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Splitlip's Vulcan Overhaul

Part 5 - Modular Semi-Auto Titan! Page 4!

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#26 Norther of Heaven

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 05:14 PM

Very well.. but god i can't wait to see this.
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#27 AJZ



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 05:15 PM

You are my fovorite modder right now because of your high level of thought. I could never do something like this but I suppose you are much older...Thanks for everything and just becasue of this I might...just might overhaul a vulcan similairly to yours
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#28 Banshee



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 05:20 PM

Dude. Thats sick. I've wanted to make something like that for a Longshot. You've inspired me.. *Tears*.
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#29 NerfCrazy



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 06:06 PM

Nicely done. I have plans already written down on something like this for my longshot. Now you have helped me make it better.
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#30 Split



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 06:22 PM

Yeah I actually made my longshot able to accept these drum magazines on this. I have a huge writeup to do on all of the stuff I put into my longshot, but I'm not sure if I should post it until after it has a paintjob or not. What do you guys think?

Thanks for all of the comments!

I will be making a couple more of these at least. Another breech-less one for a 50 round swap at will, and I want to try my hand at a breeched one. I imagine it'd be a thousand times easier, and I already have the plans written up for it.

Even if my overhaul doesn't make it into the Modification Directory (hint hint haha), I'd love for Part 3 to get put into the Clip Directory in Homemades. Could an Admin or someone do that for me? Pretty please? B) Thanks again guys.

Quick edit: I'm 18 AJ.

Edited by Splitlip, 20 August 2008 - 06:23 PM.

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#31 AssassinNF



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 07:39 PM

Yeah I actually made my longshot able to accept these drum magazines on this. I have a huge writeup to do on all of the stuff I put into my longshot, but I'm not sure if I should post it until after it has a paintjob or not. What do you guys think?

Thanks for all of the comments!

I will be making a couple more of these at least. Another breech-less one for a 50 round swap at will, and I want to try my hand at a breeched one. I imagine it'd be a thousand times easier, and I already have the plans written up for it.

Even if my overhaul doesn't make it into the Modification Directory (hint hint haha), I'd love for Part 3 to get put into the Clip Directory in Homemades. Could an Admin or someone do that for me? Pretty please? -_- Thanks again guys.

Quick edit: I'm 18 AJ.

A drum-fed Longshot is worthy of a writeup no matter how much it needs a paintjob. You can just update the thread when you paint it. I say go for it.

[insert generic compliment about how fucking genious that drum mag is here]

I can't wait 'til Captain Slug takes a look at this design <_<

This happens every time a mod decides to let in alot of new blood. Get used to it. I personally think that it's a good thing. The idiots are soon taken care of by our fine overlords, and out of all the new guys, we always seem to get some really exceptional new members.

*cough*Splitlip!*cough* ;)
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#32 MoonMaster



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 07:45 PM

Either I'm missing something, or you are Splitlip. It seems like the air would just rush out the hole that you use to fill the drum with darts.
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#33 AssassinNF



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 08:01 PM

Either I'm missing something, or you are Splitlip.

WTF are you talking about?

It seems like the air would just rush out the hole that you use to fill the drum with darts.

Read his post. He said that he will cover that hole with tape when he actually uses it.
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#34 Split



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:10 PM

Lol assassin. He meant to put a comma before my name. He thinks that I'm missing something. He just didn't read. Thanks for the comments, and not just the generic one. ;)

Well guys, I gave in. The parts I need to finish Part 4 completely won't be in my hands for over a week. So I took out what I had done, and I'll post up the first semi-failed attempt as Part 4.1 later. But since the parts were out, I could close the gun up. And that means that I can fit the drum mag on! And that means I can make a video!

So I quickly made the necessary space in the shell for the mag, and precisely added the cabinet latch and made my video.

Here's where I added the latch:
Posted Image

And here's the video. It's done in real time so that you can see how quickly you can put the mag in and take it out. It's astounding! Faster than an LS clip if you're good at it.
Posted Image


Oh, and what do you guys think about the size of the pictures? All of my previous posts and writeups, I've been using 15" size. Here (spare a couple of pictures) I've been using 17" photos, with no comments on size. I like it like this. Let me know what you guys prefer.
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#35 BendyStraw



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:10 PM

I'm a little speechless. That is one of the most positively awesome things I've ever seen. I can't wait to see it in action.

Are you using brass for all of the barrels? I would have misgivings about using brass for all of them because fifty brass barrels against each other is like carrying around the equivelent of a six foot length of metal pipe. I know we all wanna be Heavy Weapons Guy, but how heavy do you think the finished product is going to be?

Oops. The video showed me how much I misunderstood how the drum magazine works. My apologies.

Edited by BendyStraw, 20 August 2008 - 10:12 PM.

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#36 MoonMaster



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:24 PM

I get it now. The odd thing is, I read every other bit of text in that post, but I skipped the little blurb sandwiched between to pictures of pure awesome.
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5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.

#37 Oni Kadaki

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:46 PM

It looks like the mag would be prone to falling out. If that's the case, perhaps you could use magnets to make it slightly more secure?
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#38 MavericK96



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 01:03 AM

Looks awesome, but does the mag actually feed and fire properly? We haven't seen that in a video yet... ;)
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#39 Split



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 10:04 AM

My foam for my stefans is straightening in the shed right now. Once they're done I will show you. Currently, it feeds and advances just fine. It took a while to figure out the best direction to point the breech.

It's sturdy enough. I shook it around on the video to show that it barely moves at all. If and when I put the barrel extension on for the Vulcan it will be even more secure.
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#40 Daecu



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 10:34 AM

As a few people have already said, this is probably the coolest mod I've ever seen. Do you have any pictures of the clip fully loaded? the stagger concept is great but with stefans and the like I would fear that they may compress and jam unless the friction was very low, not only between the walls of the chamber, or the rotating piece, but between the darts themselves :/ Anyways, good luck, its ambitious, but extraordinary :) Slap a black paint job on there and you're ready to go!
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#41 GodOThunder8882



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 03:49 PM

Sorry guys, I'm going way back here, but I don't think I see the answer to my question. I've started tinkering with the Vulcan and one of the problems I see is the weakness of the motor (lack of torque). Does your motor have any problem pulling back the stronger longshot spring? Any gear slipping at all? Thanks.
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#42 Split



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 07:02 PM

Not at all. Not even with just 7.2V.

Edit: I'll add this to the FAQ. It's a pretty legit question. I'd prefer if Vulcan problem questions were either Pm'ed to me or posted in that thread. Thanks.

Edited by Splitlip, 21 August 2008 - 07:03 PM.

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#43 Lt Stefan

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Posted 22 August 2008 - 08:14 PM

Sorry maybe this is said somwhere but I read the whole thing and see it. How didi you get the mag to advence in time with the gun?

Awesome, awesome creation by the way.
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#44 Split



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Posted 22 August 2008 - 08:44 PM

It's auto-advance. The spring loaded center piece puts constant force on the darts in a rotational direction. When the blaster blows out one dart, the next is automatically forced into the breech.

Edit: I'm not going to post again just to say yes, but yes, it works on auto.

Edited by Splitlip, 22 August 2008 - 09:41 PM.

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#45 Lt Stefan

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Posted 22 August 2008 - 09:09 PM

Oh I got it. Very creative. So you can still do auto, right?
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#46 Angry Monk

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Posted 23 August 2008 - 01:04 AM


i have to say i am very impressed with your work on moding the vulcan, and even your addition of a drum mag. very cool. its nice to hear people say they are going to do something and then see them do it. if i have the time i hope you repeat some of your modifications to my vulcan when i get one. i look forward to seeing what else you have planned.

i feel compelled to offer my two cents. i've been throwing around the idea of how to make the vulcan's firing system capable of handle a single shot mode as well as automatic. i know you can just hold the trigger long enough to fire one shot and let go, resulting in this. but here is a simple way to make an 'advanced single shot' setup. the idea is to keep the gun cycling until right before firing and then stop it, so the moment you touch the trigger it is ready to fire. good for if your gun takes a bit to pull the plunger back. this is done by adding a second switch in parallel with the main trigger switch. this second switch is positioned somewhere around the mechanisms that pull the plunger back in the gun. the idea is that when the plunger is close to its back-most position this switch will trip and stop the gun from cycling, if the plunger is anywhere else the gun will cycle until this point and then stop. because this switch is in parallel with the trigger switch it can be though of as a trigger override. so as long as the trigger is not depressed this will cycle the gun until the instance before firing. then by pulling the trigger the gun will fire and start cycling again. the cool part is that you only need to hold the trigger down for a faction of the time because the sensor switch will take up cycling the gun after a round it fired.

its not the "mother of all mods" but i think its interesting. the hard part will be positioning the sensor switch. i plan to try it out mainly for the reduced lag time between pulling the trigger and firing a round.
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Edited by Angry_Monk, 23 August 2008 - 11:04 AM.

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#47 Split



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Posted 23 August 2008 - 08:07 AM

I've actually toyed around with a similar idea. I do like your take on it a LOT though. I may try it out. Unfortunately, the longshot spring is strong enough to turn the gear train just a bit back when it stops. This won't be a problem really, and it does not happen every time, but it's just something to keep in mind. I'll run some quick tests later to see how that turns out.
My idea was actually to just have an electronic switch as the trigger. As I mentioned before, the trigger is very uncomfortable for a full size person, and without the manual cocking mechanism it's only actuating a switch anyway. My first plan for wiring two batteries for a burst of power also included a button switch that gave that burst on the fly, but I found it uncomfortable to have to hold down two triggers.

Thanks for the input!
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#48 Split



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Posted 24 August 2008 - 12:20 PM

Part 4.1
The semi-automatic air gun.

The goal of this part was two fold. First was to make use of the second cam on the gear train - the one that normally advanced the chain. The other was this: I'm firing on full auto at short range, but (come to think of it like Angry_Monk just said) what about the half-second long delay between pulling the Vulcan trigger and it firing? I could easily be hit there. I also would like an occasional long distance shot.

So to combined them, the following went through my head: What if the motor pumped an air gun? I could keep it primed all the time, and the overpressure valve would keep it from exploding while I fired on full auto. This seemingly simple solution showed itself to so solve the sum situations. :)

However, the gears pull back then release. And typically a spring pulls it forward. But pump guns are usually easy to pull back, then a hard press in to fill the tank.

But which blaster to use?
I'm a big fan of using commonly available guns. This means I wanted to use no SM3k, or AT2k or anything.
This leaves a hornet, a big salvo maybe, the Big blast, and smdtg. The first two are too big by far, and the last one is short on range and high on maintenance. So I used my LBB.

The LBB suffers from the same problem I mentioned above - the pumping action is on the in motion, while my gears provide only an out motion. So I had to replace the pump so that that motion was reversed. This also made the internals significantly smaller.
Posted Image
But then, I need my OPV! The solution here was to cut it off of the LBB plunger and epoxy it in to the original shaft.
Posted Image

I added a connector rod to go from my "Rotation Mech arm" (see Labeled Vulcan Internals thread) to my pump. It will be attached to the pump via a cabinet latch (I've become a big fan of these, just not their mounting brackets), so that if I need a long range shot I can pump up with full strokes instead of the shortened Vulcan powered ones.
Posted Image

Another issue that came up is that while the plunger stroke is only 2" (small), the other cam stroke only translates to a single inch! That's a lot of pumps, and unfortunately a lot of wasted space for the bigger pumps.
Posted Image

That's why this one failed. The LBB unbarreled sticks a solid 8" out of the front of the gun, and still 4+" if I cut out the space for it.

So this will be part 4.1. If anyone has noticed, I've been looking fervently for a Mega missile, with its tiny internals and perfectly sized plunger to match my gear train. I will have one (hopefully 3 actually) by Sunday, and will continue this later as Part 4.2.

As of right now I have a solid 6 parts planned for this. Hope you all can keep up. :o

Edit: This took me two and a half solid days, and 6 different adhesives and sealants of trying to make the pump replacement airtight. The pump is removable now via a little threaded cap that's sealed onto the side.

Edited by Splitlip, 24 August 2008 - 12:22 PM.

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#49 Lt Stefan

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Posted 24 August 2008 - 03:00 PM

How exactly did the rotation mech break?

EDIT: I posted this while you were posting that so I didn't see it until after the fact. Really cool idea though.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 25 August 2008 - 10:33 AM.

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#50 Split



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Posted 24 August 2008 - 06:19 PM

That's all discussed in my original mod thread. No other comments? I thought a 100' Semi-automatic blaster would go over pretty well.
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