I'd like to first start that this is one of those "Oh crap, I forgot to take pictures and I don't wanna open my gun back up again" write ups.
At any rate
Start by prying off the two oranges rings holding the gun together. Extremely easier said than done. I spent probably 40 minutes trying to get these damn things off. Flathead + patience. That's all I can recommend for getting this turd apart.
First off, lets start with the tank and seal.
Now my tank seems to be a different color from most others, but you should get the gist.
The tank has this white plastic thing that covers the chamber, and right when the gun fires, it flips up. The gun doesn't need this to function, so go ahead and CAREFULLY yank it off. Next, get your dremel/sandpaper and grind it down to the tank, or hell, just so it's even with the chamber hole. Next, get yourself an o-ring. I got a pack from homedepot, but it was about as thick as a longshot o-ring. I had to cut mine up, but I'm sure you could find one that's a more exact fit. Get some industrial super glue and very precisely glue your o-ring around the hole in the chamber.

There you are, you now have a very efficient seal on your revolver.
Moving on to said revolver. When you push your CPVC/PETG/BRASS/etc, these little white nubs will come out of the bottom

Get out your dremel/sandpaper and get them flush against the revolver. This'll make the rotating much smoother.
Back to what barrels to add. If you're looking to keep the rotating, use PETG.

Cut your PETG, electrical tape, shove'em down in the barrels. Done.
Now get yourself some half inch PVC and cut it to roughly the same size as the existing barrel.
Yet again, electrical tape and just shove it down

Just so everyone knows, this thing only accepts pretty small stefans (by my standards), about 1.25 inches.
And now you're done.
Slap a gnarly paint job on your gun and you've got a force to be rockin' with.
I cannot stress this enough. Do not I repeat DO NOT get paint on the bottom of the revolver, or around the ring at the bottom, it'll screw your gun up like no ones business.

Ranges: 70-90ft. Big difference cause I didn't expect to have to cut up some of my stefans just to fit the gun
Comment? Suggestions? Flames?
I would like to add that I'm very deeply considering selling this thing. If I did, how much would you/do you think I could scrounge out of it?
Edited by Soothsayer, 22 March 2009 - 11:57 AM.