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Massacre 3

Adrenaline and pain like salt and pepper.

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#51 Rambo


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 11:19 PM

I read through the first post, but couldn't find which paypal adress to send the money to. Did I miss it, or is it not there?

It's not specifically stated as PayPal, but:

E-mail me at Forsaken_angel24@hotmail.com. Just make sure to have something along the
lines of "MASSACRE 3" In the topic title.

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#52 1337



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 06:08 AM

Holy indian midgets with loser rifles. that list got big FAST!
Are all of those people off of facebook???

Edited by 1337, 13 March 2009 - 06:09 AM.

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#53 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 13 March 2009 - 12:08 PM

What can I say I am growing the hobby up here. :D
Realistically we are looking at 30 people. Optimistically we are looking at 40.

In less than 24 hours everyone attending will be engaged in battle.
Bring your game faces and your A-game.
For this will be one hell of a time.
6 more tarps were purchased so now we can provide even more vertical/horizontal and diagonal cover!

To those who are attending, Who chose option 2 and need stefans.
Remember to bring something to carry darts in. Cargo pants/shorts will do just fine.
Hoodie pockets are also good.

Since this war is going to break the attendance record I would like to get good footage of it.
Who else is bringing recording equipment. Camera, Digital Camera etc?

I will be bringing mine and I can always count on the amazing photos of Mr. Green.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 13 March 2009 - 12:10 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#54 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:47 PM

Well, have fun tomorrow guys. I hope that it is as good as the last one.
Slowguitarman: It's a shame I couldn't meet you this time, I hope to the next time you come up (which I hope happens). I really want to get shot by the domsayer.
And to attest to Mr. Green's amazing photography skills:
Posted Image

My cousin.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#55 Glint



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 02:59 PM

Since this war is going to break the attendance record I would like to get good footage of it.
Who else is bringing recording equipment. Camera, Digital Camera etc?

My mom (who'll be sticking around for a bit before heading out) will be bringing a camera. A very high quality camera at that. So hopefully she'll get some great shots.

But anyways, I'm going to feel so inferior at the war. My DTB is gonna be like a baby to the two Doomsayers... Maybe it should have a degrading name like...

Well, like Baby.

Edited by Glint, 13 March 2009 - 02:59 PM.

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#56 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 13 March 2009 - 03:16 PM

I doubt I will be using Doomsayer the entire day.
It is still not fully repaired.

I will have some other things to test out my skills on.


Here is a rough idea on what our day will look like tomorrow.
Round schedule:

1. Civil war PB style.
2. Multi team death match. 2 teams 3:15
3.Defend the Core Infinity:15
4 Guardian Infinity:15
5 Royal Rumble 1 life
6 Multi team Death match 4 teams 3:15

30 minute lunch.

7 Team Death match 2 teams 1 life.
8 Center flag pull 1 life switch sides
9 Center flag push 1 life switch sides.
9 Defend the Core infinity:15
10 Guardian Infinity:15
11 Slaughter. 3:15
12 Attendees vote favorite game of the day and we play that.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 13 March 2009 - 03:57 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#57 1337



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 04:47 PM

I think Rokor is on the list twice. i'm almost to the canadian border now. Going to get some practice in, in the halls of the hotel.

I've been loading about 20 darts into my BS, 5 per barrel. it's looking VERY beastly

Edited by 1337, 21 March 2009 - 06:29 PM.

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#58 Applefury



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 05:17 PM

I should be bringing my camera, hopefully this time I won't accidentally delete the footage.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#59 1337



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Posted 13 March 2009 - 10:23 PM

DAMN! canadian tv is boring. these people actually think curling is a sport... heh.
i think i'm going to bed.
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#60 rokor



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:41 AM

Onlt an hour and a half away! I might be late though, as my alarm just doesn't seem to like me.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#61 k9turrent



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 08:18 AM

have fun guys...someone shoot dumpy in the head for me
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#62 Applefury



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 05:24 PM

Yeah, I left my electric screwdriver at the war. If anyone found it, could you please tell me and return it to me next time we see eachother.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#63 rokor



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 05:25 PM

have fun guys...someone shoot dumpy in the head for me

Done! I hit him in the temple after our team truce was broken by them shooting our captain in Guardian. It wasn't meant as a head shot but I wanted to shoot quick before they realized I was aiming. Sorry about that Dumpy...

I won't make a huge list of pros and cons, but here..

-I scored myself two SM 750s, a sneakshot, a recon, and a BuzzBee RFR, all for $40.
-I found my love for the AT3K after using it allday and playing better than I did last Massacre.
-Getting to meet a few of the Americans that came up.
-Overall having a super fun time.

-nothing bad at all, except recieving a pressure point shot from a 2K at 5ft away.

And Applefury, I accidentally stole your dremel drill. I was closing the 750 when you left and I had no idea. I'll bring it next week.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#64 Applefury



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 05:27 PM

Wow, love how we posted at the same time there. Alright thanks, I'll get it at STW.

-Many slide kills.
-Great Turnout, lots of new faces.
-Finding my perfect style of playing.
-Getting a SM750 off Jay
-See old faces.
-Promoting Spring toronto War.
-Uber fun

Edited by Applefury, 14 March 2009 - 05:42 PM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#65 Glint



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:20 PM

Awesome day. Awesome freaking day.

- First NIC War
- Getting to match some names to faces around here
- Learning how to rush and slide kill very, very quickly
- Rushing alongside some big names around here
- In a game of Royal RUmbe (I think it was Royal Rumble) jumping out from behind a baricade, having FA_24 standing right there aiming his Doomsayer straight at my chest, seeing him pull the trigger and hearing the dart shoot, but having it misfire and not actually shoot. I think he just reloaded and shot me anyways, but it was a sweet feeling of temporary invicibility.
- Rushing in, killing a Captain in Guardian, running back and then scheming with Dumpster and Pearson about breaking the truce we had. That was pretty awesome but sneaky; being all traitor like that.
- Slide killing FA_24 three time (?) Maybe it was two... it was at least two.

Too bad it's hard to remember all the action once you're out of it. Hopefully the camera caught a lot of the awesoness; like CNP shooting the foot of Afro Thunder (yeah, I forget the guy's name. Thanks for putting that name in my head there Crooked) right after his shoe fell off.

But anyways, great day. I'll revise this post if I remember any more sweet moments of my day.

Edited by Glint, 14 March 2009 - 07:02 PM.

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#66 1337



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:24 PM

-nothing bad at all, except recieving a pressure point shot from a 2K at 5ft away.

Yeahhhh... sorry, my bad. actually your bad because you and applefury decided to rush me during royal rumble wingman. got both of you.

-K10's 3-for-1 with his shotgunned BBBB.
-jay inspiring me to get a LS by his ownage with it.
-2 kills in 4 seconds from about 50 ft.
-finding a BBBR at a walmart.
-no-one moaning or complaining
-minimal standoff

my 2k was taking about a miniute to fully reload.
not much else.
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#67 slowguitarman



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:50 PM

Great freaking war. I'm glad that my first NIC nerfing experience was this one.

-During the first few games, I got like 5-6 hits each time I rushed with the Domsayer, getting like 16 hits total for each of those rounds.
-Meeting some of the awesome people from here.
-Becoming best friends with Forsaken after he shot me in the head and apologized. It was like a hippy love fest. Seriously, apologizing after a head shot is the way to go. For real.
-Sitting in Boston Pizza for ~three hours while Forsaken and Maltese Falcon laughed at me saying "chocolate doughnut" and me laughing at them for frequently saying "A".
-Seeing Codename: Pending (CNP) do pretty darn well on some rounds and leading the victory in the second slaughter match. Did I mention that CNP is a girl?
-Going over-top a barrier and shooting a kid right in his face. I felt bad for hitting him in the face, but I had no other choice.
-Having 5 Americans at the war, one of which is another girl and "Afro Thunder", which was an awesome dude.
-Many more, I'm sure.

-My Domsayer, LS and new BBB ALL breaking halfway through the day. I am definitely not any good with single-shot weapons. It's just not my style.
-Getting hit in the hair, calling the hit and then getting shot in the cheek bone by CNP.
-Took a little while to get setup at the start. It moved smooth after that though, which was good.

Overall, this was a ton of fun. I got a little frustrated when my Domsayer refused to prime, so I switched to my LS and the supermag wouldn't work right and then the glue broke on the breech, so I switch to my BBB that uses LS mags, which worked pretty nicely (except range seemed a little low), and then it pulled completely apart as well. I used a maxshot and a different BBB after that, and it was alright, but nothing like having my LS or Domsayer.

MSDFS, come to the next Massacre, and I should be there.

I have a few questions though: 1337, which person were you? Afro Thunder?
Glint, we thought you weren't there...did we just not know who you were?

Hopefully by next time I will have all the bugs worked out of my guns. Nerfing with a lot of people like this made me more clear on how things work though, so I think I can come back stronger than this time.
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#68 Applefury



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:51 PM

-nothing bad at all, except recieving a pressure point shot from a 2K at 5ft away.

Yeahhhh... sorry, my bad. actually your bad because you and applefury decided to rush me during royal rumble wingman. got both of you.

-K10's 3-for-1 with his shotgunned BBBB.
-jay inspiring me to get a LS by his ownage with it.
-2 kills in 4 seconds from about 50 ft.
-finding a BBBR at a walmart.
-no-one moaning or complaining
-minimal standoff

my 2k was taking about a miniute to fully reload.
not much else.

Actually no, it was dumpster who got me, not you.
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#69 Glint



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:00 PM

Glint, we thought you weren't there...did we just not know who you were?

Really? Well the first time Forsaken asked me who I was I said Glint and I felt a little awkward because I didn't know if he meant my real name or my online tag...
But I was the guy with the Dart Tag Blaster and Nitefinder, with the blue and gray hoodie?

Edited by Glint, 14 March 2009 - 07:01 PM.

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#70 Applefury



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:07 PM

Glint, we thought you weren't there...did we just not know who you were?

Really? Well the first time Forsaken asked me who I was I said Glint and I felt a little awkward because I didn't know if he meant my real name or my online tag...
But I was the guy with the Dart Tag Blaster and Nitefinder, with the blue and gray hoodie?

Wow, thats who i thought u were.
But to be honest I imagine you as a fat pudgie guy. Avatars ftw.

Edited by Applefury, 14 March 2009 - 07:10 PM.

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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#71 Glint



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:15 PM

Wow, thats who i thought u were.
But to be honest I imagine you as a fat pudgie guy. Avatars ftw.

Haha, nice! Yeah, it's funny how we base everyone off their avatars :P

The amount of Doomsayers that weren't working today was dissapointing. Although all of them looked awesome, the majority of them were'nt working by the end of the day, which sucks. When FA24 has left his sitting on my stuff I was so tempted to pick it up and start using it; but didn't because I didn't know if he'd be okay with that or not. I decided using other people's guns probably isn't the best thing to do (especially that gun), so I just let it be, making all my guns look so crappy as it sat on top of them :D

Edited by Glint, 14 March 2009 - 07:18 PM.

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#72 rokor



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:18 PM

Glint, I thought you were the kid with the mustache. And yah, you seemed a little nervous, and were never talking to anyone, haha. Turns out the 750 I bought off, well I don't know who it was, was leaking. it shouldn't be a difficult fix, but I was a little dissapointed when I found out.
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#73 Glint



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:21 PM

Glint, I thought you were the kid with the mustache. And yah, you seemed a little nervous, and were never talking to anyone, haha.

Kid with the mustache?
Yeah I was a bit anti-social today, I realise that now. Sorry 'bout that.
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#74 rokor



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:25 PM

Glint, I thought you were the kid with the mustache. And yah, you seemed a little nervous, and were never talking to anyone, haha.

Kid with the mustache?
Yeah I was a bit anti-social today, I realise that now. Sorry 'bout that.

Yah, the kid with the RF20 had a dirt-stache. And the first time I went to Massacre, Mass-2, I was scared shitless not knowing who anyone was. It's weird going to your first war.
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"Sorry rokor...my cousin is gay too...it's okay...we're tolerant"
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#75 Glint



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Posted 14 March 2009 - 07:32 PM

Yah, the kid with the RF20 had a dirt-stache. And the first time I went to Massacre, Mass-2, I was scared shitless not knowing who anyone was. It's weird going to your first war.

Ah yeah, him. Didn't know who you meant :P
Yeah, that's just about how I felt. Everyone else it getting along and having fun conversations and stuff and I felt a little awkward trying to fit in with everyone who knew each other.

Whatever, I had an awesome day nontheless.
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