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#1 Killzor



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 08:44 PM

Ok, so I just wanted to know if anyone was in a similar situation to mine. I am the only one in my group of firends that actually tries to nerf. Everyone always comes to my house and is like hey lets play with the nerf guns. But after losing many darts, none of them even when asked have ever helped me make stefans. Also, none of them ever go and buy their own guns. Now, I understand that it can't be expected for them to help with everything, but does everyone's friend's do this or are mine just incredibly insensitive?
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CDO, it's OCD but put in alphabetical order, like everything should be

#2 Nonsense Man

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 08:51 PM

My friends do that I don't find it insensitive. I enjoy nerfing with people. If your going to bitchfit about losing darts it happens and is always going to happen. Darts aren't that easily lost if you actually look and try you can always find the majority of them.
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QUOTE(1lastnerfgun @ Apr 19 2008, 08:39 AM) View Post

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#3 Myster E

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 08:53 PM

Sounds like your friends just don't feel like investing their own money in Nerf. I don't generally let people borrow my guns and darts unless we're at a planned war, then I don't care because I know darts are going to be lost no matter what.
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#4 Killzor



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:01 PM

@Nonsense Man I really don't think you understand my situation. Yes, I don't think my friends are obligated to invest money in Nerf, but my lawn also eats darts. We generally lost 25-50% of the darts, and that's when they get in a police line and take it seriously.

@Myster E I would really like to say no you can't use my blasters/darts, but none of them have their own, so I would be essentially killing the entire Nerf community in my city
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CDO, it's OCD but put in alphabetical order, like everything should be

#5 Soothsayer



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:03 PM

My friends are reasonable enough. Whenever they start playing with my guns, I always say "Please try to account for the darts you fire off. Like it's not a huge deal, it's just, you know, money and time to make them, so you know, help a brother out"

and they usually do their best
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#6 Langley


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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:30 PM

The old LGLF crew used to be like that. At some point I just told them they could give me a few bucks for darts or help me make them the weekend before the war if they want to go to a war. If you can get them to buy a gun, they'll want to make their own darts, or at least help you make some. Try telling them you'll help them mod it. Or tell them you're going to the store and picking up a new gun, and ask them if they want you to pick one up for them.
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#7 123caviler



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:48 PM

My friends don't mooch off of me too much, but they do use my darts and don't help me find them at the end of the war. But, in return of them using my darts and my guns I get all of the guns that they have laying in there basements. :P So it all works out to be okay.

Edited by 123caviler, 22 September 2008 - 09:49 PM.

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QUOTE(One Man Clan @ Mar 15 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

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#8 imaseoulman



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:50 PM

At first I did all the work myself (blasters and stefans). But after hosting my first large war (18 people showed up) I got one of my best friends to help me with maintenance (mostly applying liberal amounts of silicon spray to various parts of the blasters after taking them apart and cleaning them of the dry dust and dirt that plagues the desert) and a few of them help with dartsmithing. Before the last war I hosted I had six guys at once making stefans. One of my friends always buys me lunch after the NERF war and reccomends that I charge a few bucks per person, but I never felt the need to.

Then again, I'm NERFing with adults that recognize that A LOT of time and effort is required to provide well-maintained blasters and darts to twenty people.
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#9 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 09:53 PM

Well, I don't know how this helps, but one of my friends lives like 2 blocks away, and he and I basically share our gun/ammo stash, pile, arsenal whatever you call it. Sometimes the whole stash is at his house, and sometimes the stash is at my house. I haven't been making stefans nor has any of my other friends because of what happened to me and my eye last time (modded longshot point blank, internal bleeding of the iris, full-recovery though phew!). We have other friends that play that used to invest in nerf but, we mainly have a stockpile of nitefinders/fireflies. We don't need that many more guns since the only game style we play basically is zombies and that doesn't need more than a nitefinder per human, and only about 3 darts. We play with unmodded guns to add to the human's disadvantage. The only thing we have to really buy is just a few packs of dart taggers every once in a while. For us two it doesn't take much for five-ten dollars for ammo.

Ps. If there is ammo laying all over my house/my friend's backyard, so it's just a plus for the humans if they need more ammo if they happen to find a dart lying around.

Edited by Avatar of Woe(Brian), 22 September 2008 - 09:55 PM.

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#10 Mr Tubb

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 10:27 PM

My friends usually use my darts and extra blowguns. This is mostly because I'm the only one in my nerfing group that actually makes darts, so I'll just show up with some 80 darts or so and a couple extra pieces of PVC and we'll have at it. But I get the black/silver blowgun with stock, iron sights, and cool cosmetics (ex: ported barrel cover.) I also use the vest I hand-sewed from the screen of an retired screen door :D .
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#11 Nonsense Man

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 10:29 PM

Another thing I do is just mainly use stock darts. As I have invested no money into them (as in went out and bought them) as they all have came from purchased guns.
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QUOTE(1lastnerfgun @ Apr 19 2008, 08:39 AM) View Post

40 shots for 40 cocks

#12 TimmyTown



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 11:08 PM

Ok, so I just wanted to know if anyone was in a similar situation to mine. I am the only one in my group of firends that actually tries to nerf. Everyone always comes to my house and is like hey lets play with the nerf guns. But after losing many darts, none of them even when asked have ever helped me make stefans. Also, none of them ever go and buy their own guns. Now, I understand that it can't be expected for them to help with everything, but does everyone's friend's do this or are mine just incredibly insensitive?

Yeah it happens. I have 2 friends that are actively engaged in the hobby and some other 15 people I alone supply for. I loan guns out ot everyone along with supply ammo. But hell some of them have gotten kind of into it and bought their own guns. I would rather nerf with some people then not at all so whatever.

Yeah it gets to be a bit of a drag but eventually just try to get them to help you make darts while watching TV or whatever, most people dont actually mind.
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QUOTE(rork @ Mar 16 2009, 05:30 PM) View Post

I, too "have recon," as they say. I get him in old country. Then I realize he sucks like bog. So I trade him for potato.

#13 xbox180



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 12:01 PM

I just my friend into nerf by only give myself the good guns and giving them the bad ones and then they got sick of losing and got thier own guns.
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#14 debauch



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 12:37 PM

I know how you feel. I have a few nerf guns at my office, and have recently left my Vulcan on a shelf behind my desk. Frequently, people will come to work over the weekends and assume that because someone isn't there to tell them they can't use it, that its not an issue to grab the Vulcan and play around. Ive come back to a chain jam and some annoying piles of ammo, generally a few short. It's hard to believe that adults can't even grasp the concept of 'If it's not yours, don't touch it without asking'.
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#15 shoeshine5



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 01:13 PM

Unless if this is solely a money issue: Have you considered giving them stock guns or lesser powered guns to compete against you and your fully modded guns? It may be cheap, but if they are competitive, getting badly beaten a few rounds may be enough to get them to get their own stuff.
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#16 Draconis


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Posted 23 September 2008 - 01:30 PM

Unless if this is solely a money issue: Have you considered giving them stock guns or lesser powered guns to compete against you and your fully modded guns? It may be cheap, but if they are competitive, getting badly beaten a few rounds may be enough to get them to get their own stuff.

Oh, that's just mean.... But I love it!

I mostly nerf with my kid, my nieces, and my brother in-law. I'm the only one who mods, and the only one who makes darts. It's kinda just my thing, though. And most of the blasters around still have pegs and restrictors, as I just haven't gotten to them yet.
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[15:51] <+Noodle> titties
[15:51] <+Rhadamanthys> titties
[15:51] <+jakejagan> titties
[15:51] <+Lucian> boobs
[15:51] <+Gears> titties
[15:51] <@Draconis> Titties.
[15:52] <+Noodle> why is this so hard?

#17 stickdeathgod



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 01:55 PM

this is how it used to be for me
but people i know lately have been starting to buy there own stuff
im excited for this weekend because now after getting everyoen i know excited for a war were gonna finally be having a war this weekend
its gonna be at a school park with 18 kids from my high school should be fun
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#18 slowguitarman



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 02:03 PM

this is how it used to be for me
but people i know lately have been starting to buy there own stuff
im excited for this weekend because now after getting everyoen i know excited for a war were gonna finally be having a war this weekend
its gonna be at a school park with 18 kids from my high school should be fun

Dude, clean up your posts. It is required that you use proper grammar and punctuation around here.

On topic: I don't really have this problem. I play with two other people, and one of them helps me mod the guns, and the other helps me make darts. If I had more people around to play, I would not provide crap. I can't afford the time or money to supply 10+ people with stuff.
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#19 Captain



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 04:20 PM

I don't have huge problems with my friends, most of them are very good with keeping track of ammo/picking it up. There are some types of people, however, that just shoot everywhere, they don't pay attention to how many shots they're firing or where the darts are going, and don't pick them up. I do not like these people, because they also do stuff like firing a pistol while swinging their arm, so the dart flies off in a random direction. I only have one friend like this, then my other friend doesn't nerf and can barely figure out how to use the guns, another who has lots of guns and is pretty good with ammo responsibility, and another who is a lot like me (a perfectionist who always picks up his ammo) but does not have a lot of guns.
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#20 Father Nerf

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 04:51 PM

I didn't really have that problem. I started Nerfing slowly though. I bought a Mavrick and started shooting my mates and before you know it they got sick of not being able to shoot back, so they started buying up there own guns. As each person started to get better guns, everyone else upgraded to keep up with the "Arms Race". The only people who haven't is one of my mates, who bought one gun and doesn't want to buy another one till he finds some "Ultimate Nerf Gun", though I did just build him a sword, so he may not be looking for a while. Also the other person who does it is my brother. He didn't even buy his first one, I did. I asked him the other day when he was going to buy a new one. He said "I don't need you. You have heaps and I can just borrow them if i need them." Jerk!!!

Edited by Father_Nerf, 23 September 2008 - 04:52 PM.

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As i nerf through the vally of the shadow of Dead, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me. My Longshot and my Singled Titan, they comfort me...

#21 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 06:35 PM

Most of my friends have a primary but not a secondary or pistol. Me and my other friend that has a ton of guns just let them borrow the guns we aren't using. I nerf indoors the majority of times so losing darts isn't an issue. If we are out side, they try to keep track of ammo, and my dad watches out for darts when he mows the lawn.
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#22 Killzor



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 06:44 PM

I think the idea of putting my angel breeched longshot up against some stock nf's is a good idea and may just actually work. Other than that, I now have one friend who is willing to help me make darts.
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CDO, it's OCD but put in alphabetical order, like everything should be

#23 analogkid



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 07:39 PM

Me and biofreak2 almost completely supply Wardog clan with stefans and blasters. I build loaner weapons all the time, and they are mostly made from old or failed mods, so it doesn't cost that much. I make somewhere between 100 and 200 stefans every war, and the wars happen once every two weeks. It costs a bit, but provided that everyone helps look a little(we lose 75% of the darts anyhow), and they respect the loaner weapons, its all good.
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#24 m14



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Posted 28 September 2008 - 07:15 AM

I usually play indoors, but my house has so much stuff that losing darts is kind of a problem. My friends hate playing outdoors, because we lose darts so easily.

Edited by m14, 28 September 2008 - 07:20 AM.

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#25 Essential 2 Life

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 12:27 AM

I bought all my friends mavericks and i let them use all my stock darts while i take them out with my LS.
Hi, Im in need of some crossbow parts, my dog carried it outside and left in in the street where it was smashed by a car.
Are you shitting me? I can't make a damn gun by myself!

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