Extremely Easy Half-stefans For Your Maverick
Posted 17 August 2008 - 10:55 PM
Take a cheap stock dart (not sonic or streamlines), in this case, taggers. Now, first thing you do, is take your tagger dart and rip off the tip. Be careful not to damage the foam while you rip off the tip. Now, cut the dart in half, in exact halves. Make sure it's a straight cut!
Now take one half that you just cut off. add some hot glue just barely enough to plug the hole up. After it dries, put an airgun shot, or if you want to be cheap, a .2 gram airsoft pellet on top of the dried glue and smother it in hot glue until it sticks. Wait for the glue to dry.
Now, if you did this with 3 darts, you'll have 6 stefans in total. If you did it correctly, the half-darts should perform just as well as the stock micro darts (mine do). So now I have twice the amount of ammo I paid for, and it's really easy to make.
Correct the title if these shouldn't be called stefans.
I think this can also work for many other guns, but they all need to have their air restrictors removed to shoot these short darts.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 10:59 PM
EDIT: I can see this becoming backseat mod bait already.
Edited by analogkid, 17 August 2008 - 11:05 PM.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:02 PM
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:04 PM
Extremely Easy Half converted (dart tag) stefans For Your Maverick
"CDTS" Converted Dart Tag Stefans
"CMS" Converted Micro Stefans
"CGDS" Converted Glow Dart Stefans
Or something, well anyway's now you might just be able to change that ancronym.
"CHDTS" Converted Half Dart Tag Stefans...
nerfer9 beat me too it,
Anyways, I do this all the time, I take my BBB+NF (now undergoing remodeling)
and I'm able to load about 5 of those darts, exactly how you said to make them
with the cheapest way possible (cut 'em in half, and use .2g BB's). It works great
for a "shotgun" style thing.
Edited by Watari, 17 August 2008 - 11:06 PM.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:15 PM
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:15 PM
Edited by nerfer9, 17 August 2008 - 11:25 PM.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:16 PM
Night Shadow, on Aug 18 2008, 12:04 AM, said:
Yeah, it certainly is. You're just going to have to excuse the members that are anal retentive about the CoC and whatnot and feel like they have to go around correcting all the new guys, even though they are new themselves(this includes me, by the way, I'm not in any way a senior member, just in case that sounds like what I am suggesting). Seriously, the influx of new members around here has made a few of the ones that are more than a month old go off on people for little to no reason. If there's an issue, a mod will take care of it, otherwise, lay off.Harsh.
Welcome to the 'Haven.

Edited by analogkid, 17 August 2008 - 11:17 PM.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:19 PM
analogkid, on Aug 17 2008, 09:16 PM, said:
Thanks. Maybe that's the reason there're so few active members. I think all the hostility scared them off. Fortunately it wasn't a mod who said what he said, so I'm not going to bother taking him seriously.Night Shadow, on Aug 18 2008, 12:04 AM, said:
Yeah, it certainly is. You're just going to have to excuse the members that are anal retentive about the CoC and whatnot and feel like they have to go around correcting all the new guys, even though they are new themselves(this includes me, by the way, I'm not in any way a senior member, just in case that sounds like what I am suggesting). Seriously, the influx of new members around here has made a few of the ones that are more than a month old go off on people for little to no reason. If there's an issue, a mod will take care of it, otherwise, lay off.Harsh.
Welcome to the 'Haven.
Edited by Night Shadow, 17 August 2008 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 17 August 2008 - 11:27 PM
analogkid, on Aug 17 2008, 09:16 PM, said:
Night Shadow, on Aug 18 2008, 12:04 AM, said:
Yeah, it certainly is. You're just going to have to excuse the members that are anal retentive about the CoC and whatnot and feel like they have to go around correcting all the new guys, even though they are new themselves(this includes me, by the way, I'm not in any way a senior member, just in case that sounds like what I am suggesting). Seriously, the influx of new members around here has made a few of the ones that are more than a month old go off on people for little to no reason. If there's an issue, a mod will take care of it, otherwise, lay off.Harsh.
Listen, I don't think I am better than you, because I'm not, Im just letting him know, so next time he searches.
EDIT: Don't take me seriously, I dont give a damn. Im just trying to help you, but nevermind, if you dont want to take my advice, fine with me.
Edited by nerfer9, 17 August 2008 - 11:32 PM.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 09:53 AM
Oh, and we have hundreds of heavily active members, and even more that are active only occasionally.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:41 AM
Posted 18 August 2008 - 11:43 AM
Splitlip, on Aug 18 2008, 09:53 AM, said:
Take the arguments to PMs. No one wants to read this stuff. Yes, converted stock darts have been done, and they will work just fine in almost any blaster.
Oh, and we have hundreds of heavily active members, and even more that are active only occasionally.
This man speaks wisdom. If you're going to backseat mod, do it in PM. If anything needs correcting, the mods will get to it, so you shouldn't have to point anything out.
Anyways, in all honesty, I've never thought of that. I've always just chopped my CDTDs to the size I've needed them and tossed the excess out. Heh, I'm kinda' slapping myself for it now, because that could've been 100+ extra darts.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 12:20 PM
Posted 18 August 2008 - 01:19 PM
analogkid, on Aug 17 2008, 08:59 PM, said:
The foam in stock Nerf darts is shorter than 3" since the tip (sucker, tagger, sonic, streamline) takes up about a quarter inch of the dart.These should work in any gun with the ARs removed just fine. Most stefans are about 1.5" to 2.0" in length. The taggers, and any stock ammo, for that matter, are around 3.0" long. Cutting them in half gives you a 1.5" long stefan, which is the size many people use anyway.
EDIT: I can see this becoming backseat mod bait already.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 03:20 PM
Just Some Bob, on Aug 18 2008, 09:55 AM, said:
Alfonso, on Aug 18 2008, 10:20 AM, said:
I've noticed a trend here.. A new user posts a duplicate thread, then 5-10 users that deem themselves authoritative on the forum make it clear how much of a noob the poster is, making themselves feel like they made the forum a better place. Repeat x20.
For something to be called "a trend"
doesn't there have to have been a time when it didn't happen?
It's been happening more frequently since the massive account confirmation.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 06:56 PM
The guy reinvented Converted Taggers, and did a fine job of it. It was an original idea, as far as he was aware, and he improved on it, to boot. His method of saving the foam underneath the tip doubles dart production. Bravo.
Now all the discussion about trends and crap is worthless. Every time any one person posts about it, it just opens it up for more discussion, none of which has been really relevant. Every time backseat modding HAPPENS, the trends discussion kicks in. Talk about his darts, or don't talk at all. Please...for all our sakes.
Now I'd like to apologize for stepping in and doing exactly what was being discussed/complained about, but I'll be frank. Leading by the example of NOT posting just doesn't get through to you all.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 07:40 PM
Falcon, on Aug 18 2008, 06:56 PM, said:
Ladies, please.
The guy reinvented Converted Taggers, and did a fine job of it. It was an original idea, as far as he was aware, and he improved on it, to boot. His method of saving the foam underneath the tip doubles dart production. Bravo.
Now all the discussion about trends and crap is worthless. Every time any one person posts about it, it just opens it up for more discussion, none of which has been really relevant. Every time backseat modding HAPPENS, the trends discussion kicks in. Talk about his darts, or don't talk at all. Please...for all our sakes.
Now I'd like to apologize for stepping in and doing exactly what was being discussed/complained about, but I'll be frank. Leading by the example of NOT posting just doesn't get through to you all.
Thank you Falcon.
This happens every time a mod decides to let in alot of new blood. Get used to it. I personally think that it's a good thing. The idiots are soon taken care of by our fine overlords, and out of all the new guys, we always seem to get some really exceptional new members.
Night Shadow, regardless of what the backseat mods said, Falcon's right. This is an original idea, and a very good one at that. I applaud you on being one of the new members that contribute new ideas and post intelligently.
Hell, if I hadn't given up on stefans I'd start doing this. Welcome to NerfHaven.
Probably dead by now, or something.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 08:36 PM
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