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The Dark Knight


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#51 Talio


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 05:54 PM

I gotta agree, Maggie is pretty gross. Actually that's completely unfair. Compared to the ultra maintenence look of most Hollywood women (Jessica Alba), it seems like she's far more concerned with her skill at her career rather then being a fine piece of ass. In reality if I saw her walking down the street I'd think she's probably like an average looking chick, which can be awesome. But yeah, Katie Holmes pre blue hand craziness is WAY hotter then Maggies. However, she can actually act. Besides, has anyone taken the time to notice we're a bunch of geeks on a nerf board, I'm sure more then half of us would be more then willing to throw her a bone. Especially since she was in a Batman movie. I'd take his sloppy seconds any day.

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#52 Split



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Posted 29 July 2008 - 06:09 PM

The speculation is already worse in my mind than that of the Vulcan. Nolan will make us all happy, I'm pretty sure of that. I'd vote Mr. Freeze though. Always one of my faves. :)
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#53 Omega



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Posted 29 July 2008 - 11:21 PM


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#54 balisticjoe



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 12:00 AM

Just on a side note, you can't get the full movie experience without seeing some of the batman specials on the history channel. I have not yet seen the movie mainly due to fear of needing to try and make real life equivalents of all of the gadgets, and with the general realism I'd have to. Not a problem if I inherited a multi-billion dollar company, but that isn't happening.
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#55 Mr Tubb

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 12:56 AM

This movie goes right under 'Iron Man' on my list of 2008 movies, simply because it was much darker than iron man. 'Two Face' was downright creepy; the tendon's of his cheek were showing and everything. 'The Joker' was great as well. If I could have three gadgets from these batman movies, they would be:
  • The Tumbler (batmobile)
  • The Timed Sticky Bomb Gun thingamajig...
  • The cape/glider gadget
All in all, a great movie.
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#56 Talio


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Posted 30 July 2008 - 01:06 AM

It really doesn't effect things much. What's always bugged my about Batman in general is that he usually pulls himself out of some serious shit by using some converted anal vibrator that shoots lasers and has a homing beacon or some dumb shit. It's like any episode of Star Trek without borg. They get themselves in some awful situation then WHAM! they reversed the power coupling on the flux intake hyperloop or whatever and the day is saved. Once you just start making shit up it's a slippery slope and it stops being entertaining. What I love about Nolan Batman is that even though he has a ton of gadgets, it's not those gadgets that end up being the focus of his power. It's the fact that he's seriously busting skulls start to finish and that he's using his mind. Granted the whole cell phone radar thing was far fetched, but in the long run did it matter? Sure it's not really realistic, but lets say you could make the stuff, it's semi-plausable and I think that's all Nolan was going for. Truthfully this didn't even feel like a super hero movie. It's just a really damn good movie. I mean, where did Joker even come from? I think this is the first super hero movie that made no attempt to explain itself. It's just like, "Here you go. That's the Joker, he's bat shit crazy (no pun intended) and here's Batman who's also completely out of his mind and they're gonna fight." They really played up something that to my knowledge was never spelled out in the comic. Batman can't kill the Joker and the Joker doesn't want to kill Batman. They both exsist to balance each other out. I mean if you're going to do Joker once and not having re-occuring roles (which will be tough seeing as Ledger bit the bullet) that absolutely should be the focus of it. I'm not even that big of a Batman fan. In fact, I'll go as far to say that I actually don't like Batman, but there's just no denying how good the movie was. You don't see many comic book movies take on the true artistic aspect of the genre, but in truth there's always something more deep going on then just two guys beating the shit out of each other. All these great deep stories get lost in what people see as nothing but trash books and it's frustrating the way they portray alot of the stories. God, I mean just imagine the third Xmen movie if they had presented it like this. But instead they focused on the action and not the true grit of the situation, which in my opinion is why it sucked so bad. But I'm really showing off my geek colors now so I'm gonna shut up.

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#57 Cannonball



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 02:47 AM

I think after considering what happened to Bruce Wayne's "love interest" in the dark knight, they may introduce another big female character to fill that void. Knowing that Batman almost never seems to get a break I wouldn't be surprised if Catwoman or Poison Ivy stepped in to fill it. I would lean towards Poison Ivy more so than catwoman because catwoman has never really been an official villain, but more of an anti-hero. I could see Poison Ivy being some outspoke environmental activist that goes off the deep end. If it did turn out that way it would add to the pressure on Bruce's shoulders seeing since this new love interest would be completely contrary to everything he stands for. Just some thoughts.
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#58 VACC


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Posted 30 July 2008 - 06:57 AM

I think after considering what happened to Bruce Wayne's "love interest" in the dark knight, they may introduce another big female character to fill that void. Knowing that Batman almost never seems to get a break I wouldn't be surprised if Catwoman or Poison Ivy stepped in to fill it. I would lean towards Poison Ivy more so than catwoman because catwoman has never really been an official villain, but more of an anti-hero. I could see Poison Ivy being some outspoke environmental activist that goes off the deep end. If it did turn out that way it would add to the pressure on Bruce's shoulders seeing since this new love interest would be completely contrary to everything he stands for. Just some thoughts.

Talia would make a lot more sense, and could lead naturally into Batman being groomed as the Heir to the Demon's Head. Poison Ivy is far too supernatural for Nolan, and I don't see how he could switch up catwoman to make her both fresh and reallistic. Talia just makes for a more cohesive storyline.
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#59 zaphodB



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 08:30 AM

Talia would make a lot more sense, and could lead naturally into Batman being groomed as the Heir to the Demon's Head. Poison Ivy is far too supernatural for Nolan, and I don't see how he could switch up catwoman to make her both fresh and reallistic. Talia just makes for a more cohesive storyline.

Talia's also going to be less accesable to the general population. The movie was PG-13 for a reason: kids really want to see it, and they made up a substantial part of the audience. I look forward to how Nolan will deal with the problem of Talia being a low profile villain as far as general knowlege goes. To clarify, everybody recognises the Joker, because he's been almost as much of a part of the Batman culture as Batman himself, arguably, he HAS been as much a part of it. Not only that, but thus far in the Nolan batman series, the female characters have had far less character depth than the males. I'm sure he'll rise to the challenge, but I think Nolan will still have a hard time bringing in the numbers with the next movie that he did what TDK.

All that being said, what are your thoughts on "Watchmen"? I've read it, and thought it was one of the best books I've ever read, but I'm worried about it's transition to the silver screen.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#60 imaseoulman



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 08:43 AM

It takes a Batman movie to bring out the eloquent, well-spoken side in VACC rather than his normally gruff, ban-hammer wielding self. Who knew?

When has Vacc not been "well-spoken?" Even his one line rebuttles are cleverly crafted and quite witty. I mean, come on, the other day he used the word "hyperbole;" I bet few of you can pronounce that correctly, let alone grasp the meaning and use it correctly (without looking it up first). And no, this is not an attempt to "suck up" to the admin, but sincere comments of one who enjoys good writing. I often share Vacc's witticisms with my wife, who happens to have an english degree, and her only criticism is that Vacc ought not to make fun of people so much; they seem to take it so personally. But to me, that's the funniest part- that people can't tell the difference between Vacc's "pissed-off-get-off-my-forums" tone and his clever banter meant for his own and others' amusement.

Oh yeah, and not being at all familiar with the Batman comics and not having read Cannonball's lengthy post, I at first thought "Talia" was a poke at Talio.
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#61 VACC


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Posted 30 July 2008 - 09:31 AM

Talia's also going to be less accesable to the general population. The movie was PG-13 for a reason: kids really want to see it, and they made up a substantial part of the audience.

I see the point your making but I think you're overestimating the importance of familiarity. With the exceptions of Catwoman, and perhaps the Penguin, there aren't a whole lot of household name batman villains that Nolan can roll out in the pseudo-realistic universe he's created. None really, in terms of gimic recognition, that hold a candle to the Clowned Prince of Crime. If that was really a sticking point, a third film would be difficult to make at all. That said, I don't know that anyone without a little background knowledge of the comics (or at least the animated series) would have known who Ra's was before the first film either. I'd argue that anyone familiar enough with Ra's to get all the fanboy tossups in the first film would also know who Talia is. And yet, I think that's missing the point. If we truly believe that Goyer and Nolan's script for Dark Knight was not a fluke, we have to assume that they're talented enough to pull in a character as integral as Talia to a story they've already begun telling. Besides, this is a talented group of writers coming off potentially the biggest movie payday of all time. You don't have to worry about the next film selling.

As far as the PG-13 comment; well I'm rather befuddled. They just made a movie about a mass murdering psychopath who kills innocent bystanders for fun.....but you don't think they can have an attractive love interest? I'm clearly missing something here.

Sorry for the longwinded commentary. I'm one of those comic fans that takes what little he knows way too seriously. You're just luck the other horsemen aren't reading the forums.

Oh, and I appreciate the compliments seoulman. Please appologize to your wife concerning my jackassery. Honestly, I think most of the women in my life would be horrified by my behavior here. Unfortunately, I doubt it's gonna' stop any time soon. Inventing interesting ways to insult people is pretty much my primary source of amusement....which probably means I'm going to hell.

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#62 Ambience 327

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Posted 30 July 2008 - 11:01 AM

When has Vacc not been "well-spoken?"

I wasn't claiming that VACC was a knuckle-dragging, no-vocab brute who just shouted insults. I was merely saying that the tone and thought put into his writing in this thread is much different than the generally gruff, acquired-taste his tone & writing take on in most other threads - most likely brought on by his apparent passion for the subject matter. Note that I also continued a running joke between he and I - I hold no rancor against a guy who is as active in making sure his forums are clear of idiots and fools as VACC is - as it means we can go about our business with less stupid questions and repeated banter, while still enjoying a bit of fun at each others' expense when the time is right.

No harm, no foul though. I didn't take your post as an attack or anything - just stating my side of things for the benefit of those clever enough to avoid VACC's wrath, but who might have missed my subtle brand of humor in the post. It was apparently well received by its intended recipient, judging by his own response.

Don't worry VACC, I won't tell if you don't tell. :lol:

Edited by Ambience 327, 30 July 2008 - 11:02 AM.

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#63 zaphodB



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 06:24 PM

As far as the PG-13 comment; well I'm rather befuddled. They just made a movie about a mass murdering psychopath who kills innocent bystanders for fun.....but you don't think they can have an attractive love interest? I'm clearly missing something here.

I was mostly voicing my interest in the prospect of an interesting female character.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#64 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 12:45 PM

I agree that this was one of the best movies i have ever seen in my life
I hope them make a sequel
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I won't be there til about 1-2...

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#65 BoOogers



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 03:25 PM

I hope them make a sequel

Too bad Heath Ledger won't be back to play the Joker. He was frickin' awesome. It makes his death so much more depressing.

"My Dad was a bit of a drinker."

"Let's put a smile on that face!"

He was scary good.
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#66 zaphodB



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 05:55 PM

I agree. I went to the IMAX showing the other day, and let me tell you, if you haven't seen it on an IMAX screen, you haven't seen it the way it was meant to be seen. But that's actually beside the point. I also decided that I'd pay a little tribute to the late Heath Ledger.
Posted Image

Here's a little how to:

Materials you'll need.

*Prosthetic wax makeup. Mine was called "extra flesh"
*"Fixative A"
*A wig cap, if your hair is dark.
*A blond wig (or your hair if it's long enough. Mine isn't)
*Makeup: white, black, and green
*Red lipstick
*Makeup Sponges
*Detail Sponges
*Clothing of your choice.

Step 1. Wash your face very well. After it dries, apply the wax. Smooth it down with your fingers, and use vasoline to keep it from sticking where you don't want it.

Posted Image

Step 2. Brush "Fixative A" on to the wax. If you need the wig cap, put it on. My hair is dark enough that stray strands will stick out like a sore thumb, especially because it's curly.

Posted Image

Step 3. This is a tricky part. The white makeup needs to look like you've been wearing it for a while. Scrunch your face up and then dab the white on. That leaves the cracks where your face naturally crinkles. If you need more (I did) use something skinny to scrape paint away.

Posted Image

Step 4. This is pretty easy, just put the black on. If you can't get it close to your eye, get someone to help you out. Make sure they're trustworthy, makeup actually IN the eye doesn't feel too good.

Posted Image

Step 5. Add the wig and lips. Both were pretty tricky. The wig I used was really long, and I had to cut it, and then to get it stringy i dyed it with green and black facepaint. I'm still not happy with it, but it's passable now. I found that the lipstick smeared the wax around, so I ended up slopping it on with the handle of the detail sponge. I may just go with red facepaint next time anyway.

Posted Image

If you feel like your makeup needs to look extra shitted up, you could try the trick Heath's makeup artists used, but be warned, it will be messy. If you spritz water on your face, and them scrunch it around a lot, it'll start to look like you've been wearing it for days. My advice is to only use a tiny bit of water at a time. I personally haven't tried this technique, so I can't offer any more advice that that. Have fun

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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#67 Mxer4life369



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:43 PM

Guys, I loved this movie. Especially the Joker.
Also, when I saw it I didn't even go to the theater. I used this place called watch-movies.net. Not to advertise it or anything, but you can watch practically any movie out, even if it's still in theaters! It's all legal also.
Here's a link: http://watch-movies....he_dark_knight/
If you use this link, watch version #9. If you don't have firefox, download it, cause it's required, then, just delete it when you're done. But it's worth it, no skipping or buffering either!

You're welcome in advance,
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#68 NerfCrazy



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:51 PM

I am not trying to make you look bad or anything but I just started to go to that site and my virus protection said it was a dangerous website and it prevented me from hacking/viruses. Not sure if it is just my virus protection but I wanted to put that out there.

Edited by NerfCrazy, 02 August 2008 - 07:52 PM.

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#69 Mr Tubb

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:52 PM

Guys, I loved this movie. Especially the Joker.
Also, when I saw it I didn't even go to the theater. I used this place called watch-movies.net. Not to advertise it or anything, but you can watch practically any movie out, even if it's still in theaters! It's all legal also.
Here's a link: http://watch-movies....he_dark_knight/
If you use this link, watch version #9. If you don't have firefox, download it, cause it's required, then, just delete it when you're done. But it's worth it, no skipping or buffering either!

You're welcome in advance,

I already saw the movie before you posted that link, but thanks! If this topic were old, that would well be worth the necro in my opinion.


They have Iron Man!!!

Edited by Mr. Tubb, 02 August 2008 - 07:58 PM.

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#70 Mxer4life369



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:55 PM

I have virus protection also, and it's never done that to me, and I have been using the site for months now, and perform regular virus scans, and I havent had any viruses since. So I don't know what's wrong with your computer.

EDIT: Mr Tubb, you're welcome.

Edited by Mxer4life369, 02 August 2008 - 07:56 PM.

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#71 NerfCrazy



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 08:09 PM

I have micro PC-Cillin and it alerts you about a lot. Good to hear there are no problems so all of you who use it be happy.
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#72 Mxer4life369



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 08:14 PM

Hopefully no-one gets a virus, and if anyone does, I am sorry. But it hasn't done anything to my comp. so I don't see why it would to anyone else.
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#73 zaphodB



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 09:39 PM

Way to draw all kinds of attention away from my work, you big stinky jerkface.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#74 Mxer4life369



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 10:36 PM

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#75 Poseidon



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Posted 03 August 2008 - 10:05 AM

One of the things I thought they never really tied up in the movie was the whole thing with Scarecrow. I mean, it shows him in the beginning with that silly bag of his over his head but it never really showed whether he got caught or anything so I thought he was just going to show up later in the movie... but he didn't. What's up with that?
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Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.
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