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The Frankenmaxxx 1000!

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#1 Soothsayer



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 09:55 PM

So since everyone is too big of a chicken shit to go all out with an SM1k, I figured I'd go for it.

I'd like to first start that this is one of those "Oh crap, I forgot to take pictures and I don't wanna open my gun back up again" write ups.

At any rate

Start by prying off the two oranges rings holding the gun together. Extremely easier said than done. I spent probably 40 minutes trying to get these damn things off. Flathead + patience. That's all I can recommend for getting this turd apart.

First off, lets start with the tank and seal.
Now my tank seems to be a different color from most others, but you should get the gist.

The tank has this white plastic thing that covers the chamber, and right when the gun fires, it flips up. The gun doesn't need this to function, so go ahead and CAREFULLY yank it off. Next, get your dremel/sandpaper and grind it down to the tank, or hell, just so it's even with the chamber hole. Next, get yourself an o-ring. I got a pack from homedepot, but it was about as thick as a longshot o-ring. I had to cut mine up, but I'm sure you could find one that's a more exact fit. Get some industrial super glue and very precisely glue your o-ring around the hole in the chamber.
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There you are, you now have a very efficient seal on your revolver.

Moving on to said revolver. When you push your CPVC/PETG/BRASS/etc, these little white nubs will come out of the bottom
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Get out your dremel/sandpaper and get them flush against the revolver. This'll make the rotating much smoother.

Back to what barrels to add. If you're looking to keep the rotating, use PETG.
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Cut your PETG, electrical tape, shove'em down in the barrels. Done.

Now get yourself some half inch PVC and cut it to roughly the same size as the existing barrel.
Yet again, electrical tape and just shove it down
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Just so everyone knows, this thing only accepts pretty small stefans (by my standards), about 1.25 inches.

And now you're done.
Slap a gnarly paint job on your gun and you've got a force to be rockin' with.

I cannot stress this enough. Do not I repeat DO NOT get paint on the bottom of the revolver, or around the ring at the bottom, it'll screw your gun up like no ones business.

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Ranges: 70-90ft. Big difference cause I didn't expect to have to cut up some of my stefans just to fit the gun

Comment? Suggestions? Flames?

I would like to add that I'm very deeply considering selling this thing. If I did, how much would you/do you think I could scrounge out of it?

Edited by Soothsayer, 22 March 2009 - 11:57 AM.

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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#2 MoonMaster



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 09:58 PM

Excellent mod and paint job. I have a quick suggestion though, and that is to use instead of pvc, something tighter but still loose on your darts. Perhaps copper nested in sch. 20 pvc. That would increase your accuracy a bit at the cost of some range.
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'KaneTheMediocre', on 16 Aug 2010 - 11:14 PM, said:

5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.

#3 Soothsayer



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 10:02 PM

MoonMaster, on Aug 28 2008, 10:58 PM, said:

Excellent mod and paint job. I have a quick suggestion though, and that is to use instead of pvc, something tighter but still loose on your darts. Perhaps copper nested in sch. 20 pvc. That would increase your accuracy a bit at the cost of some range.

Haha, the ranges may vary from dart to dart, but it's a straight line every time, trust me, PVC is efficient enough without getting too complicated or making the barrel too heavy.
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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#4 Norther of Heaven

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Posted 28 August 2008 - 10:04 PM

Verrrrry nice, especially the paintjob.
That alone would get you somewhere around $50-$70 i'd guess, but I dont have any experience with buying modded guns. You could probably get alot more for it. Anyways, great mod.
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#5 NerfCrazy



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 10:06 PM

Nice mod. I would pay more for a stock gun because modding it is half the fun, the other half is shooting people with it. I would pay around $60 for it.
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#6 imaseoulman



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 10:17 PM

Keep your clothes on. And watch your back for VACC. I hear if you look in the mirror with all the lights off and say his name three times he'll appear right behind you...
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#7 Soothsayer



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 10:20 PM

imaseoulman, on Aug 28 2008, 11:17 PM, said:

Keep your clothes on. And watch your back for VACC. I hear if you look in the mirror with all the lights off and say his name three times he'll appear right behind you...

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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#8 Norther of Heaven

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Posted 28 August 2008 - 11:00 PM

Soothsayer, on Aug 28 2008, 11:20 PM, said:

imaseoulman, on Aug 28 2008, 11:17 PM, said:

Keep your clothes on. And watch your back for VACC. I hear if you look in the mirror with all the lights off and say his name three times he'll appear right behind you...


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"I don't always drink beer. But when I do,
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#9 oodalumps



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Posted 28 August 2008 - 11:12 PM

I recommend flaring the end of some petg (hold the end over a candle and press it onto a funnel while it's soft), and putting it in the pvc you put in the barrel with the flared end facing the cylinder. Gave me some great results.

EDIT: also, if you have a large drill bit you should drill out the pegs inside the cylinder. This also allows you to remove the white pegs completely.

Edited by oodalumps, 28 August 2008 - 11:14 PM.

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#10 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 12:04 AM

Well that last photo was probably the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

Someone already did the Supermaxx 1000 mod but with cpvc barrels.
It is in the directory.

Good work I guess.
I prefer the step by step with real photos style write ups.
But I did add this to the directory.
Try and take photos of the process next time.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#11 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 12:06 AM

Nice mod! Though I don't like the paint job too much and I think that might actually bring down the price. But I'd still say around 50-70$, remember though, a guns only worth however much someone would pay.

I think I'd categorize my self in the section of "too big of a chickenshit to mod their 1k". Mainly because of it's stock value though so I traded it, for what is now the Blue Tiger. (In my sig)

Once again nice mod.
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#12 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 07:57 AM

I actually like the PJ. It is very baghead esque. You should check out his SM1k in the Mod/paintjob thread.
I am still a bit confused on how this gun works. Does it have an auto rotating turret?
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#13 hereticorp



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 08:51 AM

I like the concept, and the execution is really well done.

I don't like the paint job or the writeup style at all.

You could probably sell it for $50-60, but that really depends on who's buying nowadays, especially with the economy the way it is.
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#14 analogkid



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:09 AM

Is the paintjob and name supposed to be a reference to the Frankenstrat? If so, cool, otherwise, still cool. For those who don't know what I'm talking about:
Posted Image

Edited by analogkid, 29 August 2008 - 10:09 AM.

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#15 Soothsayer



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 03:22 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Aug 29 2008, 01:04 AM, said:

Well that last photo was probably the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

Someone already did the Supermaxx 1000 mod but with cpvc barrels.
It is in the directory.

Good work I guess.
I prefer the step by step with real photos style write ups.
But I did add this to the directory.
Try and take photos of the process next time.

Yeah, I'm still new to this whole online nerf community. Plus, when I'm modding, I usually have multiple things in my lap, and it's just a pain in the ass to take pictures. As soon as I finish my work table I'm making, my write ups will be wayyyyy more in depth and picture heavy.

mystefansdontflystraight, on Aug 29 2008, 08:57 AM, said:

I actually like the PJ. It is very baghead esque. You should check out his SM1k in the Mod/paintjob thread.
I am still a bit confused on how this gun works. Does it have an auto rotating turret?

It's basically a pump maverick, but a lot more prone to break. with too much weight in the turret.

analogkid- Yeah, but it's with my favorite color green incorporated.

oodalumps - I'll check it out

Edited by Soothsayer, 29 August 2008 - 03:24 PM.

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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#16 Rover



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 04:33 PM

Glad to see you went ahead and modded it! Anyways, when I get mine sometime next week, expect a similar mod with step-by-step pictures.
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#17 Soothsayer



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 05:46 PM

Rover, on Aug 29 2008, 05:33 PM, said:

Glad to see you went ahead and modded it! Anyways, when I get mine sometime next week, expect a similar mod with step-by-step pictures.

Awesome. better up the bar man, don't let me down!
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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#18 imaseoulman



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 08:34 PM

Soothsayer, on Aug 29 2008, 02:22 PM, said:

It's basically a pump maverick, but a lot more prone to break. with too much weight in the turret.

Did you really call the SM1K a pump maverick? Wow, Effeminate fail. The maverick shouldn't even be kept in the same container, let alone the same sentence, with the SuperMaxx 1000.

On a more serious note, the Frankenmaxx/Frankenstrat comparison is pretty clever.
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#19 Soothsayer



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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:13 PM

imaseoulman, on Aug 29 2008, 09:34 PM, said:

Soothsayer, on Aug 29 2008, 02:22 PM, said:

It's basically a pump maverick, but a lot more prone to break. with too much weight in the turret.

Did you really call the SM1K a pump maverick? Wow, Effeminate fail. The maverick shouldn't even be kept in the same container, let alone the same sentence, with the SuperMaxx 1000.

On a more serious note, the Frankenmaxx/Frankenstrat comparison is pretty clever.

I know it's a terrible comparison, but it gets the "the barrel rotates with a pull of the trigger" point across well enough to anyone who wants to get the idea of how the turret in this gun works.

Yeah, I was listening to Van Halen like the entire time while making this gun.
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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

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