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F'ed Up Big Blast Pumps.

on the new kind

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#1 Firefox551



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:36 PM

Ok, so here's the problem. I recently sold my friend a modded big blast that he commisioned me for, and he went and showed it to all the airsoft junkies in my school, and now someone else wants a big blast. I am hoping for more buisness in the future, so I really need to fix this problem. And the problem is ..... that the pumps on the previous two I have purchased have been faulty. It seems that the O-ring is not thick enough to make a good seal with the pump tube. I tried fixing one by putting E-tape under the o-ring in order to rase it, but that didn't work. I fixed another with an O-ring from an oldstyle big blast, but I don't have any more. So my question is, has anyone had this problem, and does anyone know how to fix it. If it comes down to this, which I hope it wont, I could just buy new O-rings for each big blast I buy, but I wouldn't know where to get those either. Advice will be most welcome, and will help to spread the spirit of nerf.
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#2 CoasterDynamix757



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:48 PM

I have had this problem too. The problem is that the space where the oring is suppose to be is slanted making the o-ring want to go to the narrowist part when pumped. I to just had this problem and found a nice solution. Go to homedepot and buy a pack of #13 o-rings. Unscrew your Bbbb and remove the stock oring and replace it with the new oring and use a small eyeglass screwdriver and move the o-ring down to the fattest part and slip a very thin rubber band in the space left between the new o-ring and the end if the plunger head at the narrow part. It has worked for me, but it seems partially tougher to pump now, but it's not as bad as adding two o-rings.

Hope this helps!

Edited by CoasterDynamix757, 12 March 2009 - 08:49 PM.

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#3 Boss18



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:50 PM

I have had problems too.It will still pump, but seem kinda loose and it seems like it isnt pumping enough air.I've tried putting a rubber band around mine, and it didnt do much, but alost seemed to help for a pump or two.I'd reccomend getting some O-rings.find a size that fits, and get some of them.They cant be that expensive, and If your modding say, 6 BBBBs, Get 6 O-rings.
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#4 Homestarune



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:50 PM

Tape teflon tape around your cruddy o-ring until you have a solid seal. Continue this until you have a bit of teflon tape on the plunger rod. Wrap electrical tape over the teflon tape to ensure that the teflon tape does not fall of the o-ring. Teflon tape provide a very nice seal and has a relatively low coefficient of friction.
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#5 BNM190



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:52 PM

Firefox551, on Mar 12 2009, 05:36 PM, said:

Ok, so here's the problem. I recently sold my friend a modded big blast that he commisioned me for, and he went and showed it to all the airsoft junkies in my school, and now someone else wants a big blast. I am hoping for more buisness in the future, so I really need to fix this problem. And the problem is ..... that the pumps on the previous two I have purchased have been faulty. It seems that the O-ring is not thick enough to make a good seal with the pump tube. I tried fixing one by putting E-tape under the o-ring in order to rase it, but that didn't work. I fixed another with an O-ring from an oldstyle big blast, but I don't have any more. So my question is, has anyone had this problem, and does anyone know how to fix it. If it comes down to this, which I hope it wont, I could just buy new O-rings for each big blast I buy, but I wouldn't know where to get those either. Advice will be most welcome, and will help to spread the spirit of nerf.

Yes, A lot of big blast are like that now. All you have to do is find a old nitefinder o-ring And slide it on with the original big blast o-ring.
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#6 TantumBull



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 09:06 PM

CoasterDynamix757, on Mar 12 2009, 06:48 PM, said:

I have had this problem too. The problem is that the space where the oring is suppose to be is slanted making the o-ring want to go to the narrowist part when pumped.

Look at it closer. The o-ring goes to the wider part when pumping air in in order to get a good seal. When retracting the pump it goes to the narrower part so no vacuum is created. Vacuum kills the check valves in nerf guns.

Same thing happened to my 2K. Whatever you do don't put teflon or e-tap under the o-ring as has been suggested because the process I explained above won't function. I originally did that and the 2K's check valve broke. It's better to have to pump more because of a leak then to have to buy and rig up a new check valve.
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#7 Blue



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 10:10 PM

Go return it and get another. Try it out in the parking lot of target to see if it works, return it if it doesn't, until you get a functioning big blast.
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#8 b00m13



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 11:37 PM

I'm so sad T_T

An hour ago I was using the organs of my LBB to put in my Plasma Blaster, and when I tested it again...
I only pumped it 11 times T_T and... and... it blew it's rubber stopper right out *tears up a little*

I thought the loud bang was from the dart piercing the wall, but it was from the air tank exploding...

Now I have to go get 2 new LBB's tomorrow to fill up this pit of sorrow T_T
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#9 KingBouyah



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:46 AM

Homestarune, on Mar 12 2009, 05:50 PM, said:

Tape teflon tape around your cruddy o-ring until you have a solid seal. Continue this until you have a bit of teflon tape on the plunger rod. Wrap electrical tape over the teflon tape to ensure that the teflon tape does not fall of the o-ring. Teflon tape provide a very nice seal and has a relatively low coefficient of friction.

Ummm.... I'm not understanding this. What's the point of putting electrical tape over teflon? If you're covering up your teflon, you've just lost your low coefficient of friction.
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#10 lambchop



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 07:04 AM

I found that it works to take 1 nf o-ring and put it on the bigblast but take off the old o-ring. Wrap about 1 and half times around the plunger head with e-tape. If u have to much e-tape when u pull the plump out it will shoot back in. But with alot of etape when you pull the pump out it makes a horrible popping noise.
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#11 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:06 PM


Go return it and get another. Try it out in the parking lot of target to see if it works, return it if it doesn't, until you get a functioning big blast.

I did this at my local target, and ended up going through 5 of them before giving up. I think all new 4Bs have this problem.
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#12 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:38 PM

Daniel Beaver, on Mar 13 2009, 11:06 AM, said:


Go return it and get another. Try it out in the parking lot of target to see if it works, return it if it doesn't, until you get a functioning big blast.

I did this at my local target, and ended up going through 5 of them before giving up. I think all new 4Bs have this problem.

You are correct my friend. All new ones have this problem, but if you put ONE thin strip of e-tape under the o ring it will still move like intended in the design while being able to build pressure. I've done this to a few and they all work fine.
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#13 rork



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 06:40 PM

Actually, my new 4B had this issue. I tried teflon taping it, with mixed results. Eventually, I ripped off the tape, sprayed the pump head and O-ring down with silicon lube, and it works like a dream.
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#14 Firefox551



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 06:53 PM

CaliforniaPants, on Mar 13 2009, 11:38 AM, said:

Daniel Beaver, on Mar 13 2009, 11:06 AM, said:


Go return it and get another. Try it out in the parking lot of target to see if it works, return it if it doesn't, until you get a functioning big blast.

I did this at my local target, and ended up going through 5 of them before giving up. I think all new 4Bs have this problem.

You are correct my friend. All new ones have this problem, but if you put ONE thin strip of e-tape under the o ring it will still move like intended in the design while being able to build pressure. I've done this to a few and they all work fine.

I tried this, but after a few rounds of pumps the E-tape seems to compress, once again rendering the O-ring useless.
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#15 venom213



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 06:56 PM

I'm so fucking sick of seeing these "My Big Blast is fucked up topics". I know that it is an annoying problem, but just stop bitching about it, go to the hardware store and get a new O-ring. I got an 09' 4b at a thrift store recently. I thought the O-ring was just dry, but I guess they all have this problem. I went home, replaced the O-ring with one from a SGSL and it worked like a dream. I later traded it to a friend for a Splitfire. As Dynamix said, use a #13 O-ring. E-tape is not a good idea for something like this.

Edited by venom213, 13 March 2009 - 06:57 PM.

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#16 venom213



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 10:44 AM

Just Some Bob, on Mar 13 2009, 07:05 PM, said:

I'm with venom213 - find an o-ring the right (old) size and replace it. BuzzBee probably just had a supplier cheap out on them, and shipped a batch with too-thin o-rings.

Although making Target take some back will probably inspire them the send the appropriate message, it also might push them away from stocking more in the future.

Good points Bob.

I actually made a prediction that these new 4Bs were going to be turning up at thrift stores like crazy. My friend told me that at in his last couple visits to Goodwill he saw at least one 09' 4B and one time he saw 3 of them. I wanted to go see for myself yesterday, and sure enough there was one there, in the box with the missiles. It was insanely overpriced though, it cost like $7, almost all the other stuff I was interested in there was overpriced as well. It's funny because at a grocery store just down the street there are 2008 4bs that work perfectly right out of the box and only cost like 6 or 7 bucks. Luckily, I found a one dollar AT2k under a big pile of stuff right when I was about to leave.

Edited by venom213, 14 March 2009 - 10:45 AM.

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#17 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 01:30 PM


Luckily, I found a one dollar AT2k under a big pile of stuff right when I was about to leave.

Christ, man, your goodwill is silly. In my experience, goodwill tends to price toys by how big they are, so 4Bs may be overpriced. It's different for every thrift store, though.
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#18 Firefox551



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:07 PM

Ok guys, I tried the #13 O-ring, and it was still to small. But I DID find a solution. What you do is take a #15 O-ring and dremel out the inside untill it fits into the plunger tube without making that horrible sucking noise. I just did this and it even improved the pumps efficiency.
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"Whats algebra? I like pudding." - My friend Luke

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