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Warcraft Iii

Any one play?

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#1 Mas Ketchup

Mas Ketchup


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Posted 23 March 2009 - 04:46 PM

I saw the xbox live thread and I wanted to make one for WarCraft

I just wanted to know if any one in the NIC played Warcraft. If so leave your battle net name and games your play.

Mine user is:

The games I play are:
DotA (Defene of the Ancients)
Hero Line Wars Lintion (no that good in this game)
Costum Castle defence
Island Troll Tribes
Tower Line Wars
Castle Fight

I also like tower defence games and regular games

If enough people participate ( is that how you spell that? ) the maybe every week or so we can have a big game of DotA or something.
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#2 Talio


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Posted 23 March 2009 - 05:06 PM

You know what? If you want to make a thread about PC gaming go for it. We have one for Xbox, one somewhere for playstation and now, if you would like to make one for PC's, be my guest. However, I'm not going to have a thread for every single PC game available and seeing as we're starting with one I was playing before I even joined the NIC, there could be a lot of threads. So nothing personal, but I'm closing this one.

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