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Nerf Powerclip Writeup

As promised to FA_24

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#1 Frankie27



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 01:12 AM

Nerf Powerclip Writeup

The Nerf Powerclip is a vintage gun, being in its tenth anniversary this year. It is essentially the first full-auto nerf gun available and is certainly worth getting one. I recently paid a hefty price to obtain two, one in perfect working order, the other busted. I fixed it but then broke it again, so I might fix it some day but I have other projects all lined up. Anyway, having a broken one is good as it allows for removable clips and if the pump happens to break (I’ve heard it is prone to) I can replace it. Okay, on to the mod.

The main focus on this mod (for me anyway) is on the clips. I will also show you how you can increase the range but I won’t have done this mod (my previous powerclip owned did though) and I want to prolong the life of my gun.
Oh, before I start, I just want to thank whoever some of the pictures in this writeup came from (majority of them are mine, maybe one or two aren’t)

Bike Tire Tube or Rubber Bands

Dremel or File/Hacksaw

Posted Image

Firstly, grab your screwdriver and unscrew the gun. Go slowly as I have heard the screwheads can break off. Internals: (courtesy of cheesypiza001, ignore the circle)

Posted Image

Remove the clip and bust out the ARs on the back (the + shapes) You can now fire stefans and have a very slight range increase.

Posted Image

Now grab your dremel/file and sand down the ridge shown on both sides of the clip. Then clean up with sandpaper. The clips are now removable. The one of the right is sanded.

Posted Image

This is where I closed up my gun and was happy (I play indoors) Do the next step if you wish to gain a range increase by about 15ft.
Grab your bike tyre tube and cut about 2-3 inches of it. Now unscrew the air bladder and simply slip the tire tube over the bladder.

Posted Image

You can also use 20-30 elastic bands instead of a tire tube. Put the gun back together and your done.

Clip Mod Only – 30-35ft
Full Mod – 40-50ft

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#2 BlackFox



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 04:04 AM

Very nicely done. I have a powerclip I've never gotten around to modding, so I'll have to keep this in mind.

Hmm... did you do a before/after range test? I've always thought of controlled-release guns like the magstrike/powerclip/rf20 as spring guns because the bladder simply moves the piston back and compresses the spring. Maybe I'm wrong though. If you say it increased the range by 15', I'll believe it. The clarity of your write up gives you credibility in my book.

Nice work.
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#3 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 05:45 AM

Yeah, I've heard conflicting reports about how the nerf automatics work in that regard. I thought that banding the piston was the only way to increase their range. I've got a box overflowing with powerclips now, so I should try a mod or two on them.
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#4 imaseoulman



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 06:53 AM

Daniel Beaver, you've got a box OVERFLOWING! with PowerClips?

Where did you come across that? I must say that I'm jealous, as I'm currently going through an "I love Automatics" phase.

When properly modded, they can hit around 100' and are just plain fun!

@BlackFox: The deal with the piston mechanism is that it works like an "air gun" or "pump gun," not a springer. The easiest way to test this is to hold the piston in your hands. After it reaches the most extended part of the stroke, hold onto it and don't let it return to it's resting position. As the valve open that normally allows it to return to it's resting position, you hold it in place but notice that the air still rushes out, just like before. Without the plunger moving back like in a springer, the dart can still be launched with just enough force.

I really need to post all of my findings with these things, because I have at least as much experience with them as I do with Big Salvos.

Edited by imaseoulman, 06 February 2009 - 06:58 AM.

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#5 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:30 AM

Imaseoulman: I have been anxiously awaiting that 100ft PC writeup ever since you posted your ranges like a year ago. Is it happening? Im sure that the NIC would really appreciate it if you passed on your knowledge before you left. Kinda like Confucius and the Analects in a way. Except hopefully you will come back, unlike Confucius.
Frankie: Nice mod, I did something similar on my old PC but I never got those ranges. I only used 4-5 bands, so I guess the inner tube counts as more. I really need to get another...
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#6 imaseoulman



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 08:11 AM

Well, the secret is a tad bit disappointing. I've posted it before and a few have even seen it.

Just do the same mods as above, band the piston (put a rubber band around it) and then use 3" barrels of 3/8" ID 1/2" OD PEX. Use nano stefans (3/8") weighted with bb's. I just made four of these for a contract (for a guy in Europe) and flat ranges are 80-105' flat. You get a lot of variance from wind and things as the nanos tend to "sail through the wind" more so than just "cut through" like heavier stefans do.

Also, double banding the bladder (more than one layer of single pieces of bike inner-tube) provides even more shots before re-pumping. This modification is part of Arachnophobia IV, which unfortunately is not going to be finished before I leave.
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#7 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 01:39 PM

So basically:

1) replace the barrels on the PC
2) band the hell out of the bladder
3) use nanos

I would assume that all of that would work well on a Magstrike as well? I would love to use a magstrike as a regular primary if ranges beyond 70' could be achieved (didn't FA get those sorts of ranges out of his?).


you've got a box OVERFLOWING! with PowerClips?

Well, by overflowing i mean fills up a tiny little box. I've come across 4 so far, as well as some other goodies. Suffice to say, my next sales/cleanout thread will have some interesting stuff in it. In any case, given a choice, I would much rather use a magstrike over a PC. The PC is a beautiful blaster, but the weight distribution and the feel of the magstrike suites me.
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#8 Glint



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 04:09 PM

The PC's basically a Magstrike except with better ranges, right?

Or should we say that the Magstike is basically a PC with worse ranges?

Edited by Glint, 06 February 2009 - 04:10 PM.

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This has spiraled beyond uselessness into utterly stupidy.
Read it again until you figure it out.

#9 minsc



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 05:01 PM

imaseoulman, on Feb 6 2009, 08:11 AM, said:

Well, the secret is a tad bit disappointing. I've posted it before and a few have even seen it.

Just do the same mods as above, band the piston (put a rubber band around it) and then use 3" barrels of 3/8" ID 1/2" OD PEX. Use nano stefans (3/8") weighted with bb's. I just made four of these for a contract (for a guy in Europe) and flat ranges are 80-105' flat. You get a lot of variance from wind and things as the nanos tend to "sail through the wind" more so than just "cut through" like heavier stefans do.

Also, double banding the bladder (more than one layer of single pieces of bike inner-tube) provides even more shots before re-pumping. This modification is part of Arachnophobia IV, which unfortunately is not going to be finished before I leave.

Wow, I'm surprised by the difference in range from just using nano's instead of micros. However, you said there's a lot of variance, so what was the effective range. Automatics shooting darts that far would be entertaining though. Could you increase the accuracy by simply adding more weights to nanos, or would that decrease range as well?
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QUOTE(Zorn's Lemma @ Jul 25 2010, 12:18 AM) View Post

You'll do a lot better if you spread the lips with the front. Trying to wriggle the back in there first seems a bit counterintuitive.


#10 Frankie27



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:15 PM

With imaseoulman's mod, were the darts a tight fit or what? Also, are nano darts smaller diametre foam or short cut darts?
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#11 Draconis


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Posted 06 February 2009 - 07:50 PM

Frankie27, on Feb 6 2009, 04:15 PM, said:

With imaseoulman's mod, were the darts a tight fit or what? Also, are nano darts smaller diametre foam or short cut darts?

Nanos are 3/8" diameter, Micros are 1/2", megas are 5/8", and Mongos are 1".
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#12 Frankie27



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 08:08 PM

Thanks Draconis, that helped me alot as out stupid stores only sell (by the sounds of it) nano size foam and mega size foam. I had to custom order in micro foam (13mm foam as we call it in Australia)
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#13 rork



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 08:24 PM

imaseoulman, on Feb 6 2009, 08:11 AM, said:

Well, the secret is a tad bit disappointing. I've posted it before and a few have even seen it.

Just do the same mods as above, band the piston (put a rubber band around it) and then use 3" barrels of 3/8" ID 1/2" OD PEX. Use nano stefans (3/8") weighted with bb's. I just made four of these for a contract (for a guy in Europe) and flat ranges are 80-105' flat. You get a lot of variance from wind and things as the nanos tend to "sail through the wind" more so than just "cut through" like heavier stefans do.

Also, double banding the bladder (more than one layer of single pieces of bike inner-tube) provides even more shots before re-pumping. This modification is part of Arachnophobia IV, which unfortunately is not going to be finished before I leave.

Damn. I just found m'self a Project.
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<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20296" target="_blank">SNAPbow Mk. V</a>
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20409" target="_blank">Make it pump-action</a>

#14 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 11:14 PM

BlackFox, on Feb 6 2009, 04:04 AM, said:

Very nicely done. I have a powerclip I've never gotten around to modding, so I'll have to keep this in mind.

Hmm... did you do a before/after range test? I've always thought of controlled-release guns like the magstrike/powerclip/rf20 as spring guns because the bladder simply moves the piston back and compresses the spring. Maybe I'm wrong though. If you say it increased the range by 15', I'll believe it. The clarity of your write up gives you credibility in my book.

Nice work.

See this link for more information on how the magstrike/powerclip/rf20 work. Short version: yes, there's a spring in it, but it's air that sends the dart flying.
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#15 imaseoulman



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Posted 07 February 2009 - 10:01 AM

Yes, the darts are a tight fit, usually. I once found a roll of 3/8 foam that fit tightly, but not so tightly that I couldn't rear load. I now have rear-loading MS clips. Fun times.
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#16 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 01:40 PM

Very good.

I cannot believe this was the first Powerclip Write up on Nerfhaven.
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