*=optional step
Oh and Sorry for the pictures with the flash, my light isn't strong enough.
It's also recommended for you to do these mods:
1.) Forsaken_angel24's "Doomsayer" write-up, where you sand down the turret rings, and the plunger head mods
2.) AssasinNF's mod to strenghtening the rotating mechanism, and the O-ring seal improvement.
-Screwdriver/Drill with long Drill bit
-Pliers (depends on your strength)
-Longshot spring (optional)
-12, 6 inch rods of ½'' CPVC
(I first tried 8’’ but it was too long, darts kept jamming)
Step 1*:
Cut the orange cap part off:
(In another write-up, I read that you could pry the orange part off, yet you'll
have to cut off the shell anyway, so what's the point?)
Step 2:
Unscrew gun, good thing there aren’t any catch springs that would fly out.

Step 3*:
Add the Longshot (or other) spring

Step 4:
Unscrew the turret screws (if you have trouble getting the turret out
try twisting/rolling it out):
Step 5:
Depending on your strength, here’s where you need your pliers:
Now since I did the mod then the write-up, the turret is sealed with hot glue
and it’s hard to pull off, so I’ll have to explain it with the turret intact.
(I did this ‘cause I was stupid and did it the hard way…which took like 10
times as long as it was supposed to)

Step 6:
Take out the Ar’s completely. Oh and they fly out when you pull the turret apart.
Step 7:
Put the Turret back together, including the screws.
Step 8:
Now take your dremel/files/sandpaper (I used a drill with a drill-bit covered in sandpaper)
and sand down the front part of the turret.

Step 9:
Cut down the shell, file if you want, make sure to leave a little piece though:

Step 10:
Close her back up!
Cpvc'd, (micro's)

No barrels (mega's)

Darn I knew I forgot something:
30' With the stock megas it came with
60' With stock micros
70-80' With CaptainSlug Darts
50'-70' With fishtailing stefans
Edited by Watari, 10 April 2009 - 10:51 PM.