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Integration In The Works: Nitefinder/doubleshot

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#1 BarryAllen



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Posted 10 November 2008 - 05:45 AM

So, it's late, and I'm up screwing around with my doubleshot. The gun kinda sucks, and always has in the power department. After looking around, I don't see much in the way of power mods, so I'm cookin' up a'somethin.

I've got a nitefinder piston and cylinder working with the trigger, theoretically. After much dremel sanding and cutting with razors - carefully - everything fits excellently:

Posted Image

I need a trip to the hardware store to finish the triggering mechanism, using the trigger parts from both the nf and the ds:

Posted Image

I think I got it all except delivering the air to the chambers, right here:

Posted Image

What kind of hoses and glue should I be looking at for this? I assume I need a little tubing and a y connection. I was hoping that maybe a switch might be possible to install for a left barrel, right, or both.

I was also toying with the idea of integrating the pulley mechanism and another nitefinder in the stock of the gun. I know i could easily get another nitefinder barrel in the stock with a little creative cutting but cocking and triggering would probably be a bit harder to pull off.

Thoughts, especially on pnuematic supplies?

Edited by BarryAllen, 10 November 2008 - 05:49 AM.

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#2 Banshee



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Posted 10 November 2008 - 08:21 AM

I don't mean to bash on your dreams but what's the point of this mod? Wouldn't be much more efficient just to use a regular nightfinder and better yet, double barrel it? I mean even if you have the parts lying around, you'd get much better results just sticking it in a LS scope or something.
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#3 Kid Flash

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 09:30 AM

Is a scope a double barrel shotgun? Is a nightfinder with 2 barrels a double barrel shotgun?

NO. I think he's just doing this to make the doubleshot a worthwhile gun and at the same time it looks kinda cool.
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#4 BarryAllen



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Posted 10 November 2008 - 02:16 PM

I don't mean to bash on your dreams but what's the point of this mod? Wouldn't be much more efficient just to use a regular nightfinder and better yet, double barrel it? I mean even if you have the parts lying around, you'd get much better results just sticking it in a LS scope or something.

The DS looks cool, and I like how it feels. I have 2 lying around and a bunch of nitefinders, so it seemed like a good fit. I just want my ds to work and work well, when I do a mod I'd prefer it not only function well but look good too. A doubled nitefinder isn't at all what I'm looking for. The point isn't always just to get something working, or to shoot more than one dart. Besides, I now already have the ds shell perfectly hollowed out for an nf cylinder.

And vulcan SPARE parts? Heh, I haven't even opened my vulcan yet.

Hm... Guess I'll be going to the hobby store for little hoses or something, I think.
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#5 Draconis


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:23 PM

Instead of plastic, which WANTS to be straight-ish, you could also use a piece of copper tubing, let's say 5/16" or 1/4", and bend it to the appropriate shape.
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#6 BarryAllen



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Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:33 PM

Instead of plastic, which WANTS to be straight-ish, you could also use a piece of copper tubing, let's say 5/16" or 1/4", and bend it to the appropriate shape.

That sounds like a great idea. Any ideas on the best way to join copper to plastic?

Also, I got some polyethylene tubing from Home Depot (in plumbing) that's rated for over 100psi. Had to buy a small roll of the stuff, and it's hard to glue (some epoxys work but some don't) but it's capable of the job.

Missed your edit at first there. I'll look at that tubing too, probably easier to join for plastic, cheaper than copper, and it will only need to pass the air, not store it. 100 psi should be more than adequate.

And I thought I'd go ahead and include an additional thought on my mod for those interested. I've shortened the barrel significantly already, and put in petg barrels. They're too long for the original pistons to give the dart enough power, I think the nf cylinder with the ace spring will more than blast that dart out of a barrel or two. If I have to, I will shorten the interior diameter barrel later.

Edited by BarryAllen, 10 November 2008 - 03:53 PM.

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#7 perezinthenet



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Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:47 PM

Just buy some vinyl tubing from Home Depot, I bought some and re-tubed most of my air guns

Edited by perezinthenet, 10 November 2008 - 03:47 PM.

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#8 nerfnut23



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Posted 11 November 2008 - 12:40 AM

BarryAllen, flare the end(s) of the tube, bend to shape, then heat the tube ends with your stove for 5 seconds, then press end onto plastic, then run under cold water to harden plastic. I retubed a Titan this way. A pain in the ass, diffucult, and impractical, but is about twice as strong as (I can't believe i'm saying this) Angel's Fishin' Glue. Please, no flames.
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#9 Blasphemy



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Posted 11 November 2008 - 10:53 AM

JB Weld is a great epoxy adhesive for bonding plastic to metal, I'd recommend it in this situation.
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