
7 replies to this topic
Posted 10 February 2003 - 07:22 PM
Posted 10 February 2003 - 07:26 PM
Some people use a Dremel, I just go with a good hacksaw.
Either way you'll have to file the cut end a little to clean it up.
Either way you'll have to file the cut end a little to clean it up.
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Posted 10 February 2003 - 09:14 PM
I use a pvc cutter. Altought my dad says its not so good for the blade, if cuts an nice clean edge. It does make a tiny dent into the brass howerver, buts its no big deal.
Happiness is a foam gun.
Posted 10 February 2003 - 11:01 PM
I use a steel tube cutter. No sanding needed, and it works pretty fast.
Posted 11 February 2003 - 02:28 AM
I use a 35,000 RPM dremel with a diamond cutting wheel. Cuts through brass like warm butter, but it gets HOT. Use gloves. Oh, and theres always the risk of cutting off a finger. I tried hacksawing it but just couldn't do it very easily, I think my hacksaw blade is designed for wood or something.
Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.
Posted 11 February 2003 - 04:07 PM
Try going at it with a jnr hacksaw. for some reason i found it goes through brass much better than the full side hacksaws ( could just Be me!)
If you dont like what theyre tellin' you, you can't teach a blind man to see
Posted 13 February 2003 - 05:52 PM
hacksaw good
I will not walk, so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
- Master Shake
Posted 19 February 2003 - 08:23 PM
Hacksaw.... I use a metal cutter. It also cuts pvc. And someone said earlierm, if I know what you are talking about it is also made for copper and brass. Do you like clap it on and spin the whole thing around the pipe and tighten it more?
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