people IIRC can register there more easily, and we'll be able to get people involved a little more fluidly. If you're interested but haven't registered here yet AND been validated, realize it takes several months for that to happen. At NHQ, you'll be approved immediately, I think.
Link at NHQ:
Edited by TimberwolfCY, 26 April 2009 - 12:20 AM.