I've got a nitefinder piston and cylinder working with the trigger, theoretically. After much dremel sanding and cutting with razors - carefully - everything fits excellently:
I need a trip to the hardware store to finish the triggering mechanism, using the trigger parts from both the nf and the ds:
I think I got it all except delivering the air to the chambers, right here:
What kind of hoses and glue should I be looking at for this? I assume I need a little tubing and a y connection. I was hoping that maybe a switch might be possible to install for a left barrel, right, or both.
I was also toying with the idea of integrating the pulley mechanism and another nitefinder in the stock of the gun. I know i could easily get another nitefinder barrel in the stock with a little creative cutting but cocking and triggering would probably be a bit harder to pull off.
Thoughts, especially on pnuematic supplies?
Edited by BarryAllen, 10 November 2008 - 05:49 AM.