I'm putting this up to try to get some attention to some people I gave this site to at work...hopefully they see it.
This is to help coordinate said people, and anyone else who may be in 'Burg-area.
And yes, after a very long hiatus, I'm back...not sure yet in what real capacity.
If any of the vets or whatever care, I'll post up what's been going on and where I've been the past...what, three years?
Suffice to say: fencing, Taiwan and Japan: TWICE for FOUR months total, more diseases, Walmart, lots of moving, sleeping.

Warrensburg, Mo Peoples
Trying to get some attention...
Started by TimberwolfCY, Apr 01 2009 01:50 AM
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Posted 01 April 2009 - 01:50 AM
"Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it." - The Architect, The Matrix: Reloaded
of NH, NHQ, NO, NC
of NH, NHQ, NO, NC
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