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That SoB is finally gone.

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#1 Sylent Blade

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Posted 05 January 2004 - 04:50 PM

Well, as much of you know... I have had a rough time here. I brought it upon myself. So, I will do this for myself.

I would like to apologize to some people.

Ares - You made me lose my head, I guess I was looking for a reason to post. I'm sorry that I wasted your time.

IronRhino - You have a short temper. You insulted me, and I got my back up. I shouldn't have cared what you thought about me. I'm sorry for the hateful words I said to you.

Rawray7 - You are a vet I guess. I pissed you off in more ways than one, in more instances than one. I apologize for your wasted time reading my posts.

Famine - You hate me. I don't hate you. I'm sorry for ever posting in that topic that set you off. I'm sorry.

GrOOvE - I was an asshole in my early days, making your life hard. I never backed down to you when I was beat. I apologize.

Superintendant - I've flamed you alot... I and shouldn't have bothered. You have more respect here than me.

Everyone else that I've angered, flamed or badgered - I feel bad now that I look back at it. I was a bitch, with something stuck up my ass. I flamed needlessly, argued, and bitched about you all. I never took at step back and looked at myself. I have been the opposite of what everyone else is. I made this forum into something some people are ashamed of... and I've given Canada a bad name.

I apologize for never contributing anything to this site or forum. I wasted my time here, I wasted yours. I never had the potential to contribute, and I'm sorry for it all. The only thing I had potential for, was being the troll that I am.

I apologize lastly, to Cxwq - You letting me join this forum was most likely I bad idea. I gave this place a bad name, I am the only troll here. I've made you waste time posting to shut me up. You shouldn't have to do that. I made you waste time PMing me, never will you have to worry about that again.

I feel this is the best thing for me to do, and I will miss Nerf Haven.

Bye everyone... glad I'm gone, aren't you?

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Sylent Blade


#2 Black Blade

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Posted 05 January 2004 - 05:15 PM

Are you leaveing beacasue pepole are angry at you I think that is stupid just post less and make your posts count don't post stupid crap all the time and you will be fine if you are leaveing well seeyha.

Oh and if you leave nerf compleatly I will buy your SM5K.

Edited by Black Blade, 05 January 2004 - 05:16 PM.

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#3 Black Wrath

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Posted 05 January 2004 - 05:18 PM

Sounds like some one needs a hug...

Hi everyone. This is most likely a bad place for my first post, but I just wanted to ask... who was this guy?
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Posted 05 January 2004 - 05:25 PM

Ha, SB your not leaving. And you shouldnt.

You should stay, but I know there are a few memebrs on this board who never change, and cant except you if you do say and change, but seriously, if you can pleasem you can stay. Hell, I dont care if you pleasem or not, but the nerfing community is already so small, for a person to leave just sucks. Especially one whos got a kickass sm5k.

Edited by THIRST, 05 January 2004 - 05:40 PM.

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#5 Spoon



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 05:36 PM

Uhh.....Who are you and why are you leaving? I've seen your posts here and there on the boards but none have seemed bad to me. I don't understand why you're apologizing to just about every member of Nerf Haven.
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#6 Nerfer16



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 06:57 PM

SB, your not that bad. Since you have apologized, and are going to act differently in the forums, there is no need to leave nerf haven. Please stay.
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Posted 05 January 2004 - 07:24 PM

Too late :lol:
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#8 Famine



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 07:56 PM

Thank fucking god. Surely the heathen gods that I worship have at last come through. Hopefully he'll go to NHQ or Nerf Evolved or something and take his dipshit friends with him.
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#9 Ironman



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:00 PM

Come on and give the guy a brake, man. :( He said he was sorry to you and now life goes on. SB you can be annoying at times but you can sometimes be cool. Think about your Granddad :lol: .
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#10 cooldood31



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:22 PM

He'll come back. Most do. Even lone wolves follow packs, yet they are never part of it, I'm a good example of that.
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#11 NerfManiac



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:24 PM

Even lone wolves follow packs, yet they are never part of it

I don't think that's an accurate analogy, man. Now you are saying that he'll follow us, but yet he is afraid or too timid to come back. Which I don't think is the case.

You apologized. Very good form. With that being said I'd like to point out that even though you were a little bitch when you joined, I don't think that you should leave. You haven't been annoying or whatever in quite some time. If you do decide to leave, then best of luck wherever life decides to throw you.

Edited by NerfManiac, 05 January 2004 - 08:29 PM.

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#12 cooldood31



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:37 PM

I'm not leaving, i'm just saying he might come back, or just read and not post. I know the way these things work. Time passes and anger fades away, sometimes on both sides. I had nothing against him personnly, except I hate seeing a person brought down for nothing like he did to the others newbs like myself.
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#13 Sylent Blade

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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:37 PM

Sorry I haven't posted... I am trying to cut down. I felt the need to clear up some things.

One, I am not afraid of the forum itself. Nor am I afraid of anything. You see, this forum consumed me in a way that I am very unsetteled about. This forum was taken far too seriously by me, and that is why I have to leave before I do alot more stupid things.

Two, perhaps my take of absence will not be permanent. Maybe it will. Time will heal most wounds, and repair most impurites. Although, time will never take Famine's hate for me. Too bad I suppose. But, you all could use a break from me.

Thirdly, I could add about 30 more people to my apology... but I figure no one will bother reading, so why try?

This will be my last post in this topic, and in this forum. Nhq will not be my new home... nowhere will. Although I haven't an enemy at Nhq, it is just not the same as this place.

Good bye to all that care... it's great to see I may be slightly missed by some.



I kinda feel like i owe him because he helped me out every once in awhile. he wasn't really that bad of a guy. anyway if you do happen to come across this SB don't leave and give yourself a little more credit.

Thank you Blaster. I feel asthough I didn't help you too greatly... I mostly pointed out your wrongs. It's cool that you learned something from me. About not leaving, it's all about the fact that my past caught up with me. Not only am I leaving because of hate and lack of contribution, but, I leave so that I can get a break from this place. It's the best for all of us. Blaster, I thank you... same with you IronMan, but standing up to Famine gets no one nowhere. Read my posts... you'll see.

About the whole give 'em hell thing. That proves in-effective on this forum. I think the best way to go out, is calmly, and nicely.


Edited by Sylent_Blade, 05 January 2004 - 08:50 PM.

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Sylent Blade


#14 Blaster



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:41 PM

Thank fucking god. Surely the heathen gods that I worship have at last come through. Hopefully he'll go to NHQ or Nerf Evolved or something and take his dipshit friends with him.

first off give the guy a break. He did say he was sorry. Forgive and Forget. And not to mention at least he was nice enough to even apologize. If i were in his shoes and i was leaving this site i'd have given you hell until you banned me from the site. But since I'm not going I don't plan on it. :lol: anyways why the hell would sylent blade leave? He's made some good contributions along the way. I kinda feel like i owe him because he helped me out every once in awhile. he wasn't really that bad of a guy. anyway if you do happen to come across this SB don't leave and give yourself a little more credit.
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#15 IronRhino



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Posted 05 January 2004 - 08:59 PM

Alright, SoB, I don't even remember what you said to me. I don't usually care what people think about me or say to me because I know I'm right. It sounds weird, but that's how I am on these forums. You haven't bugged me in awhile, and I know what you mean about forums consuming you. You'll miss it, I left for a few weeks and ended up coming back, just trying to visit only twice a day. Anyway, yeah.
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#16 andrew01



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Posted 06 January 2004 - 03:06 AM

I think this topic is a little bit weird. Everyone is acting like there on a frikin soap opera. I couldn't care less if SB goes or stays. He was ok.
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#17 neonerfer



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Posted 06 January 2004 - 10:04 AM

SB, I never thought you were too terrible. I was just fucking around with you. See ya if you're leaving though.
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#18 Jangadance



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Posted 06 January 2004 - 03:02 PM

Sylent is a cool guy, I talked to him through PMs a few times. It's a shame you're leaving, but I understand how it can feel like something is taking over your life. For me, it's my collection of vintage pens. See ya around, I hope!
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#19 cxwq



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Posted 06 January 2004 - 03:12 PM

For the most part, nobody thought SB was too terrible. He was an irritating newbie for a while and got some flames. The main problem was that he took the flames way too personally. I think his decision to step back from things is a good idea because it seems he might gain a new perspective on this whole forum scene.

The forums are fun but you have to keep your asbestos underwear on.
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#20 Ares



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Posted 06 January 2004 - 03:51 PM

Don't leave. Just make worthwhile posts. Thank you for apologizing.
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#21 SnakeJoe



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Posted 26 January 2004 - 06:54 PM

Very Cool most everyone, this makes it more likely noobs and lurkers will post (like me!) which is importent to forum growth.(im pretty sure)
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#22 Subterfuge



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 11:41 AM

Cya on the paintball field blade.

Edited by Subterfuge, 02 February 2004 - 11:42 AM.

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Posted 02 February 2004 - 03:11 PM

Stop posting on old topics fudge, and if you even read this topic, you'd know that he still nerfs. So he got mad at people? Big deal, If you've ever spent 10+ hours(ya, I did) modding a gun you'd know that its pretty hard to give up nerf, especially since its so fun. Do you even nerf Fudge?

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