They had looked somewhat promising, so we each took one home. I opened it up, but before I did you need to pry off the orange ring on the front, with a flathead.

Okay, here are some internal pictures.

Catch Area:

Catch Area with catch spring:

If you were to look at the handle/foregrip, you will see that it goes into the gun. The part going into the gun acts as a wall for the catch, the spring goes into the little screw hole. Confusing, I know. Next I glued on about a 4in. CPVC barrel straight on to the plunger tube.

I put it all back together, and here is the final product:

Oh yeah, almost forgot ranges. Stock, it comes with those shitty micros with the rubber inside, and that hits roughly 15-20FT. Modified I can say that with screamers, it hits around 40, with stefans around 50.
EDIT: Just thought i'd say it's not bad for indoor wars.
Edited by NerfOnFier, 25 January 2009 - 11:44 AM.