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Non Existant Guns.

Might these be in the works?

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#1 random360



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 08:14 PM

so a friend of mine sent me this link:

Nerf N strike trailer

As I watched, I couldn't help but notice that some, no, make that most, of the guns pictured did not exist. Are these in the works? Are they simply for the video game? Would that top one even work? I have no idea, but I hope they turn out to be real.

I do apologize if this has been posted elsewhere, but this is the sort of thing its hard to do a search for. I looked the best I could.

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#2 Kid Flash

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 08:27 PM

Those are all 3d models so I'm guessing they're in the nerf wii game. I like them though.
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#3 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 08:29 PM

It's hard to look for? It is like in the first 2 pages of this section. Go there to read the speculation (don't even try to post there ...its locked).
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#4 shoeshine5



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 08:31 PM

There was quite a bit of talk (read: speculation) about those and other potential guns in this topic, but it got locked

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#5 Captain



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 09:10 PM

A lot of the guns in the game are made up, but a few are being made next year, according to an article I read. I made an observation in the thread (shoeshine posted the link) that largely hinted that the Raider (pump action with side-loading clip) and the Spartan (rifle with 4 rails, long 12-round clip and gear-box thing in the stock) are going to be made. My post is on the last page, if anyone wants to find it.

Edited by Captain, 17 October 2008 - 09:11 PM.

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#6 Guest_fadinglight4_*

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 09:14 PM

There has been a topic about it already as you now know and it is locked as you also now know. But some of the guns plan to be made so you may be able to get a couple of the guns.
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#7 Boss18



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 08:31 PM

i dont see how to cock the first one, and it looks like crap anyways.I like the second one it looks like a gattling gun, i just hope its vulcan styled. , and the third one looks like it has a very big spring because of the cocking handle line, so that looks like it hasn potetial.The last one looks like a recon that feeds from the side.
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#8 Oni Kadaki

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 08:40 PM

One thing I noticed from those pictures that I don't recall being mentioned in the previous thread, neither the chain gun nor the maverick variant have apparent cocking mechanisms, whereas the spartan and the raider both have clear modes of cocking. Perhaps the guns that are completely fake were not rendered with details such as cocking mechanisms in mind?
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#9 Captain



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 09:00 PM

Oni Kadaki, on Oct 19 2008, 09:40 PM, said:

One thing I noticed from those pictures that I don't recall being mentioned in the previous thread, neither the chain gun nor the maverick variant have apparent ing mechanisms, whereas the spartan and the raider both have clear modes of ing. Perhaps the guns that are completely fake were not rendered with details such as ing mechanisms in mind?

I'm pretty sure that they're making the Spartan and Raider. I have evidence, let me get a link...

Okay, here's my post explaining my reasoning. (Scroll down a bit and it's the second one on that page)


Also, common sense will tell you which guns they're not making, like the cannon that launches giga-balls and the gattling gun. Those are just too big, and too crazy to work, or at least mass-produce.

Edited by Captain, 19 October 2008 - 09:07 PM.

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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#10 Oni Kadaki

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 09:41 PM

Captain, on Oct 19 2008, 10:00 PM, said:

I'm pretty sure that they're making the Spartan and Raider. I have evidence, let me get a link...

Okay, here's my post explaining my reasoning. (Scroll down a bit and it's the second one on that page)


Also, common sense will tell you which guns they're not making, like the cannon that launches giga-balls and the gattling gun. Those are just too big, and too crazy to work, or at least mass-produce.

Oh, I think you're absolutely right, it was just an observation I made that I feel backs up that view. Also, after rereading my post, I finally realized why you guys use the term priming instead of the more common term.
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#11 badger


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Posted 19 October 2008 - 09:59 PM

Yay! Another speculation thread that can be closed by the admins. If they are going to be released, we will be informed by One Man Clan once he knows, so until then, stop speculating and go modify something. Maybe you can modify a current blaster to look like one of these.

Edited by badger, 21 October 2008 - 09:58 PM.

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#12 nerfmaster10194



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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:55 PM

I hope they are real to,they're cool

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