Vulcan With Roto Track Spring?
Posted 23 August 2008 - 10:53 PM
I have one question and have already tried the search button (sorry if I misspelled spell check is not working for some reson.( )
I was wondering if I could use my useless and my LONG dead roto track's spring in my vulcan. (just bought today( )
I was hopeing to increase some range because im only getting some were around 15'' (eye balled it so it may be more or less) with stock
darts and stock internals, and even so the accuracy on it is simply is inatequte.(god that look wrong dam u spell check!( )
I hope that the added power from the spring will improve the accuacy, now befor any one says anything I have been searching in the fourms
for the past three hours and have read many topics about the vulcan and removing the ars is said to not do anything. I will do some
meserments with and without the ars and will post my ranges with the added spring if I do it. my only consern is that the moter (again spell check)
when engaged will not be able to pull it back. So I ask the good peaple of nerf haven will the moter be able to handle the added spring? Thank
you sincerly ~nerf noob
ohh son they come from the Qween of the ocean but only when posidon gets her to climax.
Posted 23 August 2008 - 11:29 PM
I was hopeing to increase some range because im only getting some were around 15'' (eye balled it so it may be more or less) with stock
Wow, fifteen inches? I'd have to say your vulcan sucks.
Ok seriously now, at this point not enough people have vulcans for there to be a general idea of its capabilities.
I have a rototrack but not a vulcan, so I can't really say if it's too powerful for the motor. Bikini scenario: just give'em both a good squeeze! If the one is vastly stronger than the other, it's probably a bad idea to put it in.
Also, just give it a try. If the above scenario shows that the rototrack spring isn't unreasonably powerful, just throw it in there and try it out.
As a side note, you seem very self conscious of your spelling. If you are that worried about being flamed, try opening up MS word and type whatever you're not sure about there. It has an automatic spell checker.
-George Orwell, 1984
Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!
Posted 24 August 2008 - 12:55 AM
(this may be because i've only moded my scout) but I will give it a try later today and
will post ranges stock and with added spring. I'm gonna make a box mod tommorrow
too so ill post it here when its done. off topic my computer dosent have MS word
all i have is note pad and word pad neither have spell check. God its 2am time to
go out for a gang meeting
ohh son they come from the Qween of the ocean but only when posidon gets her to climax.
Posted 24 August 2008 - 01:00 AM
Posted 24 August 2008 - 09:14 AM
this may be because i've only moded my scout
If you've only modded your Scout, then it probably isn't a good idea to jump in and mod your Vulcan.
I was hopeing to increase some range because im only getting some were around 15'' (eye balled it so it may be more or less) with stock.
15" doesn't sound right for a Vulcan. Mine gets around 35 ft right out of the box!
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Posted 24 August 2008 - 09:22 AM
I don't know about the rototrack spring. Keep in mind that if the spring is any wider than say, 1/2" in diameter it won't fit in. I also has to be cut down to about 2.5" or something, but don't go by that number. It's just a guess based on the 2" pull (in manual). The motor will be able to pull it back if you can fit it in there, and the compressed length is less than .5" or so. It will drain your batteries faster however.
The spring won't increase accuracy. I'm surprised that your accuracy is low. The chains fit darts so snugly that they generally fire pretty straight unless you're waving the blaster around.
If you want, go ahead and cpvc the chains, then post a writeup with your results. That would be a great beginning post.
Posted 24 August 2008 - 10:21 AM
Just so you know, adding power doesn't improve accuracy. Especially if too much is added, it exposes the tiniest flaws in the darts. Besides, the vulcan isn't really meant to be the most accurate of guns, its supossed to dominate because of it's ROF.
Posted 24 August 2008 - 09:37 PM
split- You are correct the 15 foot guess was flat fired at shoulder hight (about 5' 3 inches) was haveing a nerf "war" with my little brother and sister today and tryed shooting it at an 20 degree angle and got roughly the 30-35 feet I have been reading that the vulcan can reach. (eye balled it so its just a guess) The spring of the rototrack is 1/6th of an inch over half an inch and im hopeing to be able to fit it in if it comes to sanding the space around the spring to allow it to fit then so be it. I have not opened up the vulcan so I may not be able to sand but I was just saying if I had to I would.
robo- The mod that I did to my scout was the plunger of my rototrack into the scout and replaceing the barrel with a one foot brass barrel. I do not think that modding the vulcan is out of my ability. I am greatfull that you are showing concern so that I will not break a $40 gun. However I enjoy pushing my limits and strive to improve myself and my modding ability.
upper- Really? I thought that more air behind the dart would cause it to fly straiter. The ROF on the vulcan is only 1 per second (I used a stop watch) The full-auto does not shoot 3 per second despite the clame that nerf says right on the box.
Thank you all for your contributions and info. I hope that you will keep them comming!
sincerly~nerf noob
ohh son they come from the Qween of the ocean but only when posidon gets her to climax.
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